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Free Summer Cookout in Norwalk

Here at CT Support Group, we decide to make our August Monthly Antics a back to school cookout for teens and young adults. Part of our SMART Recovery Group is that we do an event every month for teens and young adults in the community and we call it our Monthly Antics. These past months we have done escape rooms and painting classes. If you want to be a part of our Norwalk Teen SMART Recovery Group, check out this page. If you want to see more you can check out our social media pages.

This cookout is a fun event where high school teens can come blow off some steam before the incoming school year. There will be a bunch of fun activities for teens to participate in. It’s a great way to have a lot of fun before the school year starts. We know that there is a lot of stress and anxiety that comes with school. So we decided to have this so you could start the school year off with a bang!

If you want to attend this event, respond to the forum post here.

If you want to help us with this event, please spread the word. Share this on your social media, and/or reach out to us.

This cookout is going to be Saturday, August 31st at Shady Beach in Norwalk, CT from 12-3 pm.

We hope to see you there!!

2019 Annual Run in the Pub Fundraiser to benefit CTSupportGroup.org!

Hi guys! I have something exciting to share with you guys!
On July 20th (a week from Saturday!!) from 11-4 there will be a fundraiser at O’Neill’s Irish Pub and Restaurant in Norwalk, CT. That fundraiser will benefit us!

Jimmy Booth (a very active and caring Norwalk local) has held this fundraiser for 8 years. This year he will support CTSupportGroup.org!! Amazing, right?!
We are so excited.

Jimmy will be at the pub with some supporters running a marathon on a treadmill. This is all to raise awareness for young people’s mental health! There’s also going to be a raffle and 15% of the proceeds from all food and drinks bought that day will go towards our fundraising!!
That means if you are near Norwalk and want to support us, there are many ways to do it (even it just means buying some food).
I hope some of you can come and help us spread the word!!

Check out the event on eventbrite or facebook!

GSA Summit






The Internet is the best, It’s UNDEFEATED

I have such a love hate relationship with the internet… only b/c of the positive and negative things that come with the territory. But just like anything in this world, with the good, comes the bad… good vs evil right? Anyways, I do love it for the comedy and humor that i’ve stumbled across. I’m talkin flat out hilarious! People come up with such creative, innovative and pure funny things and it’s hard to not indulge. I’m so impressed.

Thanksgiving is approaching and just like with any holiday, people are excited, preparing for its coming. Now I dont know if you know, but to Black people… Thanksgiving is probably one of the more important holidays. Just like for every other person who celebrates it, it’s about the food and family time but for us, it’s about the action, drama and comedy that we will witness! Every Thanksgiving, something happens when you bring all of those people you haven’t seen together all year. It’s always been so big in our culture so every time we prepare it, you can expect something ridiculously entertaining to fall on to your timeline that hits home of course.

Last year, it was the Thanksgiving memes about the common instances and interactions that happen more often than not, in Black households (#thanksgivingwithblackfamilies). Pure jokes about situations that most of us can totally relate to… then a hilarious picture gets added to it for dramatic effect.

Just like last year, something magical has happened. Someone dug up an old video of Gospel artist and legend, Shirley Caesar’s “Hold My Mule” performance/preaching at a huge Church and my oh my, it has been nothing short of incredible. An amazing person had the idea to remix one specific part of the song and since then, social media has been in an uproar. I’ve heard the remix on the radio already, I’ve played it in my car about 6 times already, blasted it at home, watched celebrities create their own versions and dances and have shared the video with pretty much everyone that I’ve come in contact with. I am SO IMPRESSED. The remix is nothing short of a TURN UP song & will forever go down in history as a Thanksgiving classic. It’s no become the #Unameitchallenge … I dont know about you.. but I got “beans, greens, tomatoes, potatoes…”


Im working on mine now! Such a great day to get in the spirit and to enjoy something so good spirited. I just love it. To watch something so classic be recreated is so beautiful to me. I can already see my family now with their huge Thanksgiving plates in hand jammin out to this. LOL