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Hey, I was born and brought up in a problematic family. My father was an alcohol addict and I don’t have good memories with him. He loved alcohol more than family. My childhood was horrible as people used to look down on me with sympathy for having an addicted dad. I hoped that my life will get better after marriage.
My father passed away and I got married last year. My husband is worse than my dad. He is also an addict and picks up quarrel without any reason. I have a best friend and she is asking me to take my husband to an addiction recovery treatment.
Is this treatment effective? Is there anybody over here who has undergone this treatment? Please give some genuine replies and suggestions.
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Hey Binjas,
Thanks for sharing this.. I know growing up in a problematic family was really tough to deal with and I really commend you for even speaking about it. Addiction can really change people and its so important to realize that. I’m so sorry that your experiences with your dad were not the best and I hope that you have found someone to talk to. I understand how hard it is to have to experience that.
I am super proud of you for reaching out for help, you are really strong. Reaching out is the first step and there are so many resources out there. Your best friend is def leading you in the right direction. There are many recovery treatment options and it has been effective for many people… there are options.
Check out our resources here… but for a start, look into Al-Anon & Alateen provides support groups for friends and family of problem drinkers. Participants in Al-Anon and Alateen give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experience, strength and hope, and learn how the principles of the AL-ANON program can be applied to their own lives.
I’m really glad that you reached out to us and are sharing about your experiences! My father is an addict too and never sought help for his addiction, which tore our relationship apart along with the behaviors of addiction that he had shown. I’m sorry that you’re going through this cycle again with your husband! Do you mind if I ask what help are you receiving for yourself? I highly recommend you seek support, so that way your voice can be heard and you can be surrounded by people going through the same thing you are. For example, you can try Alanon. You can visit to find a meeting near you. If you tell me what area you live in, I can refer you to many other support groups as well!
As for your husband, I would definitely consider looking into treatment. If he is using daily, then I would first find a detox!! It’s very important for him to get help physically before working on the rest!!! After detox, there are many treatment facilities that he can be admitted into that range from 30-90 day stay. There are also programs that are even longer than that, or can refer him to other extended care programs/facilities such as Intensive Outpatient. As I mentioned before, if you let me know what area you live in, I can give a ton of recommendations. It’s best to check with his insurance on what it can cover too!
I hope and pray that your husband accepts help and finds recovery! I also hope that you find the support that you deserve and need during this difficult time!
Sorry I am just seeing this. I second and third the fact that it takes so much courage to reach out for help, especially if you are not even the addict/alcoholic. I grew up in a home similar to yours as well and unfortunately am an addict in recovery myself. Treatment can definitely be effective, if the person is willing to be there, participate and do whatever it takes to take care of themselves. That is not to say that him going as a suggestion of yours won’t work, but the chances of him achieving a life seeking recovery are better if he seeks/wants treatment on his own. Really, it takes what it takes for addicts, at least for myself anyway. I went to treatment more times than I would like to share and each time, I learned and got healthy for the time and unfortunately chose to use at some point after. However, they say that it doesn’t matter how the “seed” is planted, only that it is. We never know, really. I also like the suggestion of reaching out to Al-Anon as well as Nar-Anon for some support and suggestions from other family members and friends who also have someone in their life who is struggling in a similar way.
Keep talking, keep reaching out and finding support here and wherever you can. You are not alone although it may feel like it!