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Defining Success

For a long time I lived under the impression that my success was solely measured upon the amount of material things I had in my possessions, or on whatever other criteria was set forth by another individual outside of myself. I must admit that I hated living like this, I hated feeling like everything I did was never enough, but then one day I came to a tremendous realization. If I am forever living trying to meet other people’s standards, I will NEVER be good enough, I will NEVER feel like I am good enough or like anything I am doing no matter how good it may be is adequate enough because the standards aren’t being set by me. I had to learn how to set my own standards, and that although I don’t necessarily believe that my standards should be limiting, I feel like they should be guidelines that will help shape me into the person I would like to be as a professional and overall human being. I have also learned that success is not defined by material possessions, but rather by the amount of good you do on a daily basis. I know that right now I may not have the best materialistic things, or the fanciest of toys/electronics, but I do know that I make an honest difference in the work I do each an every day and that to me makes me feel successful in itself.

3 Replies to “Defining Success”

  1. Michael says:

    Hey Luz!

    Yes, I agree that the battle of the bling is a serious fight. This is one of my personal biggest challenges. When I was young, I had hard time socializing and making friends. I remember getting off the school bus when I was in the third grade after getting a new “stylish” Nike outfit. My classmates gave me positive attention and I actually felt accepted.

    It was at that point I think I learned that looking good and having nice things = approval and love.
    To be honest, I still deal with it. Whether it is wanting to look good or stylish or have nice things, I do understand it doesn’t bring lasting happiness.

    As hard as it can feel to see people who seem to have more or “better” things, I have to understand that everyone has something they struggle with. A rich guy could have an abusive partner, or that pretty girl could struggle with loving herself. People can have anything, but no one has everything!

  2. Luz.Feliz says:


    Your last sentence is really the key to everything. We can look around and notice that the ones who surround us may appear to have it all, causing us to feel a certain set of internal emotions. Nevertheless, what the human eye can see is only so much, and the struggles of other people are sometimes hidden so well. Many people are good at hiding their innermost struggles, including myself, and others who look at me may think the same thing. It seems like the cycle can go on and on until we learn to be happy with what we have in the present and stick to striving to achieve to better ourselves independently.

  3. Luz.Feliz says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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