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Hi! My name’s Justine, I’m 17 years old and entering college next semester.
I’m diagnosed bipolar NOS, ADHD (look! a squirrel!), generalized anxiety disorder, and HUMAN. And I’m proud of almost all of these.
I like meeting like- minded people, and I figured this would be a lovely way to meet lovely individuals, so I am here. (Well, sorta. I’m actually at my desk, but I’m ‘here’ in spirit.)
Anyways, I’m living with bipolar and I’ve come a very long way. I’m ‘all ears’ (but also eyes, nose, and feet… I’m still a good listener; I don’t judge, and I’m very patient.) and I have a list of people I can refer you to if ya need something more than I can give you.
Feel free to comment if you’d like to discuss how awesome I am, or how awesome you are, or if you need help being awesome.
Most people are awesome already, and don’t know it. I’d like to help you, (yes, you.) realize your strengths!
I’m done babbling. Have a lovely day!!
~justine the human
© 2025 TurningPointCT.org. All Rights Reserved.
Hi Justine! It was great to meet you for the videos back in May, and again for the annual NAMI Walk in Hartford. How have you been?
I’ve been well! School’s started and I’m working 25- 30 hours a week, plus two different animal sanctuary volunteer positons. But I like being busy; I feel like sitting around is literally more stressful than *light* stress, if that makes any sense?
How’ve you been, Vered?
hello! my name is Brendan. I’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia and mild depression. everyday i live visual and auditory hallucinations. seeing things that aren’t there doesn’t really bother me now. a lot of time when i tried to explain to other people about my hallucinations they would find it scary or off-putting. it used to scare me because for a long time i couldn’t tell the difference between reality and fiction. but through talking with my family and friends I’ve been able to collect bits-and-pieces of a progressive plan to help me self. that plan has helped me continue to move forward everyday. i’m a firm believer in helping others, and paying it forward. i know everyone deals with a multitude of issues. i personally can’t say i know how anyone else feels. we each coop in our own way. but i find by letting people know that you’re there and you’re willing to listen ,even if they’re not ready then, helps to build a more nurturing environment. i feel that if i had been more honest with what i was going through that i would’ve dealt with it better. i do not regret how I’ve turned out, moreover, it’s because of how i worked through this that i feel so adamant about creating a safe place for people to share they’re worries and concern constructively. i’m very happy this place is here and i’m glad i can share a little bit about my self!
Hi, Justine,
I just joined Turning Point because I know Isabel and she told me about helping to get this wonderful new site – and resource! – off the ground. Also, I’m a graduate student with lived experience at the Univ. of Pennsylvnia, and I’m doing my dissertation work on new college students managing serious mental health conditions while transitioning into higher ed. Participation would entail doing two interviews about your campus experiences over the course of the current academic year.
If you or anyone you know (including other members here on Turning Point) might be interested in learning more about the project, please contact me for more info:
email: lamurray@gse.upenn.edu
phone: (310) 463-9692
All the very best!
-Laura Murray
Thanks so much and have a great day!