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For those of you heading back to school…whether it’s college or high school, we can get caught up with the anxiety of the new classes. Sometimes we magnify the situation and instantly start to question if our teachers like us, if we will pass this test, if we will be social butterflies, etc.
Sometimes when I get myself caught up in these thoughts, I force myself to stop doing my studying/work and put on a great song and dance. It’s a three minute break to be silly and relax. It helps me put in perspective that I will be okay and I can’t let the stress and anxiety take over my school life.
So, I have included a great song with a powerful chorus. One of most favorite albums is called Strange Desire, by the band Bleachers.The lead singer and song writer is Jack Antonoff. Most people know him as lead guitarist in the band Fun. and Steel Train.
I chose this song from the album because it’s all about wanting to get better. “I didn’t know I was broken til’ I wanted to change. I wanna get better!”
Ironically, the lead singer Jack Antonoff deals with anxiety especially with a phobia to germs which affected his life physically as well as mentally. He started writing music for his new band secretly while his illness started taking over his life.
I think he’s a great artist and when I found out about him, I could hear his music intertwined in other artists’ music like Taylor Swift.
Okay, so my point is, sometimes we need to take a moment and change our setting. Whether it’s going for a walk or dancing around to a great song, it is very important to take a moment for yourself.
What other ways do you destress? What would you recommend for someone to listen to for music?
I Wanna Get Better Music Video
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Dancing is all it takes sometimes!
It’s such a release for me too Valerie. Im glad that you take the time out to take a break. I think that’s so important. When there’s so much going on at once sometimes, I know that I need to take a step back and breathe.. take a step back and realize that everything will got done and if it doesn’t, that’s fine too bc there’s but so much that can get done in a day ya know.
When it comes to feeling like i need to take a break, I listen to a bit of everything but if I’m feeling down or overwhelmed, I usually listen to Gospel music (gives me some strength because the lyrics are so uplifting), some “turn up” rap music or anything from Selena. All of her music makes me feel so alive and so vibrant. It also reminds me of the movie so that perks me up and cheers me up for sure.
I’ve seen the link to this song on Twitter! Jack is def inspiring and nowadays with music not having as much substance as it once had, he really changes the game. Every lyric has a meaning and he’s speaking to so many of us.
I really like this song. Thanks for posting this cause I didn’t even know it existed!