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Today marks 7 years that I’ve been vegan. April 9, 2015 was the day I decided to give up meat and dairy forever. The last non-vegan thing I consumed was a chicken patty from my high school and after that I was like “I don’t want to do this anymore”.
My mom was vegan and before that a vegetarian long before me so she was a huge inspiration in my decision. I also saw videos (Earthlings, etc) of animals not being treated well as they were prepared to be brutally turned into food. This obviously also played a role in my decision. I just did not want to contribute to the horrors that those poor animals were going through.
In addition to feeling better about not contributing to the horrible treatment of animals, I also know that my choice has had a positive impact on the environment. Being vegan means I have saved not only animals, but also water, CO2, and forests. (https://thevegancalculator.com/#calculator).
Being vegan has also improved my health. Before going vegan, I noticed that I would get sick quite frequently. After going vegan, the frequency at which I would get sick decreased significantly.
Vegans have a stereotype of being annoying, pushy, and talking too much about their beliefs, so I don’t really talk about being vegan with people unless they ask me or it comes up in conversation.
My favorite vegan restaurants are Three Girls Vegan Creamery in Guilford and GZen in Branford (which is unfortunately closing at the end of this month). There are also a few other restaurants that I enjoy which have vegan options. Outside of those restaurants, I eat vegan “meat” products, veggies, fruit, grains. There are so many vegan versions of a lot of foods nowadays.
I’m not sure how I will celebrate my 7 year anniversary of being vegan, but it will probably involve eating vegan food!
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