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Summer Mental Health Maintenance

Welcome to summer! When we think of summer we often think about having a break and being able to relax from the pressure of daily life. Although that is true, it has also been found that cortisol, our stress hormone, is higher in the summer months than in the winter months. In the summer our daily schedules often change in addition to the added stressor of heat. This is why it is crucial to maintain our mental health in the summer months, and here are some ways that you can do that!

1. Exercise

Exercising is so important not only for physical health, but also for mental health too. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make such a large impact on stress and overall well being. The best exercises to do to lower cortisol levels are low impact workouts like walking, pilates, and yoga.

2. Go Outside

The best part of the summer is that we can finally get outside after being indoors in the winter. Being in green spaces greatly helps in lowering cortisol levels which is why it is so important to be in nature. A great activity to do is taking a walk in a park or on a trail which will really help in relaxing and decompressing.

3. Sleep

Summer is a great time to catch up on sleep because of the change in daily schedule and not having to wake up early for school. Not only does getting 7-9 hours of sleep lower cortisol levels, but creating an atmosphere and time to wind down before bed is crucial in lowering stress levels. The best way to do this is to limit screen time before bed and wind down by reading a book or doing self care activities like skin care and warm baths.

4. Do Things That Make You Happy

Having free time in the summer gives us an opportunity to do the different things that we can get too busy to do during the year. Spending time with friends and family, playing games, going on adventures, etc, all help in reducing stress and filling our days with fun rather than work.

5. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a great way to reduce cortisol levels and manage everyday stressors. There are many different ways to practice mindfulness like journaling, mediation, and more. There are guided meditations online and on music platforms like Spotify and Apple music. If guided meditation is not for you, deep breathing is always a good practice that you can do anywhere at any time. A popular deep breathing exercise is 4-7-8 in which you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 8 seconds.

6. Seek Professional Help If You Need

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or need to talk to someone, consider seeking professional help. Professionals will be able to help with navigating stressful situations and giving different techniques to help you manage whatever you are struggling with.

– Alexa S.

Stay Active In The Summer!

Summer is one of the best seasons to stay active in! The weather’s great, there’s a little more free time for some of us and it’s just an overall great time to really get out there and adventure! There’s a huge variety of activities that you can do in the summertime! With that being said, I’d love to share some of my favorite summer activities. Some of my favorite activities during this season are hiking, swimming and just really getting out to explore.

Let’s start with hiking. In the last couple of years, I really got into hiking. It kept me active in so many ways and I loved every bit of it. Hiking in the summer can being a little bit crazy because it can get pretty hot and uncomfortable if you don’t dress properly. Through hiking, I’ve seen so many beautiful views and I can’t wait to see more. It’s also helped me to maintain my weight and keep a clear headspace.

Now, swimming is an obvious summer activity! I mean, come on, all the beaches are open and the weather’s amazing. You just can’t pass it up! I mean the water is refreshing on your skin and nothing beats beach hair. Swimming is also a really great way to keep your heartrate up while also improving the strength of your lungs. It’s also a really great way to relieve any stress that you may be having.

Getting out, staying active and exploring in the sun can do wonders for your mental health too! Did you know spending time in the sun helps your body produce more melatonin at night? Producing more melatonin allows you to sleep better and even feel better as a whole. Give it a try if you haven’t!

Check out Smithsonian Magazine’s article How Exercise Boosts the Brain and Improves Mental Health right on their website!

Read Kailey’s post Adventuring Alone here on CTSupportGroup.org to see how her adventures are keeping her active!

Your Body Is A Summer Body

I have no doubt that you’ve heard the phrase “summer body”. To most, a “summer body” is a skinny and well-toned body but I’m here to remind you that’s not true. All bodies are summer bodies but we’ve allowed the world around us to dictate what we should look like so we don’t always feel that way.

We can’t keep letting our culture decide whether or not our bodies are ready for the summer. We have grown up in a world where we believe that we aren’t beautiful simply because we’re not thin and don’t wear bikinis to show it all off. I’m here to tell you that that has to stop. Your body IS a summer body!

No worries if you’re still learning to love your body, it took me some time too. When I was overweight, I used to hate the summertime. I couldn’t wear what I wanted because I was so worried about what everyone else had to say. I didn’t have a summer body, so why was I going to show it off in a bikini? That’s the thing. I wasn’t. I let society bully me into believing that my body wasn’t good enough for the summer.

Eventually, I didn’t care anymore. I realized that my body could be a summer body if I wanted it to! I was overweight still but I’d finally decided to buy my first two piece bathing suit. Let me tell you, that was an emotional roller coaster. I was so happy to be wearing something that I felt confident in. For a moment, I thought to myself, why did I ever let someone tell me what I can look like for the summer. I mean, seriously? Why should we let someone else determine what we should look like in the summer, let alone any other season? Truth is, we shouldn’t. It’s not for the world to decide.

So, next time you’re wondering whether your body’s ready for summer, just say yes. It’s not anyone else’s choice to decide what your body should look like or what you should wear. You wanna wear a two piece? Do it. I bet you’ll great. Crop top and shorts but your pudge is showing? Who cares! It’s not their body. Do more of what makes you happy!

Check out SELF’s post Can We All Just Stop With Summer ‘Body Goals’? 🙂

Check out our podcast Body Image Struggles to hear about body image struggles and tips for dealing with negative self-talk!

Summer Self-Care Matters Too!

blue illustrated hello summer facebook post

School’s out and summer is in full swing! Everyone’s so focused on having fun and going out that they forget to take care of themselves. I’m here to remind you that summer self-care is just as important as your regular routine!

I know that taking care of yourself probably isn’t your first thought during the summer but it really should be. I mean, don’t you want to feel good while you’re out doing doing fun things? The answer should be yes. Summer is the best time for self-care, the weather’s warm and there are so many things you can do to take care of yourself.

When I was younger, I didn’t care much about taking care of myself during the summertime, I just wanted to have fun. Now that I’m older, I know how important self-care is especially in the summer. I was going out with friends and going on vacation but it didn’t feel right because I wasn’t feeling good mentally or physically. I did those things anyways because I didn’t want it to keep me from the fun.

Having fun is great but so is feeling mentally and physically good, that’s why you can’t give up your self-care routine just because it’s summertime. Before you go out and do all those fun summer activities, make sure that you take the time to check-in with yourself.

Check out 15 Activities for Your Summer Self-Care Checklist from Mental Health First Aid for some self-care tips for the season!

Read Kailey’s post Getting Out In Nature Is My Self-Care right here on CTSupportGroup.org as I’m sure she’ll be in nature all summer!

Free Summer Cookout in Norwalk

Here at CT Support Group, we decide to make our August Monthly Antics a back to school cookout for teens and young adults. Part of our SMART Recovery Group is that we do an event every month for teens and young adults in the community and we call it our Monthly Antics. These past months we have done escape rooms and painting classes. If you want to be a part of our Norwalk Teen SMART Recovery Group, check out this page. If you want to see more you can check out our social media pages.

This cookout is a fun event where high school teens can come blow off some steam before the incoming school year. There will be a bunch of fun activities for teens to participate in. It’s a great way to have a lot of fun before the school year starts. We know that there is a lot of stress and anxiety that comes with school. So we decided to have this so you could start the school year off with a bang!

If you want to attend this event, respond to the forum post here.

If you want to help us with this event, please spread the word. Share this on your social media, and/or reach out to us.

This cookout is going to be Saturday, August 31st at Shady Beach in Norwalk, CT from 12-3 pm.

We hope to see you there!!

Vaping Podcast


In this podcast we spoke about vaping and smoking. All of us are in high school, some of us just finished our freshman year and Nahjeera is is graduating this year.

Emma, Adrianna and Nahjeera all vape, but Cindy doesn’t and really does not like smoking.

We all talked about why we vape, and when we started. Some of us were in middle school when we started, and others tried it and then stopped for a while.

We spent a lot of time talking about why people vape, including our friends. Vapes come in a ton of flavors, and a lot of us only do it for the taste, or because friends suggested it for stress. Eliza lead us in a conversation about why our friends like to vape, and if we want to stop.

our views on vaping and smoking,why we smoked and why don’t.

Some people smoke because of popularity or  as a coping mechanism. We also talked about how advertising makes people smoke more, and why some of us wouldn’t try certain flavors, like tobacco.

A lot of our friends in high school vape, and we talked about how addictive it is and if we think we are addicted.

We all talked about how we would quit if we ever decided to, and how we could help our friends quit if they asked us for help.

If you have ever vaped and want help, or just want to hear about it from the perspective of a high school, then check out our first summer podcast!



A few months ago, Eliza and Diamond (our SMART group facilitators!) were at one of our high schools, talking about vaping during lunch. To check out what that was like, click here. 


This podcast also appears in our media room, here.


TurningPointCT ice cream social

Check out this photo from last summer when folks in the Stamford area got together to celebrate our design award! Warm weather, yeah!!