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So I came across this article about Lamar Odom coming out to the public about his addiction. I was really impressed by his courage and his story! I was able to relate to it and things that he went through. I also related to the support and encouragement he had always gotten from his mother.
What are your thoughts?
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Thank you so much for sharing this. I read through this and I think it’s amazing that he has spoken out about his struggles. So courageous and powerful.
This was very eye opening… just really goes to show that everyone has their own struggles behind closed doors. I did not even know the half of Lamar’s story and I totally empathize with him now. I understand his situation a lot better. The media made him out to be someone completely different from what I got from this.
Nice to see that he is doing better and that he has found comfort in sharing his story. I know it will be inspiring to a lot of people.
You’re welcome! I saw it last night and read it and I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I mean it sounded like a lot of common stories that I hear in the rooms and whatnot, but I didn’t know that he had lost his son. There were a couple of other things I didn’t know about him and I was really surprised to hear it. Also I noticed that he’s definitely practicing his recovery because you can hear the sincere change he was making. The courage to come into public about it is pretty admirable. Also, there were a lot of good quotes in his article as well.. I liked the one where it talked about what you do in the dark always comes to light, even if it’s just God’s light.
I agree, I didn’t know about those things either. I have read some articles and saw things on TV about him, but it didn’t go into detail like this. I really enjoyed reading this article.