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What is SMART Recovery?
SMART Recovery groups are a great FREE option to get support from your peers, learn coping skills, and take control of your life to make healthy changes. Through the ASSERT Program, the State of Connecticut has funded SMART Recovery groups for teens and young adults across Connecticut, as well as SMART Family & Friends.
Download an Info Sheet About SMART Recovery in CT
40 second PSA video explaining SMART Recovery
Is SMART Recovery for me?
If you or a loved one is struggling to manage unhealthy behaviors like alcohol or drug misuse, self-harm, anger, gambling, anxiety, and eating disorders, SMART Recovery could be for you!
SMART Recovery gives you support and skills to:
- BUILD motivation
- COPE with urges
- MANAGE your thoughts and behaviors
- LEAD a balanced life
- COPE with a loved one who is struggling
- CONNECT your loved one to help
How do I find a meeting?
Find the times and locations of SMART Recovery groups all over Connecticut on our Resource Map by using the menu above or by clicking HERE!
The CTSupportGroup.org Resource Map was made by a team of young people across the state to develop a map of social, recreational, and clinical resources for young people around the state. Now it’s your turn! Please add in clubs, hangouts, youth groups, or whatever resources you think everyone should know about! You can also find programs and services you’ve used and give your rating or add comments.
As a bonus, the national SMARTRecovery.com network hosts groups across the United States everyday. If the times and locations of the Connecticut groups don’t fit into your schedule you can join one from anywhere in the US, click here for more info.
Learn more about SMART Family & Friends from a from a facilitator in Fairfield, CT.
Obtenga más información sobre SMART Family & Friends de un facilitador en Fairfield, CT.
Check out this short 25 min. film centered around a young photographer struggling with addiction who is introduced to the principles of SMART Recovery. This film highlights the structure of SMART Recovery groups & how SMART tools can be used to make changes.