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I’ve been having a difficult time with work lately. I have 3 jobs, and I feel very stagnant in all of them. I prefer a work environment where there is plenty to do, and I don’t have to sit around and make up new things to do because there is already enough to do for my scheduled shift. A lot of people don’t seem to like constant work and enjoy the kind of flexibility and freedom that I have, but I find it overwhelming and useless. I don’t have a real sense of accomplishment anymore since the jobs stagnated, and what things I do get done simply don’t fill my shift. When there is solid, concrete work with a beginning and end to do, I’m more than happy to do it, it’s just open-ended work that bothers me. I used to really enjoy my work, but now that I need more hours and money, I’d rather do something that feels, well, real. I’d like to show up to an 8hr shift and really have 8 hours of work to do.
If I didn’t feel so connected to the work I’m already doing, I’d look for something new, maybe even go to school for something specific, but I’m already very invested in these endeavours – I wish I knew what I wanted to do.
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I totally know that feeling you get when you finish a task, and you get that feeling of accomplishment kinda wash over you. It’s really hard when you lose that feeling for a while. What I try to do when those big questions loom of.. What do I really want to do? I have been trying to focus on the little things I do that make me happy. From there I’m trying to see what that all adds up to. For me, I’m starting to see that what I want to do will involve helping people in some way, I just haven’t figured that out yet. What about you?
Staying busy is important in order to meet your goals because you have to show effort so, you have to keep busy as soon as you finish one thing jump to another that will show that you really interested and want to work.
Totally relatable. For me, I always find that I find things to do if I physically stand up and move around, I’ll find things to do. Maybe you could do this too and see if there’s more for you to do! If I stand up in my room instead of lay in bed, I realize that I should probably clean my room and organize myself.
School can be just a arduous as work… I just hope to stick it through until I get a good job. A good job, then my home home, thats accomplishment for me.
Juggling three jobs seems like an accomplishment in a sense, not many people can do that. Sometimes this situation may become more adjustable overtime, you never know.
But how are things going for you these days Grace?
I’m enjoying the break from school this summer, I was planning on taking summer classes but I knew that I would be way to overwhelmed by work and school. I am learning for to balance and manage my time a lot better.