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National Introverts Week

This week, March 17 to March 23, is National Introverts Week!

Being Introverted

I am someone who would classify themselves as an extroverted introvert. This means that while I do enjoy socializing, I generally prefer chill or quieter environments. Once I’ve become more comfortable, I will open up, especially if I am highly invested whatever is being talked about. Otherwise, I tend to be on the quieter side, mostly due to social anxiety. My quietness has been pointed out by people several times in my life, and I’ve even lost a friendship because of it.

Through my observations, it seems like folks think I’m annoyed or uninterested in talking to them, which isn’t the case unless they’re being harmful to others or myself. In truth, I do like socializing; I’ve been doing a lot more of it the past year, and have made really awesome friendships. However, it just takes a lot of energy because of my social anxiety and awkwardness. I can’t just jump into the deep end or else I’ll most definitely drown. I have to ease into social settings. Once I’m comfortable enough, I feel like I can’t stop talking. And by the end of a social event, I’m pretty wiped out and need to go and recharge for next time.

One way I recharge is by writing. Quieter environments allow me to be more creative which is something I like about myself. Immersing myself in whatever I’m writing really helps ground me.


I won’t speak for other introverts, but the stigmas around us really aren’t for me. It sucks that we’re often disregarded in favor of extroverts, who seem to thrive in society. They’re able to get social jobs done quicker, which is fine. Everyone moves at their own pace.

To my fellow introverts, I see you and I hear you! You are not alone.

~ T

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