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I just got a new job at MIlkcraft, an ice cream shop. My parents have been forcing me to get a job for months now. I applied to several places and never heard back from any. I was hopeless at this point. I thought no one was going to hire me. All the college ids were coming back and going to get their old jobs, leaving me with no available positions. However I got a call one night and was told I got a job! I am really happy but nervous. I am the newbie so the other employees are bossing me around a bit but I am having fun!
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LOL used to work there hope its fun!!!! its not that bad! Today I have been thinking about how much I have to do for my job and preparing for school in the fall. My friends are also having an art show later and I am super excited to go and support them!! Also super hungry and thinking about food.
Today I’m thinking about my future, I’m thinking about my family, and I’m thinking about my veeeerrrry long to-do list that never gets completed and is always growing. Lol.
Being new at a job sucks sometimes!! I know that can make you nervous. But soon, you’ll get the hang of it and be training other new people!! Also, Milkcraft is gonna be super busy pretty soon so that will be a great way to keep your mind and your hands busy!!! Good luck today!