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I often think about why I continue things or even why I get out of the house every day. Here’s some of my inspiration to keep me going each day:
-My future with wanting a house and family of my own
-My boyfriend and having my eyes on our future
-My family
-Knowing that I can support people who are trying to maintain positive
-My bills because I need to pay them 😉
-My love and heart tell me that getting out is good for me
-My desire to be around people
-My passion
What gets you up and out of bed each day?
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I love this post, because I think it’s good to take a look at what are are internal driving forces are.
Things that serve as my motivation are (in no specific order):
1). Wanting to be self-sufficient and do for myself/be independent
2). My love for my job
3). Knowing that I am a better person when I am helping others
4). Wanting to be social
5). Having to pay bills
6). Liking the positive change and impact I have on others
7). My family
8). My boyfriend
9). My like of eating out 🙂
-My love of school and learning
-My desire to get a degree and teach
-My job
-My partner
-Wanting to obtain new experiences
-The desire to prove society wrong: a person with a mental health diagnosis can in fact be independent and live a healthy and fulfilling life
the thought of being able to get up and out of bed everyday really makes me happy..
– my family
– my friends
– these bills
Reasons why I get out of bed everyday are…
– family
– the school work that needs to be done
– friends
– the idea of warm pancakes for breakfast!
-have to pee is usually the first reason (lol)
– ambition to achieve more
– friends