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Definitely the highlight of the Oscars last night for me. We all feel weird sometimes. Out of place. But Graham Moore is a perfect example of this feeling passing. He reminded me that my struggles don’t have to define my success. We can all find our place in the world, you just have to stick it out. Stay strong and remember that you belong.
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I LOVED THIS. Usually with the speeches when accepting an award you get used to the long thank yous and the expected cut off by the music. But Graham Moore made his time count. I was totally comparing myself to all the perfect women on the red carpet, but he reminded me that being different doesn’t mean I am less than. His honesty was soo refreshing and I can relate soo much.
I agree. It was the highlight of the Oscars 2015.
His speech was amazing! Since then, I have realized that I am who I am and Im completely fine with that.
Differences are so hard to get use to but that’s the beauty in it all. Growing to appreciate everyone for the very differences they have is whats going to better this world.
So I was reading one of the stories and immediately thought about my individuality and my life. I shared similar situations that were shared and completely understood where she was coming from. It felt so good to read through and connect.
Im still coming to terms with the fact that its ok to be different and that not everyone is meant to be the same. Its all about embracing who you are and in the journey of figuring things out, accepting my own truth and living through it.
So in Audrey O’s story, she shared her experiences of being the new kid and how what started as something great, ended up being something hard for her to deal with. She struggled with being bullied and speaking up against it, using her laughs and smiles to cover it up the pain she felt. Audrey O’s way of handling things and being different was taken advantage of and people, including her own friends, were not understanding of her feelings.
Yeah that story was pretty dope. I feel like so many people are bullied for the the very things that make them unique and its pretty annoying. When i read Audrey’s story after reading your post and your comment on the beauty in our differences, i thought about something that i came across on my trip to Canada this past weekend .. there was a youth festival and there were all types of people, performers.. products.. just a bunch of everything in the middle of Toronto. there was a performer telling a story through her poetry and i realized how important story telling has been in helping me to figure out who i am.
Through stories, ive connected with so many people… at work, at school and on train rides. It’s honestly what connects us in this world.. all of our differences and experiences told through our words is just really amazing to me.. but anyways, since i work in the mental health world, i just had to check out this website i came across while on my trip and there was a blog that i just loveeeed. It touched base on the power of story telling and how powerful it can be.. while its coming from the LGBTQ community, i felt it could be applied to everyone.
Share your story and your experiences.. after all, what are they worth if you never talk about it.
Heres the link : http://www.jack.org/blog/stigma-and-power-storytelling-7-stories-lgbtq-community