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Having been through a number of negative situations throughout my life, I’ve always had my guard up fearing that the worst thing possible would always happen in situations because most often that’s what did. Many times we get so used to a routine and repetition that when something good comes into our lives we rather run from it than take a small leap of faith and try to go with the current. Recently, I was faced with having to make a decision that made me think twice before coming to a conclusion. I found myself doubting my pending choice because of my past experiences, treating every single person as a whole, putting up warning signs where there weren’t any. Sometimes taking a risk is worth it, because if you don’t, you miss out on so many opportunities of meeting great people, doing so many fun things, and going on new adventures.
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I like your thoughts Luz!
Unfortunate experiences in the past can be really damaging…I’ve had experiences where all of a sudden everything is so good, it seems unreal.
And then I go back to those bad moments… as though they never end.
Its ‘this thing called life’, its full of surprises… you can only hope for the best.