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Wow I just watched this video that really shows that depression is real and that you wouldn’t tell someone with cancer to just suck it up. Check it out and tell me what you think!
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I love this video. I immediately shred it to my own Facebook page after watching it.
It can be so difficult to get people to take depression seriously. I don’t understand. People say it’s because it can’t be seen but thanks to scientific research that is no longer true. A quick Google search and you can find scholarly articles, with images, that compare the actual visual differences between a depressed brain and an atypical brain and those differences are drastic.
The video starts out with something like “Others have it worse off than you.” I HATE that. I get so made every time someone says that to me and it happens a lot. It’s irrelevant, it’s demeaning, and it’s not helpful, especially when a lot of us already compare ourselves to others way too much.
I really fear cancer it is a real bad disease. That is killing people all over the world. Cancer runs a lot in my family I have a couple family member that passed from cancer.