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The United Nations General Assembly held the first United Nations conference on Happiness. There they decided that we would celebrate the UN International Day of Happiness on March 20. It was celebrated officially for the first time in 2013!
The world is facing many extraordinary challenges. So, our wellbeing and happiness matters now more than ever. We have to take care of ourselves and each other. When we help others, we have the opportunity to set an example of kindness that will grow throughout the world.
We can improve the lives of human beings around the world in many ways. First and foremost, we can start by recognizing the importance of happiness and well-being as a universal goal and aspiration. Your happiness is an important part of taking care of yourself. Feeling unhappy isn’t something that you should just put up with because your happiness must be a priority.
I used to think that making everyone else happy was important so how I was feeling wasn’t really a big deal. Let me tell you how wrong I was about that one because it absolutely isn’t true. People-pleasing is so exhausting because while we are busy taking care of everyone else, we forget to take care of our own needs. What you need is important too, don’t forget that!
Always remember that YOU and your are a priority too. I know it can be difficult to put yourself first but you have to. If you forget to take care of yourself, you’ll start to drown and I don’t want that for you. So when you are thinking about how you can celebrate the International Day of Happiness, think about taking the day to take care of yourself.
Want to learn more on the International Day of Happiness? Check out their website here!
Be sure to check out Kailey’s video What Makes You Happy? right here on our website!
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