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First I want to talk about NAMI walk. I had an amazing time on Saturday being able to be around people who understand what it is like to suffer from a mental illness is huge. I am vocal about my mental illnesses. I want to make sure that everything I am doing in life really helps me and anyone around me that needs support. Going to the NAMI walk I know that I was helping. My team made over $130. It was exciting to see how many people came out to support mental health. Either for themselves or for friends. I am going to do it next year with hopefully a bigger team. Mental Health awareness is a huge part life and I just want to be able to talk about now and stand up for people who can’t to make it easier for them to get the help they need.
Second those who are home from college and looking for a summer job I totally understand how hard it is for you!!! Having anxiety, I need a job that I can handle. Surprisingly I can talk to people, I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to certain situation. So I really can not work in a restaurant. I have a job in a school that I love so much!! But I need something else. Going through the stress of finding a job that means something to me has taken a lot out of me. If any of you guys have done jobs that you really enjoyed let me know!
Hope you all have a good week!
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Hi Kelly! I was at the NAMI walk! Sorry we couldn’t connect then! I am so proud of you for turning your experiences into a passion. That is truly one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves – to be able to reframe any experience for a greater good and act of service to others.
We really enjoy your blog BTW. I totally understand about the anxiety of finding a job. One of my favorite resources for help with finding and/or exploring job options is the American Job Center.
I personally have used their services, and they are awesome. Check out the link below!
Hey Michael,
It means so much to me that you enjoy my blog!!! I wish I was able to see you last Saturday their were so many people it was amazing to see the outcome. having so many people want to stop the stigma means a lot to me. also thank you so much for the think i hope it helps!!
Hi Kelly!
I was at the NAMI walk too and I am so sorry we missed you too. Michael and I were supposed to represent Mind Over Matter, but I ended up representing the NAMI Shoreline team since we couldn’t find our TurningPointCT crew. Next year, I would love to walk with you!
One of the programs that I refer my clients to is the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services because they actually help you with resume writing, finding jobs that fit your needs, and coach you on how to be the best worker that you can. Every person who I’ve referred has been working successfully and appear to be less stressed since they are managing jobs that are a perfect fit for them.
I hope this resource also helps you / anyone reading this.
Best of luck and peaceful vibes are being sent your way! You got this! 😉
hey Valerie!!!
thanks so much!!! are you from the shoreline? and yes my team is called Hope Fighters next year i plan to make it bigger and make t-shirts and all this stuff i really hope met you some time soon!