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Free Summer Cookout in Norwalk

Here at CT Support Group, we decide to make our August Monthly Antics a back to school cookout for teens and young adults. Part of our SMART Recovery Group is that we do an event every month for teens and young adults in the community and we call it our Monthly Antics. These past months we have done escape rooms and painting classes. If you want to be a part of our Norwalk Teen SMART Recovery Group, check out this page. If you want to see more you can check out our social media pages.

This cookout is a fun event where high school teens can come blow off some steam before the incoming school year. There will be a bunch of fun activities for teens to participate in. It’s a great way to have a lot of fun before the school year starts. We know that there is a lot of stress and anxiety that comes with school. So we decided to have this so you could start the school year off with a bang!

If you want to attend this event, respond to the forum post here.

If you want to help us with this event, please spread the word. Share this on your social media, and/or reach out to us.

This cookout is going to be Saturday, August 31st at Shady Beach in Norwalk, CT from 12-3 pm.

We hope to see you there!!

The Legalize Marijuana Podcast

Do YOU think marijuana should be legalized here in CT??

Keeping up with CTSupportGroup.org is always an easy thing but to make it even easier, we’re bringing the conversation straight to you! Check out a few of our young adults as we sit down and discuss today’s hot topics in our new podcast series! Every month you can be sure to hear something new and interesting from a few people just like you and even from some special guest.

It’s not everyday that we get to chill and weigh on what’s going on in social media, our culture or around the state, so make sure to catch us!

Here’s our very first episode featuring Rai, Ally, Kevin, Sydney and Lauren talking about legalizing marijuana. And tell us what you think on our forum discussion here  !


There’s no wrong or right answer, all opinions are welcome. 🙂

Sex addiction – Need advice!

Hey!! I desperately need help. Please don’t judge me wrong.

I have been hooked to chatting with men online. I started it when I was lonely but later on, I found it very much interesting. I have been in 3 or 4 online relationships. We used to call at night and ends up with sex. I have found myself addicted to sex and I think I should undergo sex addiction treatment.

I have a boyfriend and he doesn’t know about my online relationships. I feel guilt over the situation but I’m not so happy with the sex life of my boyfriend and me. He tries his best to satisfy me in bed but is unable to do so. I can’t let him know that I’m addicted to sex. So I’m looking for sex addiction help from a clinic in Vancouver. Is anyone here with a similar situation? How did you overcome your addiction?