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Something that was really helpful to me was realizing that it’s okay to not remember exactly what was said or what happened, and that what matters is how you felt. Hold onto how you felt, because that is what makes you valid. I found this to be especially helpful as it relates to trauma. I can’t remember some details of my traumatic experiences and that doesn’t make me any less valid! I remember how bad I felt and that is what validates that something wrong happened.
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I can definitely relate to this post and say I agree wholeheartedly. Often times trauma makes us react in different ways, often times making descriptive details of specific events hazy. That’s okay. When we look back at things and we identify that certain situations did not serve us any good because our feelings that resulted were not positive ones, that is when we are able to experience the validation. Not everyone goes through the exact same things as the next person, but by also recognizing that the same negative feelings of despair, disgust, worry, anxiety,etc., existed, it can also help us all connect.