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1. Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
2. Fly by Nicki Minaj featuring Rihanna
3. Born this Way by Lady Gaga
4. Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
5 Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
6. Flawless by Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj
7. Run the World (Girls) by Beyoncé
8. Superwoman by Alicia Keys
9. Secrets by Mary Lambert
10. “You Learn” by Alanis Morissette
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On this snow day I will be listening to every one of these songs! What a great list of songs!
Thanks for sharing!
I am happy that you can relate with this music. That gives me a great feeling.
Of course, if you would like to share your music or any music that lifts you up, please do!