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My boyfriend is addicted to marijuana. He thinks that he needs it to get through the day. He doesn’t smoke when I am around him. He uses it to start his day, to get through lunch and before going to sleep. I don’t want to lose him to a drug. His attitude towards everyone is changing day by day. He isn’t the same person. This scares me and I am really depressed because of him. I am considering to take him to a drug treatment center in Calgary. Any suggestions? But I am confused on whether they can be trusted. I also want to know whether these centers cover insurance for the treatment. Please share.
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I can definitely relate to you. I was in a relationship in which my now ex-boyfriend smoked marijuana constantly, and it had even gotten to the point of him convincing me that I had to accept him like that. It was one of the things that destroyed us. Having to wait for him to not “look high” so we could be around my parents, who definitely wouldn’t support his using, and me giving him money to get house supplies but later finding out he blew it on weed. These are some examples of the long list of things we went through. You are right, a person does change when they are under a substance, and especially when they feel like they need it to keep going in their day to day life. Does your boyfriend know that you are trying to get him assistance? If so, is he willing to accept help? Does he know the negative toll his using is taking on you? Getting treatment and/or help for difficulties like this may definitely strengthen a relationship!