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Personally I think that everyone should be concerned when something like this happens. I empathize with Candice about what she has been experiencing the locker rooms. No one should have to endure what she has. I wouldn’t imagine however, that as soon as this news it’s the entire gay community’s fault. When did we get this shortsighted and prejudice, oh wait… we always have been. Hearing Candice speaks her mind is all us, she has a right to and she deserves our warmth. Whatever is happening on her team is hiwever, not the LGBT community’s fault. That’s the misinformation that has followed this news and it breaks my heart that we have come so far but we are still trapped (too many of us) in willful ignorance. I hope she gets the help she needs to be more comfortable as she pursues her career, but I hope the media stop giving the bait to the cisgender, straight, white men who like belittle the gay community. For a healthy read, I encourage you to stay open minded as you read the article itself, included here:
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I too empathize for her however you are right, it is not the LGBT community’s fault. The news loves to find a perpetrator and a victim. However this can cause an abundance of misinformation in the news along with biases and ill-representations. Anyone should be able to pursue whatever career they wish without having to upkeep any kind of stereotype or “typical” demeanor along with it. Just because there is one bully in a class doesn’t mean the whole class is full of bullies, as much as it should be stopped and bystanders need to step in. Great article!