Here at CT Support Group, we decide to make our August Monthly Antics a back to school cookout for teens and young adults. Part of our SMART Recovery Group is that we do an event every month for teens and young adults in the community and we call it our Monthly Antics. These past months we have done escape rooms and painting classes. If you want to be a part of our Norwalk Teen SMART Recovery Group, check out this page. If you want to see more you can check out our social media pages.
This cookout is a fun event where high school teens can come blow off some steam before the incoming school year. There will be a bunch of fun activities for teens to participate in. It’s a great way to have a lot of fun before the school year starts. We know that there is a lot of stress and anxiety that comes with school. So we decided to have this so you could start the school year off with a bang!
If you want to attend this event, respond to the forum post here.
If you want to help us with this event, please spread the word. Share this on your social media, and/or reach out to us.
This cookout is going to be Saturday, August 31st at Shady Beach in Norwalk, CT from 12-3 pm.
We hope to see you there!!