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Hey guy! We are nearing that time… Summer!!
How do you guys feel about summer? Do you like it, hate it? Is it hard to not be in school with a bunch of people you know and see every day? Do you ever feel triggered to go out and about?
I am so excited to finally have time to socialize a bit more and do some fun things with Willow. It’s been a long dark winter! And school has been so overwhelming.. I can’t wait for it to be over
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I am soooo looking forward to longer nights, more adventures, swimming and sun tans, lots of baseball, BBQs, and making more memories! I love that even though I will be taking two classes, it will only be for the first 3 weeks of summer and then I get to go to Florida right before the semester starts back up again. I’m so excited! 🙂
I don’t understand why but I am most depressed in the summer. Extreme temperatures just bring my mood down. I just wish for the days to go by faster and to not have to be here, really.
summer has been such a anomaly for me i used to love the summer growing up and going to the beaches and staying out really late. the past 10 years or so i have been really sheltered during the summer and hated the heat and just being out and getting sweaty. the past three years i have tried to reverse that and embrace the summer, which has been hard because the last three summers have been littered with health issues and anxiety attacks. last year was a little better i was able to go to the beach a lot more and enjoy the outdoors and as weird as it sounds the sweating and getting really hot. i even went out to the beach with friends and did more activities with friends and made real positive strides. although i don’t feel comfortable going to beaches yet hopefully ill go one day this summer and be able to meet with friends again! this is just another challenge during summer for me and im ready to overcome it.
Especially during COVID, Summer’s awesome weather almost makes you feel trapped inside all the more. I try to go out when I can, but I hate being stuck inside sometimes. Wish I could see people in person without worrying about social distancing