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MW: "Always talk about your issues"

This is a great example to follow whenever you feel disappointed by the people who may not be willing to listen to you, through your challenges:

MW, a young adult who is fighting anxiety and depression reminds us that we have no control over the people who come into our lives but there are genuine people who are able to and will help us. So please talk to someone!

She wrote, “I tried talking to friends and adult about my depression and anxiety, but I was always told that I was being pessimistic…” Read MW’s story here https://www.ctsupportgroup.org/story/strugglewithsuicidalthoughts/

If anyone is trying to find helpful resources, for a list of options, you may follow this link: https://www.ctsupportgroup.org/resources/.

5 Replies to “MW: "Always talk about your issues"”

  1. Sara says:

    What I loved about M.W.’s story was her strong message about getting help and talking about what’s going on. Nobody can help you if they don’t know you’re not oaky. Help is there and although it’s hard and scary M.W. is proof that talking and reaching out works. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Terri6902 says:

    People make dealing with mental illness so easy… it takes time. This story is so realistic.

  3. Jamie0715 says:

    Sometimes it is so bad that you do not want to talk about it, and yes it will be nice if every time you having a problem or issue you have someone to talk to but it don’t always work that way somethings you just cant say. Some times it even hurts to say the truth you just have to learn how to accept it.

  4. stev0003 says:

    It is true that we simply don’t know how to have the conversation and its based on the fact that many people will assume that you do not have an illness. 

  5. RaiC says:

    I hate that people make assumptions, especially about how someone is feeling or about their mental health! MW’s story is so relatable. I think we all can say we’ve been here at one point or another with the people who matter to us. Its so frustrating… but I’ve realized that with all the people who may not have an open ear, there are also a bunch of people who are willing to listen, encourage and are more than supportive. It’s just disappointing that the people close to us are usually the ones who ignore us or downplay what we’re going through. I guess they think that they have that leadway… I know communicating with my fam and friends about situations like this have not always been easy but I do make it point to speak on it.. I let them know that I dont like how they handled me and from there, the conversation starts.

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