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Is anyone else feeling that Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement is not a good thing? I am not sure if his decision was well thought through or if it’s just that he doesn’t care that the world is facing a real problem. This was the opportunity America needed to stay ahead and save our planet but this decision sets us back. Anyone who understands would know why it is frustrating.
This is not an American thing, it is a global thing. It affects every single country, including the three countries that are not a part of the agreement. One country that could care less about global warming and how it is affecting the environment and accelerating climate change; another country that is yet to get up to first world standards and then there is the United States.
This seems like a decision based on economic competition, through the lens of corporate intimidation.
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You know, I haven’t followed this super closely, but I do remember Trump freaking out about Windmills for wind energy near some of his resorts, so yeah he is not my go to guy for environmental efforts. Not trying to get into bashing, just being real that he is probably thinking of the impact on his businesses with this decision, definitely not the global planet
You are very right Michael, it’s just another conflict of interest, but this was expected.