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Please check out the link below. I use mindfulness in my daily life and it is a skill everyone should try. It is a simple yet very effective way to calm the mind, improve tense situations, mend relationships, and focus on what is important to you. It is used for weight loss, anxiety, anger, depression, addiction, and many other issues. I highly recommend it and yes, there is an app for that! Look up Thich Nat Hanh, Deepak Chopra, or any mindfulness teacher. There are apps that support it and will give you daily affirmations. Even Oprah does it!
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Mindfulness is awesome. It really helps me take a step back from everything I am doing and have going on. It allows me to focus on my breathing, each step I take and really live in the moment. Obviously you can’t stay in this mindset forever. My mind will drift and I will still get caught up. But, it’s a really good thing for me to practice, especially since I know how much it helps with mental wellness!