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In May, I moved out of my parents’ house. The holidays, up until now, haven’t seemed like a huge deal because typically we all get together for a holiday party. Christmas though is going to be very different for me this year. It’s going to be really weird not waking up in my parents’ house on Christmas morning. Now that might seem weird because I am 24 years old, but the reason why it will be so weird is because I have a 9-year-old sister. Santa still comes to my parents’ house.
Christmas is always so much fun when you have a kid around. You get to see the excitement they have for the holiday all month long. There are the visits to Santa, decorating the tree, making Christmas cookies, decorating a gingerbread house, and of course waking up at the ass crack of dawn to see what Santa brought.
While it’s so exciting that this is my first Christmas in my own home with my boyfriend, it also breaks my heart that my sister won’t be able to excitedly wake me up in the morning to open everything Santa brought. I won’t be there when she finds the half-eaten cookies and empty glass of milk. I won’t be there when she first reads the letter from Santa. It will also probably be really weird for her because now that my brother and I are both in our own houses. She is basically an only child now.
But as I said earlier, it is really exciting that this is my first Christmas in my home with my boyfriend. We went out and got our tree and I even ordered us a special ornament that has us and our three cats on it. Getting to decorate the house is awesome and exciting. Christmas morning I’ll get to wake up with my boyfriend and our three cats and that in itself is a gift.
This year is going to be a Christmas where I establish new traditions. We haven’t decided a plan yet for what Christmas Day will look like with my family. I’m hoping to go to my parents in the morning to watch my sister open her gifts from Santa. But, that’s assuming she can wait! Maybe I’ll invite my family over for Christmas Eve. It’s so weird being an adult and having the ability to host things like holidays if I want to!
No matter what Christmas ends up looking like this year, I am sure it is going to be a great holiday!
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My son is 23 and him and his gf moved out in may also! They will join us xmas morning though to keep up traditions