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When I was 13 I became the outcast of my family. My sister and I were put into foster care, while my brothers were old enough that they didn’t have to be. We became a family that was separated. We didn’t have dinners together, we didn’t go on vacations, say “I love you”, hug, watch football anymore, etc. Although I started to just deal with it, it was tough not having my brothers around, and them along with my sister were angry with me for telling people the truth about our parents and secrets that had happened.
10 years ago my sister graduated from highschool. That was last time the 4 of us were together for 10 years. So much has happened since then. Our parents live no where near us, some of us have had kids, moved, went to college, and so on. This past weekend, we reunited. 10 years is a long time, but Saturday felt as if we were a family again. I write about it today because it brought so much happiness in my heart this weekend. My brother got married, and we celebrated as if nothing ever happened years ago.
I smiled, laughed and loved with my siblings this weekend, and I didn’t think I would ever be able to do this again. Although it brought so much emotion and raw memories, I think I have finally realized what happiness is. You can go through Hell with people, and then at the end of the day and look at them like that Hell wasn’t the most important thing… I think that is happiness.
Summer 2016 has been the best summer I have ever had.
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Hi Torry,
It is so great to hear you had an amazing weekend. Thank you for sharing this with us. I can understand family can bring out a lot of feelings. I truly think that being able to reframe our life experiences and find understanding or peace through hard times is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.
Reading your story will help me make sure I appreciate all the people in my life! 🙂
This is truly Uplifting Torry,
Thanks for sharing your blessing and all the best for the rest of your summer.
Thank you, guys! Have a great summer! 🙂