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This is part two of my four-part series:
The Four Hardcore Survival Skills You Can’t Live Without Are Simpler Than You Think
We’ve talked about Gratitude as Skill #1, and now, I’d like to introduce you to Number Three…
2.) Creativity
Through creativity, we can create a safe container to be present with our experiences that we may still coming to terms with. Creative expression engages us in a conversation with emotions that may be too painful, frightening or overwhelming for words.
You certainly don’t need to be an artist to make art – you just need an open heart and a mind willing to take a backseat. You can paint, sing, write, doodle, and it doesn’t have to be good. Don’t think about what you are trying to express or what your “art” is supposed to mean. Creativity allows us to interact with another part of our consciousness – and the more we get to know ourselves, all of ourselves, the stronger of an identity we build. A strong sense of identity is the greatest compass on a “detour.”
Don’t know where to start?
On my blog, I suggest a few different ways you can start seeing the world differently – turning your thoughts upside down is the best starting point to create.
Art is more than a hobby. Art and creativity cure a problem that we all share at times – boredom. I’m not just talking about commercial breaks, a meeting at work that never ends, or traffic lights. Creativity is a mind-set, a way of seeing the world.Creativity puts the magic back in life, so not only are we never bored, we are constantly inspired, present, empowered, and – dare I say it – happy.
So that’s it for my second installment of essential mental health skills.
In the meantime, keep traveling that beautiful detour!
Safe travels!
— Amy, the Detourist
All artwork was created by Amy on her detour. Learn about her speaking, or catch her touring Gutless & Grateful, her one woman musical, to theatres, colleges, conferences and organizations nationwide. Learn about hermental health advocacy programs for students, and find out how to take part in the#LoveMyDetour movement, and learn about her upcoming book, My Beautiful Detour at www.amyoes.com.
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This is reassuring Amy, I’ve always used art to challenge and express myself but I have not been active for a while. This is definitely a good reason to get back at it. Very motivating!