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Rock Your Socks Off For World Down Syndrome Day!


We celebrate World Down Syndrome Day every year on March 21. We celebrate this day on the 21st day of March because it symbolizes the individuality of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which is what causes Down syndrome. This day is to create awareness of Down Syndrome and praise those who are living with Down’s every day.

Today we raise public awareness to create a unified global voice that advocates for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down’s. Now, I know you’re wondering why I said Rock Your Socks Off for this special day and there’s a reason for that. You can celebrate today by wearing your brightest, craziest and most colorful mismatched socks!

Your crazy socks will start wonderfully beautiful conversations about Down Syndrome. They are meant to remind people that it’s okay to be a little different. Everyone has their own different colorful and unique abilities. Those abilities deserve to be recognized and talked about. So, if you’ve got em, please rock em!

To brighten your day, enjoy the cutest carpool karaoke below!

Want more information about World Down Syndrome Day? Check out their website here! 🙂

A lot of children and young adults with disabilities often struggle with sensory overload. You can read Kailey’s post What is Sensory Overload? right here on CTSupportGroup.org!