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As I have written on here before, I grew up in foster care starting at the age of 13. During that time, I was in 7 different placements. It was very hard to trust people, or to even think that anything was ever going to be permanent, it was always temporary.
I moved into a home my sophomore year of highschool and have stayed there until my 20’s. I was blessed to be able to be with such a loving family.
I am 27 years old, and recently just had lunch with my foster mom. She called me later on that day and said you know Torry if you ever want to be adopted let me know. I didn’t even think twice, and now I AM GETTING ADOPTED!
It’s funny how for so long I was scared of anyone getting too close to me. My mom has loved me unconditionally even when I found everything I could do to push her away, but she never left me. We just put the paper work in, and I am so excited. <3
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When I heard this news I was so happy for you. You deserve so much happiness and love, and I am so happy that you will be able to get this opportunity in your life! <3
Hi Torry!!!
Omg this is so exciting!!!! I saw your post on facebook and I’m so happy for you! I never knew that you can be adopted as an adult!!! I’ve always wanted my step-dad to adopt me and now that you’re going through with it as an adult, maybe I can look into doing it for my step dad!!!
this is so exciting and I can’t wait to hear how it goes along!
Thanks ladies!
Ally- Yes! A lot of people don’t know you can do it any age and it’s way easier when you’re an adult. If you have any questions about it let me know, I may be able to help with paper work etc. I am so excited <3