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Currently, I’m working 2 jobs and it has been DURING THE pandemic. The 2 jobs I work are as an Assistant Director for Before and After school Childcare, and working for Advocacy Unlimited as a Warmline Operator and member of Join Rise BE. I’m 26 years old, and have been working since I graduated highschool. That has always been with kids. Recently I have been employed through Advocacy Unlimited. I did alot of work with them on the side, attending different conferences and events. Forming those relationships and getting to know AU as well as them getting to know me has been quintessential. I have definitely learned a lot from working 2 jobs at the same time. It has been eyeopening. They are both doing something I love. Not many people can say they have a job that they enjoy working and look forward every day going to work. There is definitely a balance. It has brought so much insight in many ways. One of the biggest things is weighing out the pros and cons. I am able to fit both jobs into my schedule for the most part without any conflict regarding the days and hours. I have incredible supportive awesome supervisors for both jobs. They have been accommodating to both. I am blessed with that as well. Also pay and finances come into play, and I have to pay bills and put food on the table. Now here is where I go further in depth about this. Working for Advocacy Unlimited is definitely where I want to be. Its what I want to do for a career. My coworkers are absolutely awesome. We all have the same vision and goal. I love to make a difference and help others. And being able to use my experiences with mental health to help educate other people. They also pay more. But I work more hours a week working for the YMCA. Working for the YMCA As an assistant Director at an elementary school is a temporary job Also, I have my own apartment, and am pretty much self sufficient and independent. The only piece I am missing is a car. And working 2 jobs is helping me achieve that goal to purchase a car and I almost have my license. Also working with Kids was the foundation and platform that started a working career and resume to build upon. I have done such an incredible job in the childcare field. I learned so many valuable things, and the experience for 7 years was a big deal. However, its not a career I see myself doing and going to college for. Also growth and change can be uncomfortable. It is for everyone. When it comes to mental health and work, it is such a beneficial factor that you are happy and enjoy what you do. I am happy doing both, but more so working with Advocacy Unlimited. I want to transition there full time when I know I can be financially stable and transition from the childcare job to just be working with AU. I know I have to be disciplined and patient for that time to come. Even though the job I have working with kids isn’t the same as it once was, I just cant jump ship right away. There are many aspects that come into play. Having to balance the logistics of “adulting” and taking care of everything in that perspective is important. Making sure you are taking care of yourself. You can juggle both jobs and making the schedule work. Make sure you are not getting stressed out. Finally, as you go through the motions, weigh out what is most beneficial and not. It all comes full circle so that you are healthy and happy overall!
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@Fettatron I loved hearing about how you are balancing two demanding jobs at the same time also during a global pandemic. Thank you so much for sharing!! It’s awesome to hear that everything has been going well for you. You should be so proud of all the work and success you’ve accomplished 🙂 I really admire your drive and determination in pursuing your goals. I am also saving for a car so you’re inspiring me! I would love to hear more about what it’s like to be a Warmline Operator during such a unique and stressful situation. Let me know if you and small group of other Warmline Operators want to virtually get together to make a podcast about the AU Warmline and the amazing work you guys are doing there!
@Ella Moore Thank you so much! 🙂 Its definitely tiring at times, but the reward is definitely worth it. As helpful as the financial aspect has been, helping others in so many ways is the real reward! The drive, determination, and motivation is something I will never lose. I really admire the drive, commitment and contributions with what you have done on Turning Point! So many creative ideas. The initiative of new content. Its incredible. It inspires me to get back into creative writing/poetry/spoken word. It Would be amazing for Turning Point and AU/JRB to collaborate! Would be awesome to have you on board! 🙂