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I started my third online class but here I am wondering. The thing about online classes is that you have to be patient. I find this difficult. The website doesn’t always work and sometimes it takes days to get a response from your instructors. I wouldn’t recommend it. People always ask how I like it. My responses are nothing more than ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’.
You are your own teacher but you can still be quite successful if you know the system, manage your time wisely and can grasp material pretty quickly.
Tuesday was actually my very first day of class. It didn’t go well since I am still waiting for some parts of the system to work. But on the bright side, I am learning a new language. It’s Spanish so there is a lot to look forward to.
Getting through this month long course is worth it on so many levels. For one, it’s a new language. I’m also earning credits. And it’s something to do.
But it’s also Pride month and one thing I am looking forward to for sure is my third Pride. June 10th is the date. I have been attending volunteering meeting and planning for pride and pride thereafter. It’s such a great time of the year to meet up with old friends and spend time outside. Pride always brings a lot of life to me because there is always something going on. And it’s a time for community and reflection.
I am hoping that for everyone who is having fun and celebrating Pride month, you have a safe and enjoyable one.
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