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I was just sitting here thinking about life and realized my life is like a recipe. We search for the ingredients to make the perfect recipe and a great outcome, right? Reminds me of life. Everyday i feel like we search for the right quantity of something, such as love, work or social encounters. Once we realize how much we can take or give, that’s what we stick to. just like when Martha Stuart or Betty Crocker has the perfect measurements for chocolate chip cookies or chicken pot pie… LIFE=RECIPE.
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Hi Torry,
What a cute analogy! I love this! You should know I am a huge Martha Stewart fan… Right now it seems my life is heavier on the work end. But as you said, its all about the measurements! 🙂
That’s a great way of putting it! Definitely something for me to think about now.
I think my life is like a recipe too just because is so many things to do like wake up every morning do what you got have to do every day is basically a routine like a recipe you just have to do it. lol