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When I was in elementary school I always had trouble controlling my emotions and was always scared. In 2nd grade I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety and adhd.
I went to a private therapist weekly but I hated her and it didn’t help that much . I was put on multiple medications but found my true medications that work in 4th grade. On top of medications I use praying as a tool to help my anxiety .
My first strong year with my bipolar was fifth grade. My anxiety has gotten worse since then and same with my adhd but the way I learned to control it was in 8th grade I went on a retreat and it helped me connect with my inner self and helped me have faith it was gonna be ok
I’ve recently gotten over many of my huge fears such as staying home alone and going to the movies. I still am scared of speaking in class but do it everyday , I still get scared when I hear a noise at home and am very scared of losing someone I love . Other than that I’m doing really well and am very happy. I’m doing a sport I love and doing good in school! I have friends and most people don’t even know about my struggles! I’m a strong girl.
Stay strong it will get better! You can get over your fears , I thought I couldn’t until one day I did it. Also you can make friends and if you feel like no one likes you I promise someone does !
Stay strong it will get better! You can get over your fears, I thought I couldn't until one day I did it.
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