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for some of us we have been lucky in keeping our jobs and having the ability to work from home during this pandemic. what has the change been like for everyone? are you enjoying it more or are you disliking it and finding it difficult? personally for me the first couple of weeks were very difficult trying to differentiate work time and free time while in my own house. I have worked finding a setup that keeps me comfortable and helps me get into a focused work mindset. how about yall?
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working on the Daily flow broadcast presented by Join Rise Be has gave me some much needed assistance and help in giving me a outlet to my emotions.
this has been a good week as far as working from home goes. its been really helpful to be able to open up the windows and let the breeze in!
with the weather so nice out its been lovely to sit in the back and do work or keep the windows open and work in my room. it has really helped
working from home is really fun and gives me maximum flexibility and comfortability while excelling.