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I have struggled with the loss of my father, he passed away on February 14, 2014; two days before my son was born. It became too much the day he passed.
A phone call, and from all my family. Although, my siblings and my mother needed me just as much, so family was everything and still is.
Not a day went by that I thought things could get better, some days other than most, as I came to realize that things would have been much better had he still been here.
My life is just like my father’s. Everyday I try to keep my family on my mind and do what my father did for me. After two years of his passing, I will be having my second child, a little baby girl, the thing I have accomplished was becoming a father when I lost mine.
Don’t ever blame yourself for anything that you could not control. Nothing is your fault if you didn’t break it through your hands or if you try to help the person and there was still nothing that could prevent it. IT IS NEVER YOUR FAULT!!!
I have struggled with the loss of my father, he passed away on February 14, 2014; two days before my son was born.
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