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Body Image Issues Are Weird.

Recently I’ve been having a lot of issues when it comes to my body image. This is nothing new for me. I’ve talked a little bit about struggling with this in my blog post Getting Real About My Eating Disorder Recovery. It’s been over two years since I’ve written that post, but it’s still something that I struggle with.

I think one of the things that seems to nag me the most is the fact that my body is constantly evolving and it looks nothing like it did years ago. What’s interesting is that years ago I thought I was overweight. But, I’ve never been overweight, not even now. Yet, I am aware that I’m not as thin as I used to be AND aware of the fact that it’s a part of getting older. It’s normal and honestly, I’m at a healthier weight than I have been in years past.

Despite knowing all of this, I still find myself really hating my body. I feel super gross and I want to hide myself and my body. But then I’ll see pictures of myself and be actually shocked by how thin I look. Body image is weird like that.

Recent picture of me on a day trip to Massachusetts.

In all honesty, I’ve been extremely stressed out for the last month and a half. I’ve been doing my best to try and eat because I know that’s something bodies need, but I’ve been so stressed out that I haven’t been as good about it as I should be. In other words, I’m not eating three meals a day. Due to this, I think I actually have unintentionally lost weight and just not really noticed. But, my clothes are all a bit big right now so I guess that’s evidence enough.

Honestly, I probably have body dysmorphia. There have been a lot of times where I haven’t wanted photos taken of me because I hate the way I look. I don’t want my body captured for anyone to look at. I spend a lot of time trying to hide my body in oversized clothes. When I shop for clothes, I literally will think to myself “I’m too fat for that.” I’m constantly comparing myself to others and having thoughts of how I can potentially make myself look like these people I’m comparing myself to. It can be mentally exhausting.

They say recovery isn’t linear and that it’s a life long journey. This is definitely one of those things that applies to. I have a lot of bad days, but there are definitely good days sprinkled in there. It definitely is worse when I’m already stressed out to the max.

I’m definitely working on it. I hate getting in front of the camera, but I push myself to do it. Honestly, I do it to prove to myself there’s nothing wrong with me and because I don’t want to end up with no pictures of myself to look back on just because I hate how I look. I really don’t take pictures of myself like I used to. It’s really sad that it’s due to just hating how I look. I don’t want to regret not taking pictures of myself. I experience so many things through traveling and I want to be able to look back at pictures of those memories.


Reacting to Liam Payne’s Death

This week after I got out of therapy, I saw a news notification on my phone that said Liam Payne had died. It was so unexpected that I quite literally thought it was a hoax or some spam clickbait thing. However, I quickly learned that he actually did die. Not only did he die, but it was in a tragic way and he was only 31.

I’m someone who has always really loved music. It’s been such an important thing in my life…truly a constant and something that has really helped me. Sometimes, it really has saved my life. So naturally, I form a pretty emotional connection to music and the artists.

One Direction was one of those bands that I clung to. I loved the music, the vocals, the lyrics, the members…I loved all of it. I remember a short clip of a song was leaked on to Tumblr and I listened to it over and over and over on repeat. I also used to pre-order their albums on iTunes so they would automatically upload on to my phone when they were released. Both of those things probably age the eff out of me, but that’s just how things were back then LOL.

Their songs were the background music of my life throughout high school and even college. I vividly remember one really bad period of my life where I was just going through the motions and horribly depressed. It was 2013 and I was a sophomore in high school. The only way I was making it through the school day was by listening to One Direction’s album “Midnight Memories (Deluxe)” on repeat.

I taught myself how to play so many of their songs on piano. I truly loved the music. It was something that helped ground me. And, there were a lot of lyrics that I just really resonated with. Liam Payne wrote most of my favorite songs that One Direction put out. Below is one he helped write:

He was such a talented songwriter in addition to being a talented singer. It’s really heartbreaking, especially because it sounds like he was really struggling with his mental health. It’s really sad that fame has a way of really ruining some people’s lives.

When I read the news, I was honestly in disbelief and sick to my stomach. I just couldn’t believe it. And, I never in a million years thought that I could be so affected by the death of someone I never actually knew. But as I mentioned, they were a huge part of my life. And, I never stopped listening to them. I still have One Direction in my music rotation despite the fact that the band hasn’t been a thing since 2016.

And as if the initial shock wasn’t enough, the news outlets have clung to it for money purposes and it’s all over my feeds and news apps. Thankfully, I didn’t see the absolutely disgusting TMZ article that actually featured a picture of his lifeless body that showed his tattoos to “confirm” it was him…

Regardless, I feel like I’m constantly having to think about it because it’s just in my face. The more articles and details that come out, the sadder it is. There’s no dignity for celebrities when they die because people just start digging into every aspect of their lives and trying to expose them. I’ve even seen conspiracy theories around his death already and it’s only been a few days. A man has died in a tragic way and it just seems like all the news cares about is negatively portraying him for clicks when he was very clearly going through what sounded like a mental health crisis. The family should have some privacy right now instead of all of his problems spewed onto the internet for everyone to view and discuss.

If you’ve also been affected by this death, it’s completely understandable and it’s okay to grieve it even though you didn’t know him. Below is a good message about it:

– Kailey

A New Diagnosis, But Not A Surprise – ADHD

I started a new job mid-August, and while I’m thankful to have the job, it has been quite the adjustment for me. Honestly, I’ve been having a really hard time adjusting to the new working environment. It has really been affecting my mental health, and this led to the discussion where we talked about a new-to-me diagnosis: ADHD.

Family History and a Hunch

Now, I’ve known that ADHD runs in my family. I’ve also had a hunch for quite some time that I probably have it. The signs and symptoms were there, just I’d never had a formal diagnosis. In the past, I usually had more pressing matters to deal with in therapy.

Current Struggles

I’ve been having a really hard time adjusting to working in an office five days a week. I have no problem getting myself to work on time or anything like that. My anxiety ensures that I’m early for everything. The issues arise from all of the distractions in the office. There are a lot of conversations happening around me in the office. For context, I am a proofreader and some of the stuff I’m proofreading is extremely dense. It’s been extremely hard for me to focus and I’ve been getting so overstimulated that I’m sometimes shutting down. I personally need a quiet working environment to function.

The Need For A Quiet Working Environment

At my last job, I was not only able work remotely 4 days a week, but I also worked in an office where we were all proofing audiobooks with headphones on all day, making it a relatively quiet workplace. There were definitely times where people were talking and laughing loudly amongst themselves, but it wasn’t all day or anything. So going from working in a quiet space to working in a pretty lively office has been really hard to adjust to.

I obviously have a lot of other symptoms as well, but I’ve just been very good at masking them for years. I’m even masking now at work because while I’ve been extremely anxious from just being overstimulated all the time while trying to read things (sometimes having to read sentences over and over and over), I’m not outwardly reacting. Like I’m sure nobody knows at work that I’m having such a hard time.

Another Potential Diagnosis?

While we were having the discussion about ADHD, I asked about the possibility of me also having autism as well. I’ve wondered about that possibility for years, and while my therapist can’t diagnose that, she said that there’s a high chance I have that as well. She said there are definitely some things that I do that make her suspect that I do. If I wanted an official diagnosis, I’d need to go see someone who could give me the diagnosis. The co-occurrence of ADHD and autism together is becoming more widely recognized, referred to as AuDHD (which is not an official term). You can read a bit more about AuDHD here.

I think both of these things have played a pretty large role in my history with eating disorders and disordered eating. My therapist confirmed that suspicion. I was able to dive into that with my therapist and it was really helpful for me.

Why It’s Helpful To Discuss These Things

I think that it’s really important for me to learn these things about myself because if I get a better grasp for how my brain works, it will really help with finding coping skills that will work for me. I’m still on the fence about whether or not it’s worth it for me to go get an official diagnosis for autism since I already know what specific things I struggle with in terms of that.

As the title of this blog post suggests, I’m really not surprised. This was more of just a confirmation for me. I’m pretty self-aware and I’ve been in the mental health world long enough to know the signs and symptoms. I think having meltdowns about random things that do not make sense to most people was one of the indicators for me lol. I had always assumed it’s horrible anxiety, but I think my anxiety stems/is worsened by the ADHD and suspected autism.

Anyhoo, that’s all I’ve got for now! I’m so happy to have a therapist that I feel so comfortable being myself around where I can comfortably have these discussions. Having a therapist you’re comfortable with is super important and I am glad I was able to immediately click with this therapist from day one.

– Kailey

Current Mental Health Status: Less Than Ideal

I’m going to be honest, I’ve been having a really hard time with my mental health lately. If I had to guess, a lot of it has to do with the fact that I started a new job. I’ve previously talked about how I kind of feel like I’m stuck in the rat race of life. While my mental health at my old job was definitely less than ideal due to not being paid a livable wage, I genuinely enjoyed what I was doing. I spent all day listening to audiobooks and getting paid. The other bonus: it was mostly remote (4 days at home, one day in the office during the week).

While I make significantly more now, I find that my mental health is suffering for other reasons. Not only has it been a huge adjustment due to switching to a completely different type of company, but the material I’m reading is much less fun. And, up until recently, I was in the office 5 days a week. Thankfully, I’m now able to work at home two days a week. But, that only helps so much. Oh, and I should also mention that while I do make a lot more, I’m now in a new tax bracket and it doesn’t really feel like I make that much more. I still feel very poor.

The Not So Nice Feelings

I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety, which is not unusual for me, but it has definitely been heightened. I’ve pretty much just been in survival mode. It sounds really dramatic, but let’s be honest, the anxious brain can be VERY dramatic. I also have not been sleeping well and I once woke up at 6:30am on weekend panicked that I slept through my alarm and missed work. The lack of sleep is definitely not helping my mental health.

On top of anxiety, I’ve also been dealing with depression, which is honestly something that I have not dealt with in quite some time. I’ve just been feeling so defeated and hopeless. Honestly, I’ve been so down that I totally forgot that I have a super exciting vacation to Canada coming up. It’s also been bad enough that I haven’t really been leaving the house or even keeping up with my typical schedule for tidying up the house.

I think what’s worse is the fact that I’m beating myself up for feeling this way because I know I SHOULD feel really thankful that I was able to get a new job that pays me well, has great benefits, has super nice people, and that’s actually close to home. But, I just honestly feel so unfulfilled. If I had it my way, I’d find my way back into the mental health field in some way, but I just haven’t seen any opportunities to get back in. I’ve thought about going back to audiobooks, but I just know financially, it’s not the right move. However, I will probably freelance for my old job in the future. I really do miss having set aside time to read books, and getting paid for it wasn’t so bad either.

The ONLY positive (and I use this term very lightly) outcome of these negative emotions being heightened is the fact that my sense of humor has gotten a lot darker than it already was. I’ve definitely been turning to absolutely unhinged memes during my doom scrolls. They only get shared to my close friends as to not worry my family LOL. Although, it’s concerning overall that there are so many to choose from and that they all have so many likes and shares. It really gives a good, but sad, insight into just how poorly many of us are doing.

One of the more ~tame~ memes from my archive.

Trying To Help Myself

The first month of this mental health decline was pretty rough. However, a couple weeks ago, I finally pushed myself to leave the house for something other than work or the grocery store (even if it was a bit of a struggle). I decided I really wanted to go on a day trip a couple hours from home. I used to day trip ALL THE TIME, but I didn’t have the confidence to go as far as I would have in the past.

After hours of searching on Google Maps, and getting so overwhelmed that I almost chose to just stay home, I decided to go to the northwest corner of Connecticut and then briefly over the border into New York. The trip was just what I needed to prove to myself that I am capable of going out on my own to explore just like I used to.

Picture from the brief New York portion of that trip.

Since then, I’ve gotten myself back into the day trips. I’ve gone to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and lots of trips to the Quiet Corner of Connecticut (current obsession). There are still a lot of days where I question whether I’m up for the trips, but I give myself the little push because I know once I go and do the things, I’ll be super happy that I did. I’ve actually been doing a lot of Walktober Events from the Last Green Valley and that’s something I would not have done in the past. I always prefer to go do things by myself away from people, but I’ve decided that I really want to experience these things.

Final Thoughts

While my mental health has absolutely been less than ideal, I’m hoping with time, it will continue to improve. I’m also really hoping that the fact that it’s now Fall will help a bit. Fall is my favorite season and I also really like the holidays that come after it. Lastly, I’m trying to remind myself that this season of life that I’m in is not forever…even if I feel like I’m trapped and drowning in the moment.


Facing My Fear of Mice

I’m not sure if I’ve ever talked about my fear of mice here. But, I’m terrified of mice. It probably sounds ridiculous because they’re super tiny and cute, but I swear, it stems from somewhere.

My Mouse Fear Origin Story

It all started when mice managed to get into the cabin of my 2013 Hyundai Elantra. They chewed a hole in the bottom of my center console and then squeezed their way into my car. How did I know they got in? Well, I got out of my shift from work to find a torn up sugar packet on my passenger seat. They got that packet by chewing a hole through the lunch box. Then, they apparently proceeded to poop and pee all over my seats and my dash.

That’s how I found out I had mice in my car. It was not only super gross due to all of the poop and pee, but it was terrifying. I had no choice but to drive my car even though I knew there were tiny little mice in it somewhere I couldn’t see.

I remember telling my grandfather about the ordeal when it happened. He was really the one who instilled a true fear of mice into me. He told me all about how mice carry all of these horrible diseases, some which can be fatal. (I later found out that the fatal one is SUPER uncommon where we live lol.) Then, he informed me that I needed to get my car deep cleaned to avoid getting sick. I’m sure his intentions were not to make me absolutely terrified of mice for life, but unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened.

More Car Incidents

Later, mice got into this particular car again. By this point, I found out that the car was just super prone to having mice get into them. I was driving home from school and I watched a mouse run from under my dashboard on the passenger side into the back of my car. Mind you, I was driving, and absolutely terrified.

I had no choice but to keep driving. I had to get home. But, I was terrified that the mouse was going to climb up my leg or something. I drove with my legs in the air the rest of that drive home. Honestly, I never wanted to drive my car again, but I was working multiple jobs at the time and I had absolutely no choice but to use my car to get to school and work.

Those weren’t the only mouse experiences I had with that car, but I did end up getting rid of it. I have gotten a new car since then that I had really hoped would be mouse-proof. However, it has proved to also not be mouse-proof.

This year, a friend and I got into my car to go do something. Before we left, I turned around to look for my hat in my back seat. I found myself in a stare down with a mouse sitting on my back seat. I screeched and scared my friend. We ended up taking her car LOL. She later removed the mouse nest from my cabin air filter. There was absolutely no way I was sticking my hand anywhere a mouse potentially was.

That Time Mice Ruined My Life

If you thought my mouse trauma ended there…you’re unfortunately wrong. Last year after I left my ex, I moved in with a friend. Instead of getting a storage unit like I wanted to, I put everything I owned in her basement. Later, I would find out that this house was quite literally infested with mice (and that is not an exaggeration). There was mouse poop on the counters in the kitchen…on the dining room table…IN MY BED UNDER MY COMFORTER. They were nesting in my clothes IN MY DRAWER IN MY CLOSET. I once watched a mouse run across the floor while I was working from home at my desk in my room.

Later, I found out that everything in the basement was destroyed from the mice. I had extra clothes that weren’t in-season in the basement on a clothing rack…the mice climbed up those clothes and pooped AND peed on them (they were literally stained from pee). They nested in any drawer or bin I had. I had to throw out everything I had left after leaving a relationship with really nothing. Pretty much all of my clothes were ruined, even many that were upstairs in the bedroom. I had a friend come over with her truck and we loaded it up with all of my stuff and threw it into a dumpster. Talk about traumatic.

I will say, I’m thankful that I had friends help me replace the clothes that I needed since I didn’t have the money to replace them. I couldn’t afford anything and I was drowning in debt.

Present Day

Now, let’s circle back to the title of this post, facing my fear of mice. Recently, my boyfriend called me out into the garage because he found a baby mouse by itself on the cold concrete floor. After all of the mouse trauma, you’d think I wouldn’t want to help this poor baby mouse. I was a bit afraid of it, but I immediately wanted to save it. Sure, I don’t think the world needs more mice in it, but I’m not going to let an innocent living thing die, even if its species has been traumatizing me for years.

baby mouse.
In this picture, it’s really hard to tell just how tiny this baby truly was…we named it Peanut.

The Rescue

I immediately started Googling who I could possibly contact to help us with the baby mouse. When Google proved to be a bit useless (many rehabbers don’t take small rodents), I ended up going to a Connecticut wildlife group on Facebook in hopes that someone there could point me in the right direction. Thankfully, I was able to get a rehabber’s number from that. While that rehabber couldn’t help, they were able to find a rehabber more local to us who could help with the baby mouse. We were told how to keep it warm to help keep it alive until we could get it to a rehabber.

I didn’t handle the mouse at all due to my fear of diseases and whatnot so I didn’t face THAT part of the fear. But, I was around it and did everything I could to try and save it. My boyfriend was the one who cared for it and made sure it had things to keep it warm after I got some spare rags we had to make a nest of sorts for it. We used a sock filled with rice that my boyfriend periodically warmed up for the mouse. The next morning, he dropped it off with a rehabber. I can only hope it survived…but if not, we did everything we could.

In this picture, you can get a better idea of just how tiny this mouse was.


After we discovered the mouse, I was afraid because I knew if there were babies, there was a mother somewhere. I checked my car for ANY signs of mice, but thankfully it appeared I was safe. Despite this, I was still terrified to get into my car the next morning in the dark to go to work. I was petrified there were mice secretly lurking in my vehicle. It’s been over a week and I’m still paranoid that there are secretly mice in my car lol.

Am I still afraid of mice? Oh god yeah. There’s still a large chance I’ll freak out if I see a live mouse anywhere near my living areas. But, I couldn’t not try to save that sweet little baby.


Happiness Happens

As the month of August ends, I decided I wanted to take a moment to look back at some of the things that made me happy this month. Why now? Well, August is Happiness Happens Month, which is a time to remind ourselves to be as happy as we can. This month’s theme was to focus on what makes us personally happy.

August was a hectic month for me. I had a pretty big life change getting a new job, and the transition has been exhausting. So, it was especially important for me to take the time to focus on what makes me happy and to do those things. Below are just some of the things that make me happy and that I managed to do this month for my own happiness.


Traveling is something that really makes me happy. In fact I love it so much that I have a travel blog and an Instagram account where I share my various adventures. This month, I was able to go to Charleston, South Carolina. The trip was super crazy and not as relaxing as I would have liked it to be, but I really did love experiencing it for the short time I was there. You can read more about that trip in my last blog post.

Exploring Historic Houses

I have always really liked looking at historic houses, but in the last couple of months I’ve been seeking out house museums to visit locally. It all started with the Avery Copp House in Groton, CT a couple months ago where I got a brochure with a list of historic house museums in eastern Connecticut. I’ve been hooked ever since. In the month of August, I visited countless historic houses in the area, sometimes alone and other times with my boyfriend. I love seeing the architecture and learning the history of the area and the house.

Going Out For Ice Cream

I love trying new ice cream places and visiting old favorites. This is something that doesn’t take a lot of time or planning. I like that it’s super low-stress. Plus, who doesn’t love ice cream!?


Photography has been something that has always brought me a lot of joy. I love composing a shot and just capturing things in unique ways. Unfortunately, I didn’t get out with my camera as much as I would have liked this month because I’ve been adjusting to my new job. But, I did get out at least once a week with my camera. I spent a lot of time going to local parks and capturing places I know super well in a different perspective.

Spending Time With My Boyfriend

Being working adults with responsibilities, sometimes it feels hard to find time to spend intentional one on one time with your significant other. I try to plan one big thing for us to do every month and smaller local things for us to do that won’t completely drain us. This month we did a lot of historic houses, grabbed ice cream, went for a hike, and spent time just lounging around the house together.

Hanging Out With My Cat

Honestly, I’m happy just being around my cat. He’s so funny and so cute. I used to work from home four days a week and just go pet him during my work day. Now, I’m in an office five days a week. I miss having access to him all day while I work.

I mean look at this little goober…just laying on a tape measure.

Spending Time With Family

I’ll be honest, sometimes spending time with family can be exhausting. But this month, I spent a lot of time with my family, both immediate and extended family. Here’s some family stuff I did this month:

  • We had a birthday party for my grandmother
  • I visited with my aunt and cousin and grabbed dinner with them
  • I got to see my niece and nephew
  • My boyfriend and I went on a sunset and seal watching cruise with my mom and my sister
  • I got to spend some time with family from out of state

It’s always nice getting to catch up with family, especially the family you don’t get to see all that often.

Picture from the sunset and seal cruise we did with my mom and sister.

Getting Out In Nature

Getting out in nature, even if it’s just for a short walk, is definitely something that brings me a lot of happiness. This month I checked out a newly finished walkway around a local pond and I also spent some time at local beaches after hours because I don’t enjoy crowds at the beach.

What are some things that make you happy?

– Kailey

My Chaotic Vacation

This month I decided to take my very first girls’ trip with a friend. I’ve done day trips with friends, but before this trip, I’d never gone away on a vacation with a friend. It’s always been with family or my boyfriend. I used to feel really guilty at the thought of leaving my ex alone while I went out with my friends, so I just never did it.

This trip was pretty spontaneous. My friend was telling me about how she wanted to go somewhere in the time off she had between jobs. She mentioned Charleston, South Carolina and I told her that’s been on my list for a while. She jokingly told me to take some PTO and go down with her. I was like “okay, what days?” and that’s how the plan started. I had a lot of PTO to use and I figured it could be fun. The very next day I booked an Airbnb and the girls’ trip to Charleston was a go.

I’m not going to lie, financially it was a stretch for me. We ended up flying down because it was the most cost effective. By flying down we avoided having to pay for gas and tolls on the drive down and the drive back. It also helped that I had a $250 gift card I could put towards a flight.

The week before the trip, news of Hurricane Debby was popping up in my feed. I didn’t really think much about it. Days before the trip, my brother started telling me that Charleston was in the path and that it was probably going to effect my trip. The radar did not look promising. I just had to laugh because what are the odds that a hurricane would be coming through the few days I planned a trip to Charleston?

The radar for the night we were supposed to be flying home from Charleston.

We decided to go on the trip despite the impending doom. We already had everything booked and we decided we would just make the best out of it. A little rain doesn’t bother me. I packed an umbrella and a rain jacket and determined I was prepared. The flights down were super easy and smooth. The connecting flight was the most convenient that I’ve ever had – no running across the airport to get to the next gate…no shuttles or trains to get to another terminal. We got off two gates down from where we needed to get on to our next plane.

Things Start To Go Less Smoothly…

The issues started when we got to Charleston. We decided to go with a rental car company that required a shuttle to get to from the airport. Why? Because it was cheaper. We asked an airport employee where the shuttle would get us and we were directed to a spot.

However, after waiting for 15 minutes, we asked again to make sure we were in the right spot. It turned out we needed to call the rental company to tell them to come get us. After that, I checked if any of my emails from the company said to do that. Confirmed the instructions didn’t tell me I needed to call.

When we finally got to the rental company, there was a colony of cats out front. That I kind of liked, because who doesn’t like cute cats? But, unfortunately the first car we were offered was in horrendous shape (dents, scratches, etc). But, we didn’t even end up getting that initial car because it had a flat tire, which the worker noticed.

After the flat tire was noticed, we were then offered a different car that they had available. This car was equally beat up. The rental company took pictures of the car before we took it, but we low-key did not trust them so we inspected it ourselves and took LOTS of pictures. We then took the car to our first destination, which was Cypress Gardens.

The Start of Vacation Activities

After driving the 30 minutes to the gardens, I went to lock the car and didn’t hear it lock. So, I decided to just double check to see if I was just crazy. I was not just crazy. The car was not locking.

I tried using the fob to lock it, but no luck. Then I tried locking it manually with the key, but that also didn’t work. This was a huge issue because all of our stuff was in the car (like my laptop, which was my biggest concern). Since we had already made the drive, I threw my laptop into my backpack and decided to just keep it on me.

Our plan for Cypress Gardens was to do the row boat ride. There was a long line, but since we got the tickets, we got into the line. It was clear that the line was not really moving at all because we had to wait for people to get back before the line could move. Not only was the line not moving, but it was also thundering.

We decided to just walk the loop around the pond. It was pretty and we saw some reptiles, including a gator. However, it did eventually downpour on us. And of course… I had my laptop and no rain jacket. It was so muggy that the rain really did feel nice. But, it was not nice that I had my camera, camera lenses, and my laptop. My bag was water resistant, but it can only do so much when it’s heavily raining.

Getting A New Rental Car…

After this, we went right back to the car rental place to demand a car that locked. Thankfully, it was no issue and we ended up getting another car that did indeed lock. THANK GOODNESS. However, this car was banged up just like the others. AND it was named “Hotboiii” – you really cannot make this stuff up.

After this, we decided to head to historic downtown Charleston to try and enjoy it before the rain came the next day. We started at the Instagramable Rainbow Row and then made our way to the iconic Pineapple Fountain. I liked Rainbow Row for the historical aspect, but it was not the bee’s knees. The Pineapple Fountain was beautiful, but I didn’t realize they encourage people to swim and wade in it. I had to be very patient to not get children swimming in my photos of the fountain.

We continued to wander around downtown and we got some delicious gelato. As we wandered, I saw so many beautiful historic buildings. These historic buildings were the main reason I wanted to go to Charleston. I’ve been super into historic areas and buildings lately. Charleston definitely did not disappoint.

St. Philip’s Church in Charleston, which was founded in 1680. It’s the oldest congregation in the United States south of Virginia.

We then made our way to the water and walked the path towards White Point Garden. As we made our way towards the park, we watched lots of pelicans flying over the harbor and we saw beautiful houses that overlooked the ocean.

In the garden, we saw LOTS of birds, which was awesome. However, while we were enjoying the park, everyone’s phone went off with an alarm because of an emergency alert. That was quite the experience LOL.

Making A Tough Decision About The Vacation

After we had gotten our fill of the downtown area, we checked in to our Airbnb. At this point, we knew we had to make a decision about what to do about the upcoming storm. It was Sunday and our flight home was Tuesday night, which was when the storm was supposed to arrive and bring heavy rain and wind.

We decided that it would be best to leave mostly because I absolutely needed to get back. My last day of my job was that Thursday and I needed to return my work equipment. I couldn’t put it off because I was set to start a new job the following week. The other reason we wanted to leave was because we didn’t want to be responsible for any damage to the car due to flooding, which seemed to be a certainty.

We made lots of calls about canceling the flights and seeing if we could get refunds for the Airbnb and the rental car, and getting another rental car to drive back to Connecticut. The rental car company didn’t want to give us a refund for returning the car early. The flight cancellation was pretty simple as there was already an alert from the weather and an offer of a voucher towards a future flight. Airbnb gave us our money for the night we wouldn’t use since it was due to the coming storm. Lastly, we were able to get a pretty reasonably priced car with unlimited miles to drive back to Connecticut, which was great.


That night, we ran out of water and I refused to drink tap water at the Airbnb. It was late when I realized this and I decided I wanted to get water. I ended up going by myself because my friend was super tired (we had been up since like 2am). Since it was late, the only places open nearby were gas stations. Having not ever lived in a city and being someone who avoids them, I didn’t really think it would be unsafe. But, this is not a mistake I will ever make again.

The gas station I went to seemed safe enough. But as I was going in, a man who was clearly not well (not sure if it was mental health issues or drugs) starts yelling at me “I told you to stay out of my life” and then kept repeating “Stay out of my life!” aggressively in my face. I tried not to acknowledge him to not feed into the situation and I rushed to the spot where the waters were. The man then entered the store and came right back to where I was and started repeating “Stay out of my life!” in my face again.

I rushed to the cashier and quickly paid with Apple Pay to get out as soon as possible. The nice guy at the register was going to bag my bottles of water, but since I was in a rush, I said oh that’s okay and rushed out because the man was starting to approach me again saying “Stay out of my life!” I bolted to the rental car and threw myself inside. I locked the doors and pretty much immediately took off because I was so afraid he was going to follow me out and do something to me. I didn’t even know if I was going in the right direction, I just needed to get out of that parking lot.

Thankfully I made it back to the Airbnb safely. But, I was terrified walking from the car to the door. I was really shaken up by the entire experience. I was on high alert and I was physically shaking. At that point, I didn’t feel safe anymore even inside the Airbnb because this happened not even a mile from the Airbnb.

I quickly showered and then locked myself in my room. The Airbnb was right by a hospital so there were constant sirens, which didn’t help my anxiety. I was so anxious that I was afraid to go to sleep. I ended up falling asleep with the lights on when I got tired enough that I couldn’t stay up anymore.

The Next Morning

I didn’t really sleep much because of the stress. I got up at 5am and my friend got up shortly after. By 6am, we were getting ready and packing our bags to leave. Since it wasn’t down pouring or anything, we drove to a lighthouse and beach. It was the weirdest lighthouse I’ve ever seen, but it was something to see and do. The beach was really pretty though.

Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse, aka “Charleston Light” – this modern lighthouse is one of the newest in the United States.

Then as we were heading back towards Charleston, I saw a sign for a boardwalk so I whipped into the lot. I’m so glad that I did because the boardwalk was beautiful and there were so many birds. We walked the whole thing and I saw some birds that I’d never seen before. I originally didn’t have my big zoom lens, so I had to go back to my car and then go back to get photographs of the birds. I’m glad I was able to get pictures despite not being prepared initially.

Shem Creek Boardwalk

Back to Charleston

After the boardwalk, we went back to Charleston to grab breakfast before touring some historic houses. I was still feeling so stressed out from the night before that I didn’t really have an appetite. So, I didn’t actually eat the breakfast that I bought. I kind of just picked at it before throwing it away.

After breakfast, we went to tour the first historic house, which was the Nathaniel Russell House. This house is a gorgeous 1808 house that has been restored as nearly as possible to 1808. We learned a lot about the history of the house on the tour. The defining architectural feature of this house is a three-story free-flying staircase.

The exterior of the Nathaniel Russell House
The exterior of the Nathaniel Russell House

By the time we finished the tour, the rain from Tropical Storm Debby began. It was down pouring so we sprinted to the car. Of course I didn’t have my rain jacket or umbrella because it wasn’t raining when we arrived at the house. I was glad I didn’t bring my camera with me.

Next we toured the Aiken-Rhett House. This house was MUCH different than the previous house in the fact that it had not been restored to its former glory. Instead, it has been preserved as it was found. Due to the house being preserved and conserved as they found it, it was honestly a bit eerie to walk through. I’m sure the creepiness was heightened due to the storm going on outside.

On the left is the exterior of the house. The exterior was restored to its 1860 appearance. On the right is a picture from the interior where you can see that it has not been restored.

When one of the workers asked me how I liked the house, I replied “It was kind of scary.” She laughed and said it’s much less scary on a sunny day. But, I’ll be honest, while it was cool to be walking into history, I also kind of felt like I shouldn’t be there. I tour a lot of historic houses, but it was quite a different experience being inside one that hasn’t been restored to its glory days.

The Long Journey Home

After we finished the tour of the second house, we decided it was time to start making our way back to Connecticut. We dropped our rental car off (which was an ordeal in itself because the office was so busy due to the storm). Then, we had the shuttle take us back to the airport to pick up the rental car we planned to drive back to Connecticut.

I was the one who started the drive. It started raining so badly that I really couldn’t see the road. Thankfully once I was close to the North Carolina border, the weather really cleared up. The weather the rest of the ride was totally fine. We left at a really good time because not long after we left Charleston, there were tornados in the area on top of the heavy rains.

The drive home was long. We really only stopped to get gas a handful of times and we grabbed Starbucks during one of those stops for gas. At Starbucks, I made sure I got myself some food with protein since I hadn’t really eaten and I still had a long day ahead of me. I also got myself an emotional support hot chocolate lol.

I drove for ten and a half hours before I tapped out due to being tired. Thankfully my friend took over and made the rest of the drive to the airport. The drive was probably 14 hours total. We got back to the airport where my car was at 4am. Then I had to make the hour drive home, which sucked because to get to the airport we had to drive an hour north of my house. I finally got home around 5am and then took a shower to wash off the last 24 hours. I say 24 hours because by that point I had been up for that long.

Me after safely arriving at the airport at 4am before the hour drive home.

Looking Back On The Vacation

As much as it sucked to have a tropical storm wreak havoc on my first girls’ trip and my first trip to Charleston, I’m glad that I was at least able to get a nice taste of the area in my very short time there. I probably won’t go back during hurricane season again. But, at least now I know it is an area that I would like to visit again.

Additionally, it was a good learning experience. It forced me to learn how to deal with a situation like that if it were to happen again on vacation. I’m glad that we did leave because Charleston did end up having some pretty serious flooding and I’m glad the rental car wasn’t in our possession when that happened LOL. Footage below of the flooding that happened after we left:

@emily.danielski Just another Thursday at work😃 #charleston #downtown #flooding #rain #summer #dayinmylife #escaperoom #tourism #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp ♬ Pure Imagination (from "Wonka") – Timothée Chalamet

And lastly, below is a little video I put of the craziness with the weather on the trip:

I can’t say that I’d choose to go on vacation during a hurricane again, but if I had to, I at least have the experience to deal with it.


My First Time Leaving The Country

Last year, I got my passport in hopes of going to Canada since it’s within driving distance. Financially it was rough even applying for the passport, but I did the thing because I knew I wanted to travel out of the country in the near future. Last month, I FINALLY got to use my passport to go to Canada!

As I’ve mentioned before, I am super broke so I tagged along with my parents and my sister on a family trip. Obviously my parents know my financial situation, so I didn’t have to cover any part of the trip. I’m VERY thankful to have parents willing to pay for me to take a trip out of the country. Not only did we go out of the country, but we stayed in a chalet that had wolves right outside our windows. Peep the video below to see some footage I took while I was there.

Anxiety Before The Trip

While I was really excited to finally get to go to Canada, I also had a lot of anxiety about it as well. I’d never gone through border control, so I didn’t really know what to expect. It was really just the unknown of it all that gave me so much anxiety.

Prior to my trip, I asked my friends who had gone through border control what to expect to try and help ease my anxiety. This specific anxiety kept me from just driving into Canada myself. I figured going with my parents my first time would ease that stress a bit since I wouldn’t be the one actually driving through and interacting with the guard.

The other thing I had anxiety about was the fact that Quebec, where we were going, is a French speaking province. I was TERRIFIED about the language barrier. I took French all throughout middle school and for two years in high school, but it’s been more than a decade since my last French class. At this point, I can’t really speak French.

We were so close to the U.S. border that most people could speak English, but a lot of things were also in French. I was a bit self-conscious about the fact that I couldn’t communicate with the locals in French. But, I’m glad I knew enough to say “hi” and “thank you” to them. Thankfully, all of the places we went to had things in both French and English.

The Trip

While I had a lot of anxiety surrounding the trip, I had a lot of fun! As I mentioned earlier, we stayed in a chalet with wolves right outside the windows. We stayed at Parc Omega, which not only had wolves, but plenty of other cool animals to see as well. There were deer, elk, bison, bears, goats, and more.

Some other things we did while we were in Canada were Mount Royal Park in Montreal, Manoir Papineau National Historic Site, Mount Tremblant, and the waterfall Chute du Diable (or in English, Devil’s Fall). I’ve been doing a lot of historic houses lately locally in Connecticut, so I had to sneak one in on this trip.

Being in the mountains on this trip made me realize just how much I’ve missed them. I used to drive to the mountains in the surrounding states a lot. But, I haven’t been able to take many trips to Vermont and New Hampshire due to financial reasons. I really loved getting the chance to go to the summit of Mount Tremblant and being surrounded by mountains.

Thoughts About Leaving The Country For The First Time

Overall, it was a solid trip. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to go to Canada and get a taste of what it has to offer. In a few months I plan to make another trip to a different part of Canada. I’m more confident traveling there now that I know what to expect with crossing the border and such. I’m only four and a half hours from the border and I will definitely be exploring Canada more.


Anxiety Around Skin Health

In the last couple of years, I’ve become very serious about protecting my skin from sun damage. The first time I realized I needed to start taking it seriously was in 2017. I spent the day at the beach with a friend and I very much loved being in the sun and I almost never wore sunscreen. That day however, I got extremely sunburnt to the point that my entire face was swollen. Around my eyes was super swollen and so were my lips.

The photo on the left was at the beach, the photo on the right was the horrible sunburn I got at the beach.

This awful sunburn was what it took to get me to finally realize I needed to protect my skin. But honestly, the sunburn and swelling was so traumatic that for a while, I became absolutely terrified of the sun. It sounds dramatic, but I’m not exaggerating when I say I was terrified.

I spent a lot of time avoiding being in direct sunlight for a while. Instead, I started spending a lot more time in the shade and in the woods when I was outdoors. I also became someone who started to wear a hat to protect my face from the sun. I also started buying chapstick with SPF in it.

As of a couple of years ago, I started seeing a dermatologist for yearly skin checks. A lot of people feel that it’s a waste of time, but I don’t think it is at all. I try my best to be aware of my skin and changes to my skin. But, it’s nice having a second set of eyes on my skin health.

Present Day Skin Health

This year, I had to get my first mole removed and biopsied. Last year, I noticed a new mole pop up so I brought it to my dermatologist’s attention during my yearly skin check. She said it was most likely nothing, but she recommended we remove it and have it biopsied because it didn’t look like all of my other moles.

I was relatively calm about it. I told her I had no issue with having it removed, so we started the quick process then during my appointment. She numbed the area and then scraped the mole off. It took less than five minutes and I didn’t feel a thing.

Within a week, I had my results back and there were some abnormalities. It was nice because my actual dermatologist was thee one to call me with the results so she took the time to explain everything to me. Essentially, she said it’s not unusual for there to be abnormalities with growths on the scalp (which was where mine was). But, I will need to do a recheck in 6 months and I will need to keep an eye on the area for any changes. If at the recheck there’s signs of abnormalities, then my doctor will have to just go a bit deeper to remove more.

Protecting My Skin

These days, I’m still kind of anxious about being out in the sun because I still think about that time my face was so sunburnt that it swelled. I’m pretty good about sunscreen and on the spots I don’t have sunscreen on, I’ll cover up.

Hats are my best friend in the summer to keep my face protected because I don’t love putting sunscreen on my face. It gives me the ick. Last weekend, I went on a lighthouse tour and bought a hat right before the tour to make sure my face was protected.

This weekend, I borrowed a hat from my mom before I went out on the kayaks because the hat I bought last weekend blew off of my head LOL. Prior to the one I bought last weekend, I was just wearing my boyfriend’s hat, but I wanted my own for the lighthouse tour because he came with me and I wanted his face protected. His hat didn’t fly off his head though lol.


I wish took sun damage seriously sooner. But, there’s nothing I can do to change the past. It’s now me and my SPF 50+ sunscreen and hats against the sun.


Saying Goodbye To My Childhood Home

In 2003, we moved to a property in Salem, Connecticut. It had a lot of land and my parents built a house there that would become my home throughout my childhood and into my early twenties. While the house was being built, we lived in a camper in the front yard (which I thought was the COOLEST thing ever as a 6 year old).

6 year old me hanging out in the camper we lived in while our house was being built.

In 2004, we moved into the house that would be my home from childhood through my early 20s. I lived in that house up until 2021. For 17 years, that was my home. My parents lived there until the end of 2023.

I watched it get built as a kid. It was a pretty cool experience. And I remember a lot of it to this day.

My late grandfather and I in the house as it was being built.

I also watched the property evolve through my father’s hard work. The property was an old nursery so the area where we were building the house had hoop houses. It took years, but the hoop houses were eventually moved and we were left with quite a large front yard.

The property also has a pond, which we used to have parties at. When we first got the property, it was a bit of a jungle down there. But slowly, my father cleaned it up and even made a beach down there. I spent so many summers hanging out at the pond paddle boating, kayaking, and swimming. We also had so many parties down there. We made the pump house a hangout and my dad even had an outhouse built down there.

My late grandfather and I hanging out down at the pond after my dad made it a beach.

It’s super weird to think about the fact that this house is no longer my family’s home. I had so many firsts in that house and I have so many memories with family and friends there. We never thought that my parents would ever leave, but upkeep took a lot of time and effort and it just became too much for just my parents and my sister.

While it’s weird, I’m also surprisingly okay. I thought it would upset me a lot more. But, I think it helped that my parents moved out of the Salem house about a year ago so I got used to going to their new house. I love where I live now and I also like my parents new house, which happens to be less than five miles from where I live. It’s still odd sometimes no longer having a permanent tie to Salem, but we’re now making memories in our new homes. I like that it’s a new chapter.

I hope that whoever lives in our old house now enjoys it and makes the house their own. That house and property were truly one of a kind.


My First Solo Flight

At the beginning of June, I took my first solo flight. I’ve travelled solo in my car plenty of times, sometimes driving 7 hours a day. But, I’d never taken a solo trip on a plane before.

This trip was to go see my friend who moved to Tennessee. She had previously lived in Washington State and I never made it to visit her there partially due to finances and also partially due to anxiety about navigating airports by myself.

I had a lot of anxiety before my trip. I’ve flown a lot and I got over my previous fear of flying many years ago. But, this year, there’s been a lot of news stories about things going wrong with planes. So, I was really anxious about something happening during my flight and not having anyone I know with me in my final moments. But, I didn’t let this anxiety stop me from going because rationally, I knew the chances were low and that I’ve flown a lot of times without any catastrophic things happening.

The Flight There

To try and make this first solo flight easy on myself, I decided to fly out of Tweed in New Haven because it’s such a small airport and because I could get a direct flight. I was planning on driving myself to the airport and paying the fee to park, but my brother offered to drive me, which saved me a lot of money. He definitely owed me because I’ve picked him up from the airport more times than I can count.

When he dropped me off at Tweed, I had to figure out where to check my bag because I’d never been there before. Thankfully, I quickly figured it out with the help of signs. I had a checked bag so I handed that off and then went through security. I was super excited to find out I didn’t have to take out all of my camera gear and my laptop.

Once past security, I had to consult a screen to figure out which gate my flight was going out of. Thankfully, that airport only has 1 terminal, so it was easy. I was not pleased that my virtual boarding pass did not have the gate on it. But, it was just a small bump in the road lol.

Once the plane took off, most of my anxiety went away. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I knew what to expect because I’ve flown so many times. I got myself a window seat because I knew being able to see the landscape below would make me happy. Usually I don’t like to get window seats, but it was such a short flight that I knew it wouldn’t be a big deal. I usually like to be in the isle seat so I don’t have to ask people to move when I have to go to the bathroom.

I loved getting to see the shoreline from above. You don’t get views like this flying out of Hartford.

I usually spend flights reading. I was excited to have a couple hours to read on this flight. But, I had people behind me who wouldn’t stop talking, so I threw in my headphones and played games. I tried to read, but I couldn’t focus with them talking or with music playing. Listening to my country playlist during my flight to Nashville was a good alternative to reading.

When I landed, my friend and her husband picked me up. I had to take a shuttle to get to baggage claim area, which was interesting. But, I made it to baggage claim where my friend and her husband were waiting for me and my luggage wasn’t lost. Easy peasy.

The Trip

I spent the next couple of days hanging out with my friend during the day doing fun things like waterfall adventures and mansion tours. At night, we’d go grab a bite to eat with her husband.

On my last day, we went to Nashville because that was where I was flying out of. We did Broadway where all the bars and live music are. I didn’t expect to like it, but I gave it a shot anyways. I don’t really drink (unless it’s a sip or two from my boyfriend’s drink) so bar hopping isn’t really my thing. But, I did enjoy the architecture on that main strip. The live music was cool, but I also don’t like being in loud places and they weren’t bands I really knew so to me it wasn’t worth it lol.

I didn’t necessarily have fun at the bars, but I did like that this bar (Tootsie’s) had nice views of downtown from the rooftop.

The Journey Home

When it was finally time to go, my friend and her husband walked me into the airport and we said our goodbyes. Then, I went off to check my bag. When it was time to go through security, I was relieved when I saw that I once again didn’t have to take any of my stuff out of my bag.

I then had to take the shuttle again to get back to the terminal that I was flying out of. Thankfully, I expected this because I had to take one when I had arrived in Nashville. I got to the terminal with plenty of time to spare so I grabbed a bite to eat nearby and edited some photos.

After I finished eating, I went to sit at my gate. There was no one there, but as far as I knew, that was still my gate. Other people seemed thrown off as well and they asked if I was going to New Haven. I told them I was indeed. One guy checked to confirm that was our gate, and it was.

But, we later found out that the gate was moved. We all collectively groaned and then headed to the correct gate. This little hiccup really did not phase me. However, we didn’t take off on time because there was one woman who did not get the memo that the gate was changed last minute. There was another collective groan at that lol.

Taken at what was SUPPOSED to be our gate a couple minutes before boarding was supposed to start. They really did change it that last minute.

My flight home was smooth. I wish I was one of those people that slept on planes because I was landing at 10:30pm and then had an hour drive back home. I tried, but no luck. So, I played games and listened to music again until it was almost dark out. Then, I opened the window to look outside. I got to see a sunset from the plane, which was awesome.

When I got home, I had to shower because I just felt so gross being on an airplane. There was no way I was getting into bed without washing my hair and body. I definitely regret getting home so late and not giving myself a day off the next day to recover because I had work at 6am the next day.

Reflecting On My First Solo Flights

Overall, I had a pretty positive experience with my first solo flights. I didn’t have to navigate out of the airport or grab a rental car or deal with layovers, but that’s because I intentionally tried to make it as easy as possible. Now that I have this under my belt, I’d definitely feel more comfortable flying solo again.

– Kailey

How My Relationship With My Parents Has Changed As An Adult

Like most teens, I didn’t have the best relationship with my parents. I wanted to be independent and to make my own decisions. But of course, I had parents who were looking out for me trying to make sure I didn’t mess up. Teenage me just thought they were trying to make my life suck.

As I’ve gotten older, my relationship with my parents has changed for the better. Teenage me never thought it was possible. But, I’ve come to realize that they do care about me. I’ve also realized that they’ve always had my best interest at heart. They did the best they could, especially when I was being a rebellious brat (due to unaddressed mental health struggles). And, I’ve come to terms with the fact that they are human with their own issues, just like every other person.

I used to never really feel like I could talk to them, but as I’ve gotten older, I have a good relationship where I can talk to them. I used to hide a lot of parts of myself from them because I was terrified of disappointing them. I’m happy to report that I have no filters around them and they really do accept me for who I am. I’m sure sometimes they wish I might have a bit more of a filter, but they never try to shut me down for being me. I can talk about funny things with them and more serious things, and it’s so nice to be able to go to them with those more serious things.

So, What’s Helped My Relationship With My Parents?

I think one thing that has helped me personally was living out of their house. When I started to live away from them, I thought I’d be one of those people who moved out of my parents’ house and never went back. But, quite the opposite is true. I find myself going over pretty regularly, especially now that they live just 3 miles from me.

My dad knows I’m into birds and lighthouses and if he comes across one, he’ll always send pictures my way. It’s nice to know he thinks of me when he sees stuff I like. I’ll send him my photos I take when I think he’ll like them. I text my mom all the time just about random stuff. Both of my parents are really funny and, for the most part, they get my sense of humor.

Teenage me would never have believed that I could be chill with my parents and actually want to talk to them and hangout with them. But honestly, I’m thankful to have gotten to a place where I have a good relationship with my parents. Sure, sometimes they can still get on my nerves, but those times are so few and far between.

Another thing that’s really helped me is accepting them for who they are. When they’re having a bad day, I meet them where they’re at, just as I would any other person. I also do not hold any mistakes they might have made in the past against them. I sure as hell made a lot of mistakes while I was under their roof. But, they stuck by me, even when they didn’t agree with my choices.


Breaking My Camera

This last weekend, I broke my camera. I was surprisingly chill about it, although I definitely was not pleased about it since I leave for vacation in less than a week. And I’ll be honest, I don’t exactly have the money for a new camera right now. But, that’s life.

Let Me Take You To The Beginning…

Saturday, I decided I wanted to do something fun since Memorial Day Weekend I didn’t get to do anything I wanted to do. I had back to back family parties that weekend. So this weekend, I decided to take a day trip to the Hudson Valley to tour a mansion and then on the way back I planned to stop in New Fairfield, Connecticut to get some long exposures of waterfalls.

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to the Locust Grove Estate in Poughkeepsie, New York. I played around with my camera trying to take macro photos of bugs on flowers in the garden while we waited to tour the mansion. The tour of the mansion was great because it was actually a guided tour and not one where I had to read things or listen to audio (I’m looking at you, NEWPORT MANSIONS). I never have the patience to do self-guided because I just want to look at stuff and I also don’t want to have headphones in to listen to audio while I’m touring a mansion with someone. After the lovely tour of the mansion, we then walked down to the overlook of the Hudson River.

Macro photo, Locust Grove Estate, views of the Hudson River.

Where The Incident Happened

After that, we headed to Great Hollow Nature Preserve in New Fairfield, Connecticut. Someone I follow on Instagram suggested it to me because of the waterfalls. It’d been a pretty long time since I’ve done some long exposures so that’s why I opted for a little waterfall adventure on the way back. However, this is where my camera would meet its demise.

We hiked out to the waterfall and had the area quite literally to ourselves. I set up my camera and started going to town taking my long exposures. There were a couple of different cascades to take pictures of. The first cascade I photographed went smoothly with no casualties.

The first cascade I photographed.

I wasn’t as lucky at the next cascade. At the next cascade, I set up the tripod and camera on an angled rock right along the brook. That was my first mistake. The second mistake was bumping the tripod and sending my camera into the water. I pulled it out by the tripod legs and it was SOAKED. I immediately yanked out the SD card and hoped it survived along with all of my pictures from the day. I’m happy to say that the SD card survived. The camera, however, did not.

The last photo my Canon EOS 80D ever took.

Believe it or not, this is not the first time my camera has ended up in a body of water. Earlier in the year I slipped into a river in New Hampshire while holding my camera and it ended up going into the water. It survived that time, so I guess I can’t be too upset that it didn’t survive its second swim. It also survived A LOT of falls because I dropped it all the time. My clumsiness is part of the reason I didn’t upgrade my camera sooner.

Post-Camera Drowning

While I was definitely bummed about becoming camera-less, I didn’t let it ruin the rest of my day. After the death of my camera, we headed to Newtown to the Fairfield Hills Campus, which was once a state psychiatric hospital. The reason I went was because my brother told me I would think the brewery there was cool. It’s in one of the old buildings from the Fairfield Hospital Campus. However, I wasn’t expecting it to be an entire campus of old buildings.

I was SO EXCITED and I then understood why my brother sent me there, since I’m not a beer person. While we did go to the brewery and get a pizza, my favorite part was walking around the old hospital campus and just exploring the buildings. I was EXTREMELY upset my camera was broken, but I made the most of it and played iPhone photographer for the night. Every time we got up to a new building I would just get so excited because I love spooky, historic buildings.

Not a camera photo, but my cellphone got the job done.

Getting A New Camera

As I said earlier, I definitely don’t have the money to get a camera. And due to my debt issues, I can’t buy a used camera with a payment plan. I can’t get approved for a loan or payment. Thankfully, Amazon offers a payment plan that requires no approval and has 0% interest. I’ll have to buy a new camera, but honestly it’s the best option because after interest with the other payment plan, I’d end up paying more than if I just bought it new.

I really wanted to upgrade to a mirrorless when my camera’s time was up, but it’s just not feasible right now. So, I’m getting the upgraded version of the camera I broke. I had a Canon EOS 80D and I will be upgrading to a Canon EOS 90D. It’s not the upgrade I wanted, but honestly having a slight upgrade is better than having no camera. I can’t wait around to be able to afford the Canon EOS R6 Mark II that I wanted, especially because I would also need to upgrade lenses, making it even more expensive.

Being Without A Camera For A Couple Days

It’s been a couple days without having a camera and I have to admit that I feel so lost without it. I haven’t left my house without my camera in months. I’d been taking photos every single day, whether it was local or traveling a bit. I really didn’t expect to feel so lost without it though.

While it sucks not being able to go out and take pictures with a camera right now, it’s giving me time to edit all of the photos I’ve been taking. I’ll order the camera tomorrow so it’ll be here in time for my vacation I leave for on Friday. Not an ideal time to buy a camera, but I definitely don’t want to go on my trip without one. If I feel lost without it at home, I’m sure it would be worse on a vacation LOL.

Hopefully my next camera lasts as long as my last one did!!

– Kailey

Feeling A Bit Lost

It has been a busy month. I’ve been actively searching for jobs, which has taken a lot out of me. I’ve been looking for a new job because what I make right now at my current job just isn’t enough. I’m working full-time, but living paycheck to paycheck.

In my free time, I’ve been pursing photography a bit more seriously than I have before. I’ve been working on really being intentional about my compositions. To do this, I’ve been visiting parks that I’ve frequented many times and just really taking in things I’ve never noticed before. I’ve also gotten back into wildlife photography.

Some recent photos and videos on my photography Instagram. I’ve started dabbling in video of wildlife, which you can see in the grid as well.

It’s honestly been pretty awesome and it’s been a nice break from the chaos. But, doing this outside of my regular full-time job, around job searches/interviews, and around my regular responsibilities as an adult has been draining. And to be honest, I’ve been staying up so late editing pictures when I get home that I haven’t been getting as much sleep as I should. I’ve been trying to combat that by staying super local even though I want to go further.

Photography has always been something I’ve been interested in. It’s something that makes me feel good and it’s a good way for me to express myself. I love exploring with my camera and capturing whatever catches my attention. I wish I could do it all day everyday, but I can’t.

The reality is I work a full-time job, and yet, I can’t really afford to live. So, I’m actively searching for a new job. As I’m looking for a job, I find myself just applying for things I’m not super passionate about. I like my job now where I get to read all day, but it’s not sustainable because of the pay. I guess I worry that I’m making decisions about my career just because I’m poor. But, what choice do I have? I can’t keep living paycheck to paycheck.

On social media, you see so many people who just quit their jobs and pursue their passions. I want to do that, but like, how? I literally have zero savings. My bills are paid on time, but that’s because I work and all of my money goes towards those bills, and unfortunately my debt until the end of next year. I’d love to take the leap to do something that I’m passionate about, but I can’t.

I feel trapped in the rat race. While I know the 9-5 is normalized as the smart and safe route, I just don’t align with it. I don’t think we as humans are designed to sit at a desk all day and work our lives away. What kind of life is that?

It’s not that I don’t like to work. I just don’t love working on things that don’t spark something inside me just because I need the money. I also don’t love that many full-time, stable jobs don’t have the flexibility I want.

Additionally, I don’t like having to work eight hours straight. I’d do better breaking my hours up throughout the day. Work for a bit, have the ability to get outside and move my body, then come back refreshed and ready to work again. Sometimes during the work day I get so anxious that I feel physically sick. The anxiety comes from feeling trapped at my desk. I only get two ten-minute breaks and a thirty minute lunch break, which always feels rushed because I’m such a slow eater. Because of this, I spend my lunch super anxious since I feel like I have to rush to eat.

So, what is the answer? Unfortunately, I don’t know. I’d love to build something for myself, but I don’t have the energy to build something up while juggling regular life with a full-time job. I barely sleep as it is.

This is totally not how I pictured my life would be at 27. But, here we are. I guess I’m just taking it day by day now. As much as I hate to say it, making money would probably help because most of my stress right now stems from lack of money. Money is so tight that sometimes I literally feel like I can’t leave the house because I can’t spare the money for gas.

While I do feel kind of hopeless, I would be doing a lot worse if I didn’t have such awesome people in my life. And unfortunately, I know a lot of people who are also struggling right now. They’re people who are also working full-time. It’s rough out here, but we have each other to lean on (and thankfully, we have memes too, like the one below).


My First Internet Troll Experience

Recently, I had a comment get a lot of attention on a viral Instagram Reel. Like it got two thousand likes. Unfortunately, viral content tends to bring out the trolls, and my comment was no exception.

For background, the Reel that went viral was about the Lost River Gorge in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, which has caves you can go through. I did the caves myself when I went, and I made a comment from my travel Instagram account about how the experience was not that fun for me because I’m claustrophobic. Image of my comment below.

Innocent enough, right? I was one of the first people to comment on the Reel before it went viral. I’m someone who really likes to engage with the accounts I follow because I like connecting with people on the internet who have similar interests. And like I said, I did do the caves. I’ll be honest though, I actually did have an anxiety attack at the end of one of the caves because the opening looked like it could only fit a child. Like I thought there had to be some mistake because it just looked that tiny.

Picture of me in one of the less narrow sections of one of the many caves at the Lost River Gorge.

Anyways, back to the comment. I had a troll reply to my comment basically telling me I’m fat, although he said I look a little chunky, which isn’t much better lol. Basically the joke was I’m too fat to fit through the caves. The comments were so ridiculous and they made zero sense. Like obviously I’m not fat AND I could fit through the narrow caves (even though it was anxiety-inducing).

The troll comments:

Like there was definitely a part of me that was like jeez if you’re going to attempt to bully me, at least bully me for something that makes sense. Anyone can take one look at me and see that I can definitely fit through the caves. In fact, I have videos of me going through tighter sections, just they’re not fit for the internet lol. Plus, I shouldn’t have to give proof of being thin enough to go through a cave.

This would have really bothered me back when I was really struggling with my eating disorder. And honestly, initially it did affect me. But, that was only because I was just more shocked than anything. At this stage of my recovery, for the most part I’m content with my body. I actually had a good weekend and was the most comfortable I’ve been in a bikini in years during a Memorial Day Weekend Party. If I was having a bad body image day, it might have affected me more than it did.

Working On Being Comfortable In Front Of The Camera

I’ve been trying to get in front of the camera more so I think that’s helped me a lot with how I view myself. I do still have bad days. But most times when I see video footage of me, I’m shocked at how good I think I look. Like I’ve been terrified of hating how my body looks in videos, but I’m finding it’s quite the opposite. I am actually happy about what I look like in these videos I’ve been taking of myself.

One of my recent videos:

Final Thoughts

While the comment didn’t affect me that much, I did worry about how that comment might affect others who saw it. While the comment was directed at me, I’m sure a lot of females, some of which probably have the same body as me, saw that comment. That comment could be absolutely devastating for so many people. It’s disgusting that some random person with no profile picture and a private account thought it was okay to comment that. It’s ALWAYS people hiding behind a faceless, nameless, private account. Miserable people who bully others for fun.

While the internet and social media can be such a great place (which I talk about in another post), trolls like this make it a living hell for a lot of people. I think part of what has helps me personally is not taking these people too seriously. Another great thing is blocking or hiding content that really does affect me negatively.


Nourishing Friendships As A Young Adult

Being an adult, it’s hard to keep in touch with your friends. We’re all so busy and burnt out. And personally, I just really like spending time with myself in my free time. I tend to isolate myself because that’s just what’s comfortable to me.

But recently, I’ve been trying to make an intentional effort to reach out to my friends that I haven’t talked to or seen in a while. This last month, I must have been feeling super motivated because I made plans with three different friends.

First Round of Plans

One of the friends I reached out to I’ve been friends with since preschool. We were best friends in preschool and we were friends all the way through high school. Distance happened when we went to college, which is normal, but we did still stay in touch. I met up with her at a coffee shop in downtown Norwich and we caught up, which was nice. Honestly it’s so nice getting to connect with someone who’s known you for your whole life and grew up in the same town as you!

After that little meet up, I got my beloved alone time. I wandered around downtown Norwich on my own with my camera. It was honestly so awesome. I’ve always loved the historic buildings. But in addition to that, Norwich is where my late grandfather grew up and I spent a lot of time there with him. It is a town that really makes me feel connected to him. I used to go down to the harbor with him and when he was teaching me to drive, he had me driving through downtown Norwich. Norwich will always hold a special place in my heart because of him.

Second Round of Plans

I also recently grabbed dinner with another friend, who I haven’t known quite as long, but she’s such a close friend. She is literally the nicest and most thoughtful human being ever. She recently went to Niagara Falls and she was sending me all kinds of tacos she was eating on her trip. So I suggested we get tacos at my favorite Mexican place and it turned out she’s been wanting to try it for a while!

We caught up and she was telling me the funniest stories from work. I was laughing so hard. Then, to make the night even better, a double rainbow appeared! As soon as we noticed, we booked it to the beach to experience it there. IT WAS MAGICAL. As I was frolicking down the beach enjoying the rainbow, my friend was taking candids of me, which I loved. She’s literally so thoughtful. She also took the cutest video of me with the rainbow to help me get content for my travel blog. Seriously, she’s the best!

She then came over after and met my boyfriend, which to me was super special. My friends know all about him, but not many of them have met him yet because I try to hangout with my friends one on one to get quality time with them. But since we grabbed food close to my house, I figured it was a good time to have them meet! Literally such a wholesome night.

The Creation of Future Plans

The third friend I reached out to is one who recently moved to Tennessee. This friend lived in Washington state for years and I never got a chance to visit her because of financial reasons. I wanted to so badly, but I just could never swing it. Now that she lives an hour outside of Tennessee, I can afford to fly to her with the cheap flights from Tweed Airport!

I made plans to visit her in Tennessee in the beginning of June and I’m so excited! I saw her a couple months ago when she was in Connecticut, but it was only a day because she understandably wanted to spend time with her family and other Connecticut friends. It’s hard when you’ve lived away for 5 years!

This will be my first solo travel trip on an airplane and I’m so glad it will be out of Tweed because it’s such a small and easy airport. I probably can manage a regular airport because I’m a seasoned flier at this point, but I still would rather fly out of the teeny tiny airport. It’ll all be worth it though to adventure with my friend in her new home!

Keeping in Touch

While I do love to spend time alone and do my own thing, I also love my friends and the relationships I have with each and every one of them. I’m so thankful to have them in my life, and it’s so important to me that I set aside time to either reach out via text to check in and catch up or plan to get together in person if we can swing it!

I have friends who also just kind of isolate unintentionally because they’re just busy and overwhelmed. Honestly, I don’t mind being the one to reach out. I can tell you, those friends really appreciate it when I reach out! I never hold it against them because I know just how burnt out and busy I can get. We’re adults with our own separate lives, and I’m not going to get mad at them for having their own life…just as I would hope they don’t get upset if I’m not in constant contact.

I always try to reach out to my friends when something reminds me of them, even if it’s just a quick little meme. Like the other day I sent my friend a really corny meme because it made me think of her and her chickens. I used the meme as a segue to check in and see what’s up! This particular friend has three young children, one being a newborn, so I know just how busy she is.

Final Thoughts

It takes some work to nourish friendships, but it is doable and so worth it! It doesn’t always have to be in-person plans. Sometimes just a quick text to let them know you’re thinking of them goes a long way! And, if your friends don’t reach out, it’s probably not because they don’t like you anymore. They’re probably just really busy or burnt out from work and adulting. I have a lot of friends like this and I’ll just send them a quick text to check in and we can go into conversation like no time has passed!

If you’re not sure how to nourish your friendships as an adult, you can also check out this guide!


Back In Therapy

At the end of last year, I mentioned that I was looking to start therapy again. As of this month, I’ve officially gotten back in with a therapist. It’s been a long time coming.

The Search For A Therapist

Last year, I reached out to in-network therapists around me that specialized in things that were important to me. I wanted someone that had experience with trauma and anxiety. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear back from a single one.

At the end of March, I got an email from Yale New Haven Health about this program they have that helps you find care. I decided to check out the website. I filtered it for mental health providers and I happened to find one that was up the road from my house. They specialize in all of the things that I wanted, but they don’t work with insurance at all. However, they provide a super bill so I can put a claim in with my insurance to hopefully get some money back.

What was even better was I could start the process of getting an intake appointment online. I spent a lot of time filling out the paperwork they have potential clients fill out. I wanted to make sure it was clear what my intentions were when it came to therapy as well as my expectations. Honestly, I read through every bit of information they gave me, and it really seemed like this would be a great fit. The next day they got back to me and said based on what I filled out, I would be a great fit and that I could skip the intake and schedule an appointment.

I was honestly shocked that it was SO EASY. I did not expect to fill out everything and then have an appointment within days. Not a single phone call in the process. They texted me to set everything up. I would have had no issue talking on the phone to get an appointment, but it was just such a breeze.

Beginning Therapy Sessions

I had my first therapy appointment a couple days before my 27th birthday. I’ve had bad therapists in the past and I’m always worried that I might have someone who doesn’t vibe with me. However, I got SO LUCKY with my therapist, she’s great.

In my intake appointment I literally said “I just rawdog life” and she totally got the reference and laughed. It’s important to me that I don’t have to filter myself and my personality in therapy. I’ve had therapists in the past who have had judgement written all over their face as I’ve talked. It’s a horrible feeling.

Hunches Confirmed

I go once a week, and so far all of my sessions have been great. She has given me some really great things to try to help ground myself when my anxiety gets to be unbearable. She also confirmed my hunch that I probably have sensory processing disorder and Misophonia. I didn’t even bring up that I thought I might have them, she offered it up based on something I was telling her.

Misophonia is when you have a really strong emotional reaction to sounds. These reactions usually seem really unreasonable to people. For example, there’s a girl at work who kicks her chair repeatedly all day and it makes me irrationally angry. Sometimes I have to put in my headphones with music and take a walk. Otherwise, I lose my mind. But, I don’t feel like I could tell my job that I don’t want to work in-office because of this. I don’t think they’d take me seriously.

Other times it’s the sound of the washing machine/dryer. I’ll have to put in noise cancelling headphones to escape the sounds. Sometimes my boyfriend will be playing some video game and the gun sounds or repetitive noises of the characters will completely enrage me.

As much as it’s like “agh, another disorder to tack on to the list” it’s also comforting to know that there is an explanation for the things that I deal with on a daily basis. Having a therapist helps with learning these things as well as learning coping skills to live with these things I know I struggle with.

Happy To Be Back In Therapy

I’m looking forward to continuing working with a therapist again. It’s nice to have someone who I don’t feel like I have to defend myself and my brain to. It’s part of their job to understand these disorders that are a part of me. I have supportive friends and family, but it’s just different having someone who not only gets it, but can give you HELPFUL advice. It’s so worth the investment.

– Kailey

Officially 27

At the beginning of April, I officially turned 27! Young me thought this was a super old age, but I’ve now come to realize being in your late 20s is not actually old lol. The years feel a lot shorter now that I’m older and time really does fly.

It’s been a busy month for me with birthday stuff. On my actual birthday, I spent the day driving around close to home. First, I visited a waterfall. Then, I went looking for wildlife. I saw some seals in Old Saybrook that were too far away for me to get decent photos of and I got a lot of photos of Ospreys in various spots.

I visited Westfield Falls in Middletown for my birthday.

The night of my birthday, I had pizza and cake with my family. Last year, I didn’t get to do this with my family because I had pink eye. My parents bought a cake, but my pink eye was stubborn and wouldn’t go away. They ended up dropping the cake off to me and a card last year. This was part of the reason I chose to not go on vacation BEFORE my birthday this year lol.

The day after my birthday, I headed south to Ocean City, Maryland. I made a little road trip out of it. I stopped at Paterson Great Falls National Historic Site in New Jersey and some spots in Delaware on the way down.

The waterfall was kind of just a pit stop to stretch our legs, and I got splashed in the eye with water. I won’t lie, I did have a bit of anxiety worrying that the water might have infected my eyes LOL. But, a quick Google search reassured me that I was probably fine and the risk was EXTREMELY low. For once, Google made me feel better instead of worse.

The water didn’t attack my eyes here, it was at the top of the falls lol.

After Paterson Great Falls, we stopped at a Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware. I had seen that lot of people typically saw eagles here, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. This was one of the highlights of my trip for sure. I have never seen so many eagles in my life. It was drizzling most of the time we were here, but I stood out in the rain photographing those eagles. I couldn’t get enough of it. I took some of my best eagle pictures ever.

One of MANY eagle photos I took.

After that, we stopped at Cape Henlopen State Park where there was a lot of cool historic stuff to check out. We climbed an old lookout tower from WWII and checked out Fort Miles Historic Site. Additionally, there were beaches to check out and two lighthouses visible from one of the beaches! But I also got a special wildlife surprise. I saw about 30 deer just hanging out in a field in the park. The trip was turning out to be quite the wildlife adventure.

One of the many deer I saw.

On day two of the trip, we went to the Maryland side of Assateague Island National Seashore. In this park, you’ll find wild horses that free roam around the park. They were honestly everywhere from the moment we got on to the island. They were grazing on the side of the road as well as in the parking lots.

One of the many horses we saw in Maryland.

I really liked seeing the wild horses so close up. There are signs everywhere that state you need to stay 40 feet away from the horses at all times for their safety and for human safety, but people did not follow this rule. I did follow the rules. I am a stickler for rules, but especially when it comes to wildlife.

It made me so mad to see families with kids getting too close and taking selfies with the horses. There was also one woman with a digital camera who literally got right in a horse’s face with her camera. I cannot stand when people do not respect wildlife. Huge pet peeve for me because the animals can’t protect themselves. If they do, there’s a chance of them being euthanized for harming a human. Thankfully a ranger came and told her to get away from the horse.

After Assateague, we went and checked out Fenwick Island Lighthouse, which was just a quick stop because it wasn’t open to visitors. Snapped a couple of pictures, and then went back to our beach-side condo to relax for the rest of the night.

On day three, we drove south to Chincoteague, Virginia to check out the Virginia section of Assateague Island. We drove around the island, where the horses did NOT free-roam like the ones in Maryland. While I was a little upset they were fenced in, I completely understood why they made that choice after seeing people have zero respect for the horses in Maryland.

One of the horses on the Virginia side of Assateague Island.

That night, we did a wildlife cruise where we got to see a mama horse and her super newborn foal (it was 12-24 hours old). We got to watch the mom try to coax her foal to cross the water. It was really such a cool experience. We also saw some other wildlife, like coastal birds, and Assateague Lighthouse from the water (which we had also visited up close on the island earlier).

Mama and baby I saw on the wildlife cruise.

On day three, we took a ferry from Lewes, Delaware to Cape May, New Jersey to drive up the New Jersey coast to check out some lighthouses. I didn’t plan this before we left, it was a last minute decision I made after I saw the ferry by Cape Henlopen State Park. In New Jersey, we climbed Cape May Lighthouse and Absecon Lighthouse and then visited Barnegat Lighthouse. Barnegat was not open to climb by the time we got to it.

New Jersey’s three tallest lighthouses, which I visited on my way home.

While the birthday trip was jam packed with stuff, it was honestly the kind of break I needed. I was feeling so burnt out from work and just regular life. I had been really looking forward to taking the trip and getting away from it all for a bit. Sometimes, you just have to get away to reset a bit.

Younger me would have never thought I’d be so into doing trips like this, but I love the aspect of planning a trip and then making it happen. I love photographing stuff and just experiencing new places. And I’m so lucky that I have the ability to just get in my car and take trips like this. Living in Connecticut, we really are so close to so many different states that are a relatively short drive away. It’s comforting that it’s easy to take these little trips, whether planned or spontaneous. I hate feeling stuck.

It’s honestly still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I’m such an adult now and I am in control of my life and what I do. I spent so many years feeling like I had absolutely no say in what I could and couldn’t do, but now I really can live the life I want to live. It’s still crazy to me.

Happy to have made it another year. Here’s to 27 and another year of growth and continuing to have new experiences!


Struggling To Communicate My Needs

I have always struggled to communicate my needs. Growing up, I never really felt that my needs were important or that they matter. It’s something that has definitely followed me into adulthood. I’m working on trying to be better about communicating my needs, but it’s very much still a work in progress.

Honestly, I think a lot of it stems from being a bit of a people pleaser. I never want to speak up and tell someone I’d really appreciate it if they’d do x, y, or z. I get stuck in my head going over what I’d like to communicate, but I can never seem to get the words out.

I’m terrified of my needs causing a fight or disagreement so I just choose to stay silent. Silence like that was what helped me survive. It’s what I know. I spent most of my life closing into myself trying not to be seen or heard.

People in my life really have to push me to communicate my needs. But, it takes a lot of gentle pushing. I don’t hide my emotions very well. As much as I’d love to try and hide what I’m feeling, it’s impossible because my face just tells all.

After the um-teenth “what’s wrong?” or “what are you thinking about?” I’ll eventually open up. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. I’m usually fighting through tears trying to get the words out. I wish it didn’t make me so uncomfortable, but it does when it’s something that’s really important to me. It doesn’t happen with minor things so much, but the bigger things that matter I am terrified to open up about.

Is it because I don’t like being vulnerable? That’s probably part of it. The other part is being afraid of an argument by communicating my needs due to past experience. Sometimes even when I know I won’t be met with disagreement or a hard time, I will keep it to myself because I don’t want to “guilt” people into doing things because otherwise I might be upset. All of these thoughts in my head make me just not want to speak up.

I recently had an instance where I didn’t communicate my needs until I was already upset about needs I didn’t express to the person. We were able to talk about it later and they told me it’s important to share my needs to them. When I voiced all of my concerns and reasons why I didn’t want to share, they told me they care about me and that if it’s something that’s important to me, of course they’ll try to meet those wants and needs because they respect me.

It’s okay to have wants and needs and to express them to other people. You don’t have to feel like your wants and needs don’t matter. It might be hard to express them because past experiences made you feel like it’s not safe to do so, but there are people who will respect you and your wishes. I have so many of those people in my life and yet I still struggle with it, but thankfully they’re patient with me and understanding.


Making New Friends As An Adult

Making new friends as an adult is hard. I’m just about 27 at this point and I’m not the kind of person who goes to seek out friendships due to social anxiety, which I’ve been working on. But, I’m happy to report that I have in fact been making friends!

In a previous post, I had talked about finding community on social media through my travel blog accounts. Well not only have I used it to build an online community, but I’ve actually made a real life friend. I had mentioned in my post that I made some online friends, but one of them has recently become a real life friend.

This particular friend is into wildlife photography and she was mentioning that she was planning to go birding at a state park that’s pretty much up the road from my house. I told her to let me know if she goes and when she’ll get there so I could meet her there. The plans were made and it was both really exciting to meet someone I talk to regularly and really nerve-wracking.

I was excited to meet someone who’s local to Connecticut that’s also super nice. But, I was also nervous because meeting someone in real life can be stressful. I feel like you can be a lot smoother when talking to someone on the internet because it’s written. I had thoughts of what if I’m not how she expects me to be? What if she thinks I don’t look like I do in my pictures and Reels? What if she thinks I have a weird voice? (I have a bit of a lisp). I did actually get physical symptoms of anxiety too.

Despite all of the anxiety, I pushed through the discomfort and met her and her husband at the state park and we had such a fun time photographing Ospreys and a Belted Kingfisher. It was great getting to talk about wildlife, photography, and make a new friend.

The Osprey and the Belted Kingfisher

As of today, we’ve now hung out twice to go birding. Today, it was not nerve-wracking to make the plans, it was just like me making plans with any of my other friends. The first place we went to was a bust with no birds, but we still walked and talked. The second spot we had a blast watching so many ospreys flying around.

One of the Ospreys I photographed flying today.

I’ve never really thought of myself as someone who’s good at making friends because of my anxiety. It’s not that I’m not social. I love to talk to people, but prior to knowing someone I tend to overthink things. Once I get past that and get comfortable, I do great. I’m glad I’ve been working on putting myself out there a bit more and making connections with people who have similar interests to me.

If you’re looking to make friends, local or not, I’d definitely recommend joining some groups on social media or following some people who seem to have similar interests to you. Of course, you can also join in-person groups as well. They’re just not my thing.

What are some ways that you’ve found to make friends as an adult?


Anxiety Strikes Again

I’ve talked about my anxiety in the past and how it can make me do things that would seem extremely irrational to a normal person (like that time it spiraled out of control on a day trip).

Well, my anxiety has once again made me do something that in hindsight, was a bit ridiculous. Monday night, my boyfriend and I were having leftover turkey burgers. We reheated them in the microwave, and we sat down to eat them together at the dining room table.

Things were normal. Fine. Dandy. Then, I swallowed a piece and suddenly my throat was sore. The best way to describe it was it felt like something was stuck in my throat. I continued to eat and said nothing, as this is something that has happened to me in the past. But then, the feeling started to make my skin crawl and I fed the rest of my food to my boyfriend.

About ten minutes after we had finished dinner, I asked to my boyfriend “Do you ever feel like you have something stuck in your throat after eating?” and he was like “Yeah.” So, I told him well it felt like that for me while we were eating dinner and that’s why I fed him my fries.

Mistake Number One: Turning To Google

More time passed. We went to Dairy Queen and get some Blizzards. Thinking maybe something was indeed in my throat, I thought maybe eating more would push it down. My throat still felt a little sore, and while I finished up my Blizzard at home, I went to Google (mistake number one). I started Googling “How do you know if you have food stuck in your throat?”

According to the internet, it’s pretty common. Due to anxiety and the need to know everything because the unknown is scary, I kept digging. I read medical websites stating symptoms and saying it’s an ER trip because it might not pass on its own and cause damage. Eventually, I ended up on forums and I found horror stories. So naturally, my anxiety got worse and I started to convince myself I had food just stuck in my throat.

A Trip To The ER

I reasoned with myself that I should just go because I’d rather be safe than sorry. And I’m sure some of you might be thinking, why not just wait until morning to not pay for an ER trip for something so ridiculous that also might not be an actual emergency? Well, I am SO POOR, I get free services at any Yale New Haven Health medical center. Also on the off-chance I did have food stuck in my throat, waiting until the next day would have been a bad idea and I might die (anxiety logic).

So I grabbed my Kindle and headed to the hospital at 8pm on a Monday. Thankfully the hospital is 15 minutes away and there was no wait when I got there. The doctor came in, looked in my throat, and said it’s fine. He also felt my neck and told me one of my lymph nodes was swollen exactly where I said the pain was. He asked me if I was sick and I told him no, it just happened while I was eating dinner and otherwise I felt fine.

Later when the nurse came in, I told her the same thing and she at least believed me when I said I wasn’t sick. She said I probably just irritated my throat when I was eating dinner. Anyhoo, after a little bit of “observation time” and waiting for them to fill out my discharge paperwork, I was out after determining there was no food stuck in my throat. Woohoo!

Cue the Secondary Anxiety

So you’d think my anxiety would go away after being told the thing I was anxious about was not a concern. Nope! I’m not sure if I’ve ever talked about this on here, but I’m a bit of a germaphobe. So naturally, an emergency room does not feel like a safe place for me. I wore a mask when I went, I stripped my clothes and immediately put them in the wash when I got home, and I instantly went into the shower to cleanse myself.

This anxiety lasted for days and I’m still honestly anxious that I might get sick from that pointless visit. And then comes the anger with myself that I was so anxious I went to the ER for no reason and exposed myself to germs. At least the last couple times I was in a hospital it was because I was visiting family (although I will say that made me so anxious every single time) and then my trip due to my primary care sending me for my throat.

I don’t even know why I’m so afraid. I have autoimmune issues, but they’re not to the point that I’m immunocompromised. But the potential of getting sick makes me so anxious. It honestly might be residual anxiety from the pandemic. My anxiety around this was not as bad before the pandemic. But I now constantly do everything in my power to not get sick, sometimes even being anxious to go around my niece and nephew who are a toddler and baby because they always have some plague from daycare.

Reflections Post-Anxiety

I’ll start off by saying my throat was literally fine the next day. I must have just irritated it while eating dinner. Looking back, I should have just waited until the next day. It wasn’t like I was struggling to breathe or swallow. But, me reading in a forum that one person had food stuck and could breathe and talk fine sent me into a panic that it could be like that with me.

But, now I can laugh at it. We were out to dinner last night with my brother and my boyfriend said “I feel like I have something stuck in my throat” and he wasn’t saying it in a mocking tone or anything. He actually had the feeling. I looked at him and I was like “Oh I didn’t tell my brother about that” so then I told my brother and we all laughed about it when I retold the whole story. It’s funny to look back on now, and honestly even in the moment I knew I was probably being a bit ridiculous, but I just wanted to be CERTAIN I didn’t have anything stuck in my throat.

Anyhoo, I survived the ordeal AND I didn’t have to get an endoscopy done to search for and remove food from my throat. There’s a reason why I named my blog on TurningPointCT “Combating My Anxiety” because my anxiety can get a bit out of control…lol.


Debt Update

A couple months ago, I wrote about how I was dealing with massive debt. It’s been about a year now since I officially started dealing with debt. I’m happy to report that all of the accounts have been settled.

The last settlement was made a couple months ago and I’ve since made two payments to that creditor. I’m paying like $700 a month towards debt, which sucks, but it’ll only be until the end of next year. At least my credit is already going up and I have being debt free to look forward to next year.

Issues Along The Way

I wish I could say it was an easy and smooth process. In my last post, I had mentioned that one creditor had been calling my family members and I had to explain my situation to my family, both immediate and extended family. I ended up calling that debt collector back and it actually was an easy and reasonable process to settle that account outside of my debt program. Made me wish I had just answered and heard them out the first time.

A Lawsuit

The other bump in the road was getting served by Discover. The worst part is they sent the summons to my parents’ old house that they moved from. The house hadn’t sold yet and the summons letter was just shoved in the front door. If my mom hadn’t gone to check on the house, I would have had no idea. When we found it, my lawyers had already negotiated a settlement with Discover. Naturally, I was furious. I spent a lot of time on the phone with the debt people and thought it was figured out.

Present day, as in like in the last few weeks, I got a letter from the court saying there was a decision made in the case. Once again, I was livid because I have already made two payments to Discover. It was settled outside of court and now the court is just wasting their time making decisions on something that has already been settled and requires no legal action. I have proof of payment AND a copy of the offer letter that was signed off on. The case should have been dismissed after that, but nope. That’s actually something I still need to deal with. I’ll have to call Discover’s lawyer and the courthouse.


Since this whole ordeal, I don’t get embarrassed about being poor anymore. I’m just blatantly honest with people about where I stand financially. Like, I’ll literally screenshot my bank account and be like “listen, I don’t have the money to do that right now” and thankfully, everyone is understanding about it.

I’m able to have honest conversations about money and finances with my boyfriend, which was something I felt that I couldn’t do with my ex. If I can’t afford groceries, I let my boyfriend know. If he doesn’t have the time to go to the store, he’ll give me his card to take care of it. But mostly, we’ll go together and he’ll pay when I can’t afford to help with groceries.

I’m able to voice that I feel bad about not being able to help more financially and how paying off debt is running me a bit dry because I have to pay so much a month. Not once does my boyfriend make me feel bad about it. He literally said “You have a roof over your head and food in the fridge, do what you gotta do to take care of the debt.” I’m really lucky to have a boyfriend who is so understanding and safe. It’s nice not having financial stuff held over my head.

Looking For A New Job

I’ve accepted that my current job does not pay enough. It’s full time with benefits, but in this economy, what I currently make is not a livable wage. Add paying off debt to monthly bills and it’s even less sustainable. Up until I got my tax refund, I was going into the negatives every month. Thankfully, it wasn’t a huge deal because my bank account is with Chime. They spot me when I go negative.

I’ve decided to put myself out there again to try and find a new job. I looked into peer support work and the mental health field. But, I haven’t found anything in those fields worth quitting my job for. However, I have found some jobs that I resonated with and applied for in other fields, but they have really long application timelines so I won’t hear back for a while.

As much as I’d like to make more money, I’m trying to apply for things that won’t make me completely miserable. Working an awful job just for the paycheck is not worth having my mental health deteriorate.

Working On Finances

On top of looking for applying for new jobs, I’m also working on being more mindful of what I’m spending. I haven’t made a budget or anything, but I don’t just constantly get myself little treats like I used to (cough cough, Starbucks). They were just bandaids for my poor mental health lol. I’ve started to do other forms of self-care that are cost effective.

I’m also actually putting money away into a savings now that I can afford to do that (thanks tax refund). On top of that, I do little things for extra cash to put away in my savings like returning bottles, surveys, scanning receipts, etc. Those used to be necessary for me to get by, but now I’m able to put them in my savings. Every little bit adds up.

It’s been an emotionally draining process, but by the end of next year I’ll be debt free! It’s all been worth it. I wish I started dealing with my debt sooner, but better late than never.


Using Movement For Healing Instead of Punishment

Over the last couple of years, I stopped using movement and exercise as a way to punish myself and my body. Instead, I started to use movement as a way to help with healing my relationship with myself and my body,

Before, I was never working out and moving my body because it was something I enjoyed doing. It was always about how I looked and about making myself smaller. I went to the gym and worked out because I wanted to be disciplined so I could be thin. I didn’t enjoy it and all I cared about was making myself look toned.

That mindset was awful mentally. It made me resent working out and moving my body. For me, it wasn’t enjoyable. It felt more like a punishment because my body didn’t look the way I wanted it to. I was doing it for all of the wrong reasons.

Today, I’m kinder to my body. Instead of exercising because I want to look thin, I’m moving my body and just celebrating what it can do. Now, I move my body in a way that’s enjoyable to me instead of doing the things I think will make me look thin.

Hiking has become a way for me to move my body and it’s been healing. I enjoy exploring new parks to find waterfalls and wildlife, hiking up hills and mountains for a good view, and just moving my body in a way that feels good to me. It’s a lot more healing to me than forcing myself to go to the gym and do exercises I don’t even like.

I’m not saying the gym is awful, but it didn’t work for me and my mental health. It became an obsession and I became way too focused on what I looked like. It wasn’t about being healthy, it was about being thin. Using hiking as my method for movement gives me something to look forward to because I’m getting to explore new places or enjoy parks I already love.

Here’s to using movement as a way to heal instead of as a punishment ❤️


Updating My Wardrobe

Due to some unfortunate circumstances that I’d rather not talk about here, I had to get rid of almost all of my clothes in my wardrobe last year. The awful thing was, I couldn’t afford to buy myself new clothes. It was a horrible feeling. I just felt so defeated.

Thankfully though, I had friends step in to help me to replace the clothes I had lost. One of my best friends from high school who moved across the country to Washington mailed me clothes she didn’t wear anymore. My other friend from middle school told people in her church about my situation and so many of them donated clothes and shoes to me. My cousin gave me a couple bags of clothes. Dominique, the old project assistant for TurningPointCT let me go through clothes she was giving away. I was really grateful for all of them.

I’ve been poor for years, so getting used clothes from others didn’t bother me. I’ve been taking hand me downs from people for years and they made up pretty much my entire wardrobe. In fact, I hadn’t REALLY shopped for clothes for myself in years aside from something here and there from Walmart (don’t judge, the clothes are affordable and actually really cute). My clothes were from people I knew or from the local Buy Nothing Group.

Getting New Clothes

Last year, I got a bonus of sorts from my job and I finally had a bit of disposable income to buy myself some clothes. First on my list was to get myself some jeans that ACTUALLY fit me (something I hadn’t had in years). It had been so long since I went jean shopping that I genuinely had no idea what size I needed. I quickly realized I’m still very much between sizes in some styles and brands.

When I finally found out my size, there was definitely a part of me that was insecure. But then I reminded myself they’ve been doing weird things with jeans sizes for years. After finding the size, I had to figure out what style of jeans I liked and felt comfortable in. As someone who struggles a lot with their body image, it was an agonizing couple of hours. I usually just wear black leggings everyday because it’s what I’m comfortable in.

Figuring Out My Style

While shopping, I tried things I wouldn’t typically wear like straight leg and mom jeans. I found some I liked and I bought them. But, I also got some skinny jeans, aka ole reliable. It’s been quite the experience trying to figure out my style after wearing other people’s hand me downs for years and just working with what I had.

I spent a lot of time last year trying to figure out my style and putting together outfits that I felt good in. I started to follow a lot of influencers who gave outfit ideas. Most of the people I followed have a similar body type to me because I wanted to feel confident, but I just didn’t know how to dress my body because I spent years hiding it in black leggings and oversized tops. After following some of the “mid size” clothing influencers, I realized my story is not that uncommon. I’m glad there are people on the internet to help me out with outfit ideas.

I slowly started to build a wardrobe with clothes I loved. I wish I could say that having clothes I love is enough to make me feel confident. But, I still have days where I’m changing five times and just wearing one of my tried and true outfits I know I’m comfortable in. Right now if I’m going out I have one dress I go for if it’s warm enough, a pair of straight leg pants with a white body suit, or leggings and a quarter zip or hoodie.

One of my ole reliable outfits – a hoodie and leggings.

The other problem I have is having clothes I bought that I loved in the dressing room, but hate on me when I get home. I’ll put them on and think about wearing them in public, but I can’t get myself to wear them. My boyfriend will tell me I look fine, but when I look in the mirror everything just looks wrong and I’ll hate how the clothes look on me (specifically fitted tops).

Final Thoughts on Updating My Wardrobe

I’m still very much figuring it out, and some days I’m braver and more confident than others when it comes to my clothes. But, cheers to the progress I have made so far. If I ever have money again, I’d like to improve my wardrobe even more to have more options because I definitely have comfort outfits that I wear over and over to everything lol.

One of my new outfits I rotate in from my new wardrobe


National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024

The last week of February is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. As someone who has struggled with eating disorders since middle school, I feel that this is such an important week. While we learn about eating disorders in health class, I don’t think they really touch upon just how serious they are. You just get a quick general overview – at least that’s how it was for me way back in the day. I really do hope that things are different.

For those of you that don’t know, I have a long history of disordered eating, which I wrote about here. I restricted food regularly. I was never overweight by any means. But, between body dysmorphia, depression, and anxiety, it was about more than just how I looked. Sure, I cared about my appearance. But I also used it as a way to punish myself. Or, it was because I was too anxious or depressed to eat. It’s something I still very much struggle with today.

My Recovery Today

I wish I could say that I’m healed and better. But, as I just said, I still very much struggle. Eating disorders are one of those life long recovery things. There will be good periods, but there will also be bad periods. Much like other mental health issues, the recovery is not linear.

Struggles With Body Dysmorphia

I think the thing for me that still blows my mind is how much body dysmorphia distorts my view of myself. Recently, I was going through my old photos on my phone from years ago. I was trying to clean up some space on my phone and I came across a lot of old photos of me. There were so many pictures I saw of myself where I remember thinking I looked so fat and disgusting. I was significantly smaller than I was now. It absolutely blows my mind that I was looking at myself then and thinking I was huge back then.

This is from 2021. When I first saw this picture, I thought it was the worst picture ever. I hated how my legs looked.

It’s not even just with old photos of me either. To this day, I find myself staring at myself in the mirror and just hating what I see. I am heavier than I was years ago, but I’m by no means fat. I am a healthy, normal weight. But when I look in the mirror, the first thing that comes into my brain is “fat.” Yet, I’ll see unposed pictures of myself and then be blown away because the things I saw in the mirror were not reality.

When I’m posed and thinking about my body, I very much close into myself because I don’t want to be looked at or perceived. I’m terrified of what others think about me and my body. It’s hard not to be when social media is filled with tiny people and when comment sections of celebrities and influencers are filled with comments about their bodies.

And, because I’m so physically uncomfortable with myself, it shows in photos. I press my arms close to myself and my arms look huge. But, I know they’re not because I’ve seen unposed pictures of me and they’re fine. In fact, they look small. It’s just something I still really struggle with, I’m still learning to love my body and be confident in it. It’s been such a work in progress. I still find myself wearing oversized clothes to hide my body. I’ll try to wear other things to dress up. But, I feel so uncomfortable that I end up changing into clothes that hide everything. I will sometimes change 5 times before leaving the house.

I hadn’t worn this fitted sweater last year because I was self-conscious in it. But, I wore it this year to my niece’s birthday party. I almost changed though lol.

Relationship with Food & Eating

In terms of my relationship with food, it’s a lot better. I don’t restrict foods or view anything as bad. But when it comes to actually eating, I still skip a lot of meals. Eating meals can still be a really daunting task for me. But, it’s not because I’m afraid of food or eating. It really has to do with my mental health and really just not wanting to cook. Thankfully, I have a boyfriend who recognizes this and will go out of his way to make me food to make sure I eat. He knows otherwise, I might go the whole day or most of the day without eating.

Wrapping Up

So all in all, I’m definitely doing relatively well in my recovery compared to where I’ve been with my struggle with eating disorders. The disordered eating is still very much a part of my life to this day. It’s easy to just fall back into the habit of not eating because my body is just so used to it. But, I have people who do look out for me and gently remind me to eat or ask if I’ve eaten, which helps.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, know that there is help. I’d suggest working with a therapist who specializes in eating disorders and/or a nutritionist or dietitian to help you with eating. Nutritional rehabilitation an important part of treatment in order to restore the body and brain to sufficient health and to be able to proceed with psychological intervention.


You Are Worthy

Always remember, you are worthy. You are worthy of love, friendship, happiness, and so much more.

Click here for another reminder ☺️

Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

Did you know that February is International Boost Your Self-Esteem Month? This month is about taking the time to help us believe in and appreciate ourselves more, despite whatever we may be facing. So, I figured I’d take the time to write about some ways to help improve your self-esteem!

I’ve struggled with my self-esteem in the past. I had internalized what others said about me. Because of that, I had really bad views about myself as a person and I hated the way I looked. For years, I hated myself and it really effected my mental health. But, in the last couple of years, I’ve worked to love and value myself again. If you’re struggling with your own self-esteem, below are some ways to help boost your self-esteem.

Challenge Yourself

I know this sounds counter-productive, but hear me out. Having a low self-esteem can cause you to feel like you’re not capable of doing things that you may really want to do. For years, I never thought that I could be someone who hikes. That fear caused me to just not hike, which in turn fueled that voice in my head telling me I wasn’t capable.

However, there came a time that I had had enough of missing out on exploring nature. So, I pushed myself to start hiking. I started small and local and I proved to myself that I could do it. As I gained confidence, I began to do longer hikes and then I started to do more technical hikes. I’m now at a point where I’ll travel out of state to do hikes on my own. Seeing that you are capable of things that you never thought you were capable of really makes you feel good about yourself.

A hike in Oregon that had some pretty significant elevation gain that my past self would have doubted I was capable of. Old me would have missed out on these awesome views at Crater Lake National Park and just opted for non-hiking views.

Build Positive Relationships

Building positive relationships is so important. If you have toxic relationships, whether with family, friends, or a partner, it’s hard to feel good about yourself. I had a lot people in my past that made me feel like I was not good enough. I just felt like there was something wrong with me because they’d either explicitly say things to me or their actions would make me feel like I wasn’t worthy of being treated well.

In the past couple of years, I’ve cut off a lot of relationships with people who just made me feel awful. For years I just dealt with the awful relationships because of knowing them for years. Or, I dealt with it because of having to regularly see them due to close proximity. But, when I finally put my foot down and started to be mindful of who I let be in my life, things really changed for the better.

Now I have so many positive relationships with people. I no longer feel like I’m the person who gives and never gets anything in return. I have an actual support system. When you’re surrounded by good people, it’s a lot easier to feel good about yourself because you don’t have people constantly putting you down and making you feel worthless.

Recognize the Good In Yourself

For years, I only focused on all the things that are wrong with me. Honestly, half of the things that were “wrong” with me were not actually bad things. They were things that I had internalized that others had said to me in a negative way. I had people who were not kind to me when I was growing up that were always pointing out my “flaws” and almost never the good.

When I started building healthy relationships and going to therapy, I began to view myself in a better light. Finally, I realized that I do have good things within myself. I realized I am kind, caring, and creative. I started to appreciate all of the good things in myself instead of just focusing on everything wrong with me.

Give Yourself a Break

This is another one that might feel counter-productive. I used to feel like I constantly had to be doing things to prove to people that I was a capable human being. When I was in college, I was working three different jobs. I thought it was a flex and that it would somehow prove to people that I was smart and hard working. I burnt myself out.

Now, I know how to give myself a break. I don’t feel like I have to do a million things to prove to myself or anyone that I’m capable. I know who I am and I don’t feel the need to feed into the toxic hustle culture that is so praised. Giving yourself a break is so important because it’s so hard to feel your best when you’re running yourself into the ground. And if you’re like me, you’ll get mad at yourself for being tired while actively running yourself into the ground. Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace.

Improve Your Physical Health

You don’t have to do anything crazy like become a gym rat. It can be as simple as going for a walk in your neighborhood. It could be starting yoga classes. When you start to do these things, with time you’ll find yourself improving due to being consistent, and that will feel good. When I started to do more miles hiking, it made me feel really good about myself. I was amazed that my body could hike 7 miles in the woods. I was in awe that I was able to hike to the top of a mountain, even if it was challenging.

Mountain hike that was difficult, but making it to the top and proving to myself I could do it was amazing.

Learn To Say No

Boundaries are so important. I used to never say no because I was worried people would think I was mean or rude. But the problem with not saying no was it was basically me telling myself that my needs weren’t important. I was telling myself that other people’s needs were more important than my own. When you start to set boundaries and put yourself first, it will make such a difference. It will be really uncomfortable at first. But, eventually you’ll truly begin to believe that you’re worth it and it will feel so good to stand up for yourself.

Final Thoughts On Boosting Your Self-Esteem

I think it’s great that there’s a month dedicated to helping you boost your self-esteem. Having a good self-esteem is really important when it comes to your mental health. But, many people struggle with viewing themselves in a positive light. Hopefully this list is a good start to help you boost your self-esteem!


If you’re looking for more ways to boost your self-esteem, check out the post 10 Songs To Up Your Self-Esteem and Empower Self-Love here on CTSupportGroup.org

Finding Community On Social Media

You hear a lot of people talking about how toxic and damaging social media can be. I’m not saying I disagree with those statements. Social media can do a lot of damage to young people’s mental health (which I’ve written about here). I’ve definitely been a victim of it in the past. But, I want to talk about the positive sides of social media I’ve recently found.

Starting To Take My Travel Instagram More Seriously

Last year, I made a conscious effort to put time and effort into the Instagram account for my travel blog. Initially, I was really just looking at it like a job I had to do. I wanted to work on growing the account and the engagement. And, I did do just that. However, something unexpected came along with the growth. I found a community through my account.

Starting To Find My People

I started to follow a lot of New England based travel and hiking accounts. Those were things that were relevant to my niche. And, of course, they also happened to be things that I was interested in.

I was loving the content I was seeing and engaging with their content. In return, I found them engaging with my content. We are all like-minded people who just have a genuine love for exploring in New England and beyond. I found myself really looking forward to their content.

As I began to recognize the accounts and become familiar with them, I began to respond to their stories more and engage with them privately in DMs. We would talk about our experience as creators, talk about different places we’ve been going to, places we’re hoping to visit, etc. Later, I began to share memes back and forth with some because I’d see things that made me think of them. I truly found people that I genuinely connected with through my account.

Curating Your Social Media Feed & Making Friends

I think one of the great things about social media is that you can truly curate your feed to be something that resonates with you and brings you joy. I love going on my travel account and seeing what everyone is up to. It helps me discover places nearby that I had never heard of.

Recently, someone I follow did a seal tour out of Newport, RI that I never knew existed. I actually did the same tour yesterday because I asked her for the details. When I planned the trip, I told her thank you so much for telling me about it!

Messages with someone I’ve connected with through Instagram and a photo from the seal and lighthouse cruise.

New Photography Friends

I’ve made a few new photography friends through my account as well. One inspired me to get back into bird photography because she just recently got into wildlife photography. We message back and forth about wildlife we’ve seen and we engage with each other’s content.

Another photography friend I’ve made is just as into waterfalls and taking long exposures of them as I am. So naturally, we go back and forth about waterfalls. It’s honestly been so awesome to just connect with people who are so into the things I am. And, they’re relatively local, which is awesome. One is in Connecticut and the other is just over the border of Connecticut in New York.

Recent photos I’ve taken – I was so excited to see and photograph this hawk the other day!

I find myself really looking forward to everyone’s content. I really feel like they just get me. And, I love seeing them engage with my content knowing I’m also helping them to find new places to visit or photograph at. Finding this community has really helped to change my view of what it means to be a creator on social media.

Now I’m more focused on posting content I’m actually passionate about. I know my followers are here because they have similar interests to me. Seeing their genuine comments and responses to my content is refreshing. It’s made me care less about going viral. And, I’m just enjoying being a part of the New England travel scene on Instagram. I love supporting their content and having their support in return.

Finding A Community On Threads (Meta’s Newest Social Media Platform)

I’ve also recently gotten really into Threads because it is full of photographers who are just supporting each other. There are a lot of travelers on Threads as well, but I’ve found myself really connecting with other photographers on the platform because that’s really where my background is. I’m getting back to my roots.

Right now, Instagram is just full of video content and I’m so burnt out by it. I hated feeling like I had to get video footage everywhere I went. I’m more of a photograph kind of gal. I also love how low-key it is on Threads. Oh and I love not feeling like I am at the will of some stupid algorithm. Everything just feels less forced. It’s a platform where people are really happy to engage with each other.

I love to ask people to share their photos with me, it’s awesome connecting with people through photographs.

Final Thoughts

Have you found a community or people you really connect with on social media? Does social media feel like a safe space for you?

If you haven’t found your people yet or if social media feels uncomfortable for you, here are some tips to make social media a more enjoyable place for you:

  • Find and follow accounts in your areas of interest. On my personal account, I pretty much have my feed curated to show me memes and cute animals. On my travel account, I have it curated to show me travel and hiking related content. On my photo account, it’s curated to see other artists photos from birds to landscapes. On Facebook, I’m in a bunch of wildlife and bird groups, meme groups, and groups of interest for me (like Twilight, The Office, etc). Eventually the algorithm will start showing you stuff related to your interests.
  • Hide content that you don’t want to see or that makes you uncomfortable. If you tell the platform “I don’t want to see this” or “hide” it will eventually catch on to what you don’t want to see. It might not feel like you have control over what comes on your feed, but you really do have control. Hide those things you don’t want to see and unfollow or block accounts that you do not want to see content from.


Quotes I’ve Saved Recently

I used to really love quotes growing up. I would spend hours on Tumblr hearting and reblogging my favorite quotes (does anyone even use Tumblr anymore?). I gravitated towards ones that were about depression because at the time, I just really found comfort knowing I wasn’t alone in what I was feeling.

I recently found myself on Tumblr looking at quotes and I instantly was drawn in by what I was reading. I saved some that really spoke to me as someone who has struggled with a variety of things. I wanted to share them here with you.

Quote box that reads The little things? The little Moments? They aren't little John Zabat-Zinn

The Quotes

Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes. Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You’re doing just fine.

Charlotte Eriksson, You’re Doing Just Fine: Prose & Poetry from a Past That Was Never Present

And then I realized the fire was always burning within me, but the flames were busy keeping everyone else warm

Morgan Richard Olivier

The little things? The little moments? — They aren’t little.

John Zabat-Zinn

I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.

Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

I am prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best.

Benjamin Disraeli

Being a person didn’t come naturally to me the way it seemed to for others. People who were sure of themselves awed me. I studied them and tried to mimic their ease.

Ruth Madievsky, All-Night Pharmacy

I see it now; how

I see it now; how we tend to hold pain so close, as if it is all we’re made of

Bianca Stone, from What Is Otherwise Infinite: Poems; “Cutting Odette’s Fingernails”

“I feel very small. I don’t understand. I have so much courage, fire, energy, for many things, yet I get so hurt, so wounded by small things.”

Anaïs Nin, from nearer the moon: the previously unpublished unexpurgated diary,1937-1939

You cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. This is your tragedy … because you understand them, and they do not understand you.

Daniel Saint

I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception.


I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise.

The Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1944–1947

Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.

Ijeoma Umebinyuo

You don’t find your worth in someone. You find your worth within yourself and then find someone who’s worthy of you. Remember that.


I’ve always liked quiet people: You never know if they’re dancing in a daydream or if they’re carrying the weight of the world.

John Green, Looking for Alaska

Wrapping Up

Honestly, after finding these on Tumblr, it made me want to get back into reading to find some more! While I do read and listen to books for work five days a week, they’re not books that I own. So, I can’t highlight the quotes I really like, although I do take note of them.

I used to love reading on my Kindle and highlighting passages I liked to look back at later. My old Kindle died and I just upgraded, so I think now is the perfect time to get back into it!

Did any of the quotes in this post resonate with you?

If you’re like me and love quotes, share some of your favorites below! I’d love to read them 🙂


More Quote Posts

If you liked this post, you can also check out some of my older posts where I’ve shared quotes. There’s one about change and one where I share some I really needed to hear when I was struggling. There’s also another post where me and former project members shared our favorites.

Navigating Social Anxiety As A Young Adult

I’ve talked about my experience with social anxiety in a previous post here on TurningPointCT. It’s been about two and a half years since I wrote that previous post. I thought I’d give you all an update on how my experience with social anxiety has gotten a bit better.

In 2023, I really had to push myself through my struggles with social anxiety. As you become an adult, there are more events that you really want to be at. Or, if you don’t want to go, you might feel obligated to go. In 2023, I had three weddings to go to.

I’ll be honest, the thought of having to go to weddings was really intimidating for me. This is because I’m introverted and someone who struggles with social anxiety. I think one thing that really helped me was knowing I’d have my boyfriend at two of the weddings. The other thing that helped was that one of the weddings was my cousin’s wedding. So at that wedding my whole family would be there.

The First Wedding of The Year

The first wedding of the year was my cousin’s wedding. I was on my own for that wedding because my boyfriend’s out of state friend was here. Thankfully, this was the wedding where not having him was totally fine since my family would be there. At this wedding, I had my parents, my siblings, my niece and nephew, my cousins, as well as my aunts and uncles. 10/10. I was actually really social. I even spent a lot of time on the dance floor, which was something I never did at previous weddings I went to.

Picture of my posing with my niece

The Second Wedding of The Year

The second wedding I went to was Ally’s, who was previously a blogger and more with the project in the past. After working on the project together, Ally and I stayed really close and I’m so thankful to have her as a friend. I was so excited to be able to be there for her special day! However, I definitely did have some anxiety about going to the wedding because I knew there wouldn’t be a lot of people I knew. But, thankfully I had my boyfriend there with me.

Turns out I didn’t need to rely to heavily on my boyfriend for support. Why? Because Ella, another young adult who worked on the project was also there with her boyfriend and so was Michael (who I also met while working on the project) with his partner. It was like a fun little reunion! It was awesome getting to catch up with them and celebrate Ally together! I spent a lot of time on the dance floor at this wedding too!

Wedding Number Three – The One That Really Tested My Social Anxiety

The third wedding I went to, I was the plus one. And to make matters worse, my boyfriend was the best man so I knew there would be a lot of time where I’d be on my own. I remember being so anxious because I wasn’t sure how I’d do on my own for hours.

Before The Ceremony

I showed up to the venue completely on my own. My boyfriend had to get there before me to get ready with the groom and groomsmen. When I got there, I noticed I arrived at the same time as someone I had known who’s husband was also in the wedding party. So, we walked in together. However, they were staying at the Inn, so she went to put her suitcases in their room when we got inside.

After she went upstairs, the groom’s parents greeted me because we had met the night before at the rehearsal dinner. The groom’s parents were super kind so I sat and talked with them while we waited for wedding things to start happening. Later, the woman I had walked in with came back and we started to chit chat again.

During The Ceremony

During the ceremony, I sat with the woman I knew. It was nice to be with someone I knew. I was shocked that not only was I doing fine without my boyfriend, but I was actually socializing and feeling comfortable. It’s not something I would have ever thought I’d be able to do.

The Reception

During the reception after the ceremony, I was finally reunited with my boyfriend. We were sitting at a fun table with the bride and groom’s siblings who were all around our age. They were a lot of fun and also super kind. And just like the other two weddings I went to, I spent a lot of time on the dance floor! It still blows my mind because in the past, I never wanted to be in the action.

Picture of me dancing with my boyfriend

All in all, I had a really successful year being a wedding guest! I really got myself out of my comfort zone because I was tired of being on the sidelines. I still don’t love big social events, but I’ve found ways to be comfortable. Having people I’m comfortable around definitely really helped me out at each of the weddings. It also helps to not feel like you’re surrounded only by strangers.

My Social Anxiety Today

Honestly, I’m still really introverted. When I hear about parties, I’m instantly like ugh I don’t want to go. But, I usually end up fine. I went to my niece’s second birthday party and I was social with people who I didn’t know. I had my boyfriend with me, but we were socializing with my brother and his friends and honestly having a lot of fun. It helped that they seemed to have the same sense of humor we did, which I suppose isn’t surprising since they were my brother’s friends. My sister-in-law was so shocked to see me actually talking that she said from across the room “oh my god Kailey are you actually socializing??” because my family knows I’m notorious for not socializing with people I don’t know.

So, what changed?

Honestly, I think meeting new people at some of the weddings I went to last year really helped me to realize that for the most part, people are really kind. Before I was too shy and afraid to talk to people I didn’t know. But, now I’ve learned that there’s nothing scary about it. I’ve also found it helps me if others are the first to start engaging in a conversation with me because I’m still not keen on approaching people I don’t know.

You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

I never thought I’d be someone who could ever be comfortable in a social setting, but I’m definitely learning. I get so excited every time I notice how different I am now. I’ll literally say to my boyfriend “did you see how social I was being!?” I think he has also helped me a lot with it. He’s aware of my struggles with social situations. And, he’s always really patient with me, trying to never put me in an uncomfortable situation. It also helps that he has really kind friends who immediately accepted me!

Is social anxiety something that you’ve struggled with? If so, what’s helped you?


A Fun Trip…Until My Anxiety Spiraled Out Of Control

On MLK Jr. Day, I decided to make the most of having the day off with a day trip to the Hudson Valley in New York. I like to take solo day trips when I can. It’s something I’m actually really comfortable with even though it stresses my family out that I travel hours away all by myself.

The day of the trip, I was so excited I practically sprang out of bed. I got up and made myself breakfast, which is something I almost never do. Usually the only reason I eat is because my boyfriend will make me something. But this day, I was up before him and I made an egg sandwich for me AND for my boyfriend.

Not only did I make myself breakfast, but I also made myself a sandwich for lunch. I had all of my camera gear charged up. Everything was packed and ready to go. I was off to a great start and ready for my waterfall adventure in New York.

The Trip

My two and a half hour drive was great I was passing the time with my Spotify liked songs on shuffle. Most people hate driving, but driving for hours and hours doesn’t bother me. It’s really just another way I get my me-time. I especially love driving to the mountains because the views are always so breathtaking, even from the road.

What’s not to love about this view as you’re driving?

I made it to my destination in one piece. And, the conservancy I went to was even better than I was expecting it to be. It featured two stunning waterfalls. One was 150 feet tall! You can view the video of my visit, but I’ve also attached photos below.

After this, I drove an hour west to the Catskills to check out another waterfall. The drive through the mountains on the scenic byway never fails to take my breath away. I got to the waterfall and enjoyed an awesome partially frozen waterfall.

Anxiety Joins The Trip

Now, I’m going to get into the anxiety. It started with me getting anxious about the fact that I hadn’t peed since 6am (it had been like 7 hours). It was manageable anxiety, but still anxiety. Since it’s the winter and I was in the middle of the mountains hiking, there were not bathrooms at the trailheads. Due to the lack of access to bathrooms, I was not drinking as much water as I should have been. Mistake? Probably.

I then stopped at a coffee shop in Catskill, NY and get a hot chocolate hoping there was going to be a bathroom. I didn’t see one, and the anxiety rises slightly. But, it was still manageable. Since I paid for a parking meter, I decided to explore a bit downtown. On my walk I stumbled upon a needles and syringes disposal box. I immediately went back to my car.

I looked at the map and noticed not far from downtown Catskill there was a small park on the Hudson River. So, I drove there. When I’m out, I like checking out little parks I find. But, there was definitely a little part of me that was hoping for a bathroom… But, as I said, it’s the winter so of course when I got there, there was no open bathroom. I pulled the handle of the bathroom at the park and it was locked. So, I left and continued heading back to Connecticut.

Views from the park in Catskill, New York.

The Journey Home

I sent my boyfriend a text to let him know I was officially on my way home, while also letting him know I hadn’t peed since I was at home earlier in the morning. He was like “no way” and for whatever reason his disbelief intensified my anxiety. I started to get a little panicky, but continued onward because what else was I supposed to do?

So, I was driving through no man’s land on some state routes in the mountains and hills of New York. I drove by some gas stations and grocery stores and then got pissed at myself for not stopping at them to go to the bathroom. For some context, I hate using public restrooms because I am a germaphobe. I don’t even like using the bathrooms at work or at other people’s houses.

Finding A Bathroom

Finally, I reached the little town of Millerton that’s on the New York/Connecticut border. It’s a super cute small town, one that I’ve stopped in before. I finally decided to just attempt to go to the bathroom in one of the gas stations. First, I tried a Cumberland Farms, and of course the bathroom was out of order.

My honest reaction when I saw it was closed: “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

After, I got up the courage to go to the gas station that’s two buildings over. Thankfully, that one had a bathroom. It smelled like cigarette smoke, but I was just thankful to have a spot to go to the bathroom since I was still 100 miles away from home.

I didn’t want to be that person that used the bathroom and bounced. So, I bought a lemonade and a hand sanitizer because I was out and ya know, it’s a necessity to a germaphobe.

When I got outside, I noticed that the cap to the hand sanitizer (it was one with a pump) was unscrewed. I didn’t want to go back in and ask to swap it out because of anxiety of being a burden. My brain was definitely like “what if it’s tampered with or poisoned” but then I was like whatever. I just wanted to go home.

I got into my car and I cracked open my lemonade and immediately chugged some. SUDDENLY, I started to panic because I didn’t remember hearing the snap that typically happens when you open a brand new bottle. I started to panic thinking that the lemonade was poisoned or drugged. Full blown anxiety attack ensues and I’m 100 miles/2 hours away from home. I cannot make this up. This is…living with anxiety.

Reaching Out For Some Opinions To Try And Soothe My Anxiety

I texted my brother in a joking tone about my little predicament, asking if I should not finish my drink. He responds “Probs not lol.” Queue more panic because I already drank some. I was not expecting that answer and I started to really spiral. The anxiety symptoms hit me like a freight train. He then tried to tell me it was probably fine and to not worry about it. But, it was too late.

I then texted my boyfriend and I was just honest. I told him I was basically having a nervous breakdown. Thankfully, he didn’t tell me I’m crazy, even though I was acting completely irrational, convinced I’d been poisoned or something. He even went as far as doing some Googling for me and asking me some questions and he told me I was likely fine since I didn’t have any symptoms. He said he doubted someone would drug or poison some random lemonade since there’s no motive. Not once does he make me feel bad or insane.

Stuck With My Anxiety & My Thoughts

I was stuck with myself and my thoughts for hours. Lots of time to think about it. I started getting mad at myself saying I shouldn’t have stopped at the gas station. Or, I shouldn’t have bought anything there. Then, it was “why didn’t I check to see if the seal was intact on the drink?” I refused to touch the drink for the rest of the ride. I wanted to throw it out, but then I was like “well I can’t, what if they need to test it for poison or drugs?”

Then for some reason during this meltdown I start to panic about touching the handle at the park back in Catskill. I thought about the needle and syringe drop off and I thought that seemed it seemed like a bad area. So naturally, my panicked brain was like “what if there was fentanyl on the handle and you’re going to OD?”

I literally had thoughts of wrapping my car around a tree because I was just so overwhelmed that I wanted to die. All of this stemmed from not being sure if the seal on my lemonade was secure or not. Odds are it was fine, but I couldn’t see reason. There was just an impending sense of doom and despair. If you don’t have an anxiety disorder, this kind of spiraling probably makes no sense to you. But this is the reality of having an anxiety disorder.

So, What Happened After?

I got home safely and I immediately washed my hands and then rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. Even as I was doing it, I knew it was irrational. I was terrified to kiss my boyfriend, thinking I might have some dangerous substance on my lips that would harm him too. I got into the shower ASAP because I felt like I was covered in dangerous germs and poisons.

This happened yesterday, and happy to report I’m totally fine and still breathing. I can look back at this now and see just how irrational it was. Honestly, I can kind of laugh about it now. But in the moment, it was definitely not funny.

I’ll leave you with this: Anxiety is wild. Please be nice to your anxious friends and family. We are not okay😂😭

BUT ALSO, if you had the day off for MLK Jr. Day, I hope you enjoyed your day!!

– Kailey

Anxiety Around Getting Blood Work

I have a lot of health issues that run in my family. Because of this, I have to get pretty routine blood work. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I first started to get blood drawn. I found out quickly I could tolerate it as long as I didn’t watch the needle going in, drawing blood, and then coming out. Veins have just always really freaked me out. I can’t look at them with or without needles.

Once I started to get routine blood work, I found out that I am a bit of a hard poke. I have pretty small veins that sometimes require a baby needle. Or, they’ll have to take from my hand or wrist with a baby needle. After talking to some family members who also have this issue, I learned that it’s important to advocate for myself to make not only my life easier, but the life of the phlebotomist easier.

The Anxiety Around Getting Blood Work Is Born

When I was 22, I had my first really bad experience with getting my blood drawn. I was getting my routine blood work done, but something really weird happened. She initially had a really hard time finding a vein and she poked me couple of times with no luck.

When she did finally get a vein, I felt what I can only describe as a shot of electricity go up my arm. I mentioned it to the phlebotomist and she didn’t really seem too concerned about it, so I didn’t sweat it. Later, I realized that something really wasn’t quite right. Turned out she hit a nerve and I had a nerve injury.

This was where my anxiety around getting blood work started. I was angry and upset because she didn’t listen to me when I had voiced my concerns. I couldn’t move my arm without having a weird tingling sensation shooting up my arm and there was pain. At the time, I was in college and I remember having a really hard time getting my backpack on and off. I couldn’t straighten my arm without discomfort.

It lasted for weeks. I had so much anxiety that it would never get better because of course I spent a bunch of time on the internet researching it. Whenever things like this happen to me, I always assume the worst and that I’ll be one of the few who never gets better. But, I did get better.

The Aftermath of the Anxiety Around Getting Blood Work

After this incident, I only had one Quest Diagnostics that I trusted to go get my blood drawn at. I couldn’t stop getting blood work just because I had a traumatic incident. But, for years I’d never go to anywhere to get my blood drawn besides this one in Norwich.

I remember my first blood draw after the incident, I told the phlebotomist about it. She actually said she wasn’t that surprised that it happened. She said the place it happened is known for having a lot of new and inexperienced phlebotomists. I don’t hate inexperienced new people because everyone starts somewhere. But, as someone who knows they’re a hard poke, I feel more comfortable with someone who is more experienced.

I slowly became more comfortable and trusting again. I continued to start off every appointment with “I’m a hard poke, you might have to use a baby needle on me or draw from my hand.” Usually they really appreciate me telling them. Then, they find out for themselves that I really was not kidding and we can joke about it.

A New Quest Diagnostics

Fast forward to 2023. I moved and it just wasn’t convenient for me to go to my one trusted Quest. I hesitantly decided to try a different one in my current town.

The first time I got a girl who was a bit inexperienced. She was having a really hard time finding a vein. She ended up asking for help from someone that was more experienced. The more experienced person was able to find one and poke me no problem. I was happy with the experience and I felt comfortable going back.

Then, I went back for some more blood work a few months later to that same one in my town. I wasn’t worried or stressed, assuming it would be all good. I was wrong. It didn’t end with a nerve injury. But, I did end up with it being painful and I was bruised pretty badly. I had tried to tell her like I tell everyone else that I’m a hard poke. She didn’t really take me seriously and she ended up hurting me.

Since I’m really uncomfortable with veins, I had a really hard time with the bruise from it. It’s going to sound so ridiculous, but I’d feel physically sick when I could feel the pain from the bruise when I moved my arm. I also felt sick every time I looked at it.

Going Back To The Quest In Town

Shortly after that, I had to go back AGAIN for some more blood work. It was then that I found out at the last time I had gotten blood work really affected me. When I pulled up, I was so anxious that I was going to get the same woman who didn’t listen to me and bruised me. I remember texting my boyfriend telling him how I was having really bad anxiety. My heart was racing, my hands felt numb, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

Despite the anxiety, I went inside. Thankfully, I had someone different than the last time, which put me a bit more at ease. However, she could definitely tell I was anxious and she was really kind, asking me if I was okay throughout. I had told her about being a hard poke and the chance she might have to use a baby needle. She was understanding and she listened. She did end up using a baby needle and taking from my hand.

Moral of The Story

When it comes to medical stuff, don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. While my anxiety around getting blood work has definitely gotten better since the one traumatic incident, I still do get anxiety. What helps me is letting all of the phlebotomists know I’m a hard poke and what’s worked in the past. This helps alleviate some of my anxiety and it helps them with their job of drawing my blood.

There’s never been a time where I have regretted using my voice at these appointments. It’s the times I didn’t advocate for myself that I’ve regretted. I wish I had done more after I got the nerve injury. But, I never even went back to the place to talk to anyone about what had happened. I just avoided that place and found my safe place for getting my blood drawn.

If that ever happens again, I will speak up. Honestly I hope it never happens again. For now, I’ll continue with my little spiel before I get my blood drawn.

– Kailey

2023 Recap

I’m going to start by saying that I had such an amazing 2023 (despite dealing with a traumatic eye infection lol). 2023 consisted of several trips, time spent doing things I enjoy, working on having better connection with others, and even getting more comfortable with going out of state by myself. I think I really grew as a person in so many ways. I also really learned to choose myself.

The year started off rough. Just a lot of personal things and a lot of significant changes. The changes were 100% for the better. But, that didn’t make dealing with big life changes any easier. Adjusting takes time.

Here’s my 2023 recap broken down into months:


I started the year off with leaving a long term relationship that I was in for just over 5 years. At the end of 2022 I knew I needed to do it, but it took time for me to make a realistic plan to leave. I was terrified because I really had nothing and I knew I couldn’t afford a place of my own, so I had to find somewhere to crash immediately after. While it was the best decision for myself, it was still so hard.


I spent most of February really trying to reconnect with myself. Honestly, I really lost myself in my last relationship trying to be who I thought I needed to be not only my partner, but also because I had five animals, three cats and two dogs. I honestly felt suffocated and trapped because having two puppies was a lot of work and I wasn’t getting the help I needed with them. Whenever I went anywhere, I always had at least one dog with me. I really did not have any true me time.

With all of that being said, in February of this year after I had adjusted into the new space I was living, I started making an intentional effort to get outside again. Aside from work, I had no responsibilities. As soon as I got out of work, I could do whatever I wanted to do with my time. That time in nature really helped to ground me and it was a good way to rediscover how much I enjoyed going out and doing things on my own.

One of my solo trips to Rhode Island. I took a half day after an appointment in Stonington, CT and figured I was already basically in Rhode Island, might as well make the most of it. For those that don’t know, I absolutely love Rhode Island because of the beaches.

During this time, I also was spending a lot of time with my family. I was living next door to my parents and I found myself over there frequently to hangout with my parents, my sister, and their cats. Oh and because I was broke, I was also mooching their food…🤣


Solo adventures continued. I was going somewhere to hike or walk everyday when I got out of work. It was something I looked forward to a lot. I loved just getting out and experiencing things.

From one of my many walks – Harkness State Park.

March was also the month I finally started to deal with my debt. I had been avoiding it for so long because of shame and anxiety. But, I had no choice because it was at the point where I couldn’t afford to make the monthly payments anymore. I couldn’t even afford to feed myself.

I also started seeing someone new. Now, I’m sure a lot of people probably are tsk tsk tsking me for starting a relationship so soon after ending a long term relationship. But, this wasn’t just a fling with a random. This was someone who I was really good friends with. They had also really helped me with my mental health when I was struggling in 2022. I struggled a lot with suicidal ideation. They were there for me and never judged me.

On the last day of March, we left for our trip to Upstate New York, which was exciting!


Beginning of the month, we were on my birthday weekend getaway. Lots of waterfalls, mountains, and gorges. Oh, and this is when I got pink eye for the first time in my life. Aside from the pink eye, we really did have an awesome trip and we were able to see a lot. We also just had so much fun together. The trip was full of laughter.

Posing with Lucifer Falls on my Upstate New York Trip.

On April 4th, I turned 26. Didn’t expect to start my 26th year of life with my eyes swollen shut, but I guess worse things could have happened. I’m thankful to have made it to 26. With all of my struggles with my mental health, there were a lot of times in my life that I never thought I’d make it to my mid 20s.

But, due to the pink eye, my first few weeks of 26 came with a lot of doctors appointments. On top of having pink eye, I also had some sort of infection causing me a sore throat so I had that examined. I went to this appointment with my primary care doctor on my lunch break thinking it would be pretty routine. I was wrong.

My doctor said she saw something in my throat and she didn’t know what it was. She was looking on Google, she brought in a PA, and then they thought I might have something abnormal going on. I was sent to get an X-Ray to see what was going on. My lunch break ended up being much over the allowed 30 minutes, which thankfully my job is flexible and it was chill.

Lol, The X-Ray 👇🏼

When the doctor got the results from the X-Ray people, she called me and told me to go to the emergency room, thinking I might have epiglottis, which can be fatal. Essentially, it’s a swelling of the epiglottis and basically it could swell to the point that it blocked my windpipe making me suffocate. I went to the ER just to find out I simply have a very “pronounced” epiglottis – the most pronounced that the ER nurse had ever seen.

Anyhoo, I got antibiotics for whatever infection I had in my throat. It cleared it up right away, but I finished the 10 day dose. Shortly after though, I had hives all over my neck and face. It was then that I learned I’m allergic to amoxicillin. I probably would have known this sooner if my mom let me take antibiotics growing up lol.

Despite all of this, I survived April, my first month as a 26 year old. Oh, and I moved to a new spot.


May included more outdoor time, of course. At this point I had been living in the coastal town for about a month. I discovered it is only a five minute walk to the shore, so that became a routine of mine. I walked from beach to beach to parks in town. I’d see tons of ospreys flying overhead. Discovering this little oasis was great because honestly, I couldn’t afford to drive anywhere at this point.

In May, I had also started to shop for new clothing. I had two weddings I needed to find dresses for and my wardrobe just needed an upgrade. As someone with a history of eating disorders and body dysmorphia, this is not one of my favorite things to do. But, I did find some clothes that I was comfortable with and bathing suits.

Another big thing for me in May was I cut off a significant amount of my hair. It was cathartic in a way. I hadn’t cut my hair in years because I was traumatized by a previous haircut where they chopped all of my hair off at a trim. Like…my hair was just above my bum and when she brought my hair forward it was above my shoulders. I was happy with this haircut though and it helped me get over that fear.


This month I took at family vacation to North Conway, New Hampshire in the White Mountains. In the past I’ve struggled with family vacations, but this one went so smoothly. I had my own vehicle and my parents and sister followed me to all of the place I had picked out, mostly waterfalls. I liked having that safe space where I could just relax with my music in between enjoying time with them. We also went to the top of Mount Washington via The Cog Railway, which was cool!

In June, I also went to the beach in a bathing suit for the first time in years. This was not an easy thing to do for me. My body has changed a lot and it’s a big reason I haven’t gone to the beach during the summer in years. I also live in the town where I went to school so I was worried about people from high school seeing me. I didn’t want people looking at me because I just wasn’t comfortable in my body. Again, this was due to history of eating disorders.


July is when I lost my grandfather. He is the first grandparent I ever lost and he was always the grandparent that I was closest with. We had a really strong connection through our love of music, both listening to it and playing it. I spoke about him at his funeral, which I’m sure shocked everyone because of my anxiety around public speaking.

July I spent a lot of time with family. I took a couple of trips out of state with family. One two New York with my mom and sister and one to Boston with my brother, which were enjoyable. When all the various family gatherings became too much for me, I turned to alone time in nature. Hikes with good views are always something that help me stay present in the moment and grounded.

This was taken on a hike shortly before my grandfather got taken to the hospital. I immediately dropped everything and rushed to my grandparents when I found out.


In August, I started trying to embrace my naturally wavy hair. I had discovered the curly girl method and I was intrigued. I really wanted to just love my natural hair.

Mid month, I took a spontaneous trip to Maine with a friend to go on a whale and puffin cruise. We drove four and a half hours to Boothbay and visited the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens before going on the cruise in Boothbay Harbor. Such a fun day trip.


In the beginning of September, I went to former TurningPointCT member Ally’s wedding, and it was literally the most beautiful wedding ever. Truly could not be any happier for her. When we finally saw each other that night, we just squealed with happiness on the dance floor.

My boyfriend and I made the most of making the trip out to her wedding and we did some hiking in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. I think my favorite hike was the one up to the fire tower in New York, which had such great views.

At the end of the month, we had another wedding to go to. My boyfriend was the best man in this wedding and I was extremely nervous about having to be alone with people I didn’t know well while he did best man related things. I shocked myself with how social I was and I really came out of my shell. Never in a million years would have thought I’d be able to go to a wedding and be totally okay socially. I was so proud of myself for relaxing actually talking to people.

This month, I also did a solo waterfall excursion in the Pocono Mountains, which I wrote about here.


October called for all of the fall festivities! It’s one of my favorite seasons and I love watch the leaves change. I went to the White Mountains to check out the foliage, drove around locally to check out foliage, and even did a solo tower adventure in northwestern Connecticut! It was quite literally magical.

Of course, I also did fun Halloween things like carving pumpkins and making pumpkin and ghost cookies, because I’m a sucker for stuff like that.


November was the month of beach sunsets. Since it was starting to get dark really early, I made it my mission to try and catch the sunset as often as I could after work. It was something that really brought my joy. I went to so many local spots I had never watched a sunset from before. Each sunset really left me in awe. I don’t think I’ll ever get over watching the sun setting behind the water. These sunsets really made me realize that I don’t need much to bring me happiness.

This month, I also took another solo trip. I went to Pennsylvania again to hit some waterfalls I missed, then went right over the border to the tallest waterfall in New Jersey, and then I hit Sleepy Hollow, NY on my way home because it had been on my list for a while. That was such a fun little day trip.


This month was filled with festivities! I went to see so many holiday lights, some which I had never heard of! I also spent a lot of time going to cafes that were relatively close to me that I had never been to before. After the cafes, I’d explore the area and I found a ton of small parks I had never been to!

December also consisted of an absolute last minute trip to Cape Cod with my brother. We ended up walking to the absolute tip of The Cape and we saw two lighthouses. Then we spent the night in Provincetown before spontaneously stopping in Newport on our way back to Connecticut.

I also did my now annual trip to NYC with my brother for the holidays. My brother has his own family now and I don’t see him that often. So, it was nice to have a day to have another day with him even if we did end up walking 14 miles…but I did get to see a lot of the city that I’ve never seen before!

In terms of the actual holidays, they were super laid back this year, which I was thankful for. We split it up between two days, one day with my family and another day with my boyfriend’s family. I was happy for how relaxing it was and for not feeling like I had to run around everywhere.

Setting the boundary for me to pick just one event for my family instead of doing both was uncomfortable, but I was so glad I did it. I don’t anticipate doing much for New Year’s out of the ordinary because partying is not really my thing. I’m hoping to do a New Year’s hike and spend New Year’s Eve on relaxing at home.

Wrapping Up This 2023 Recap

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! It’s been a crazy year! I think my favorite part of this year was how much I was able to travel. I’m hoping to do even more next year!

I hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year! 🙂

– Kailey

The Worst Birthday Present I’ve Ever Received: Pink Eye

As I look back on 2023, I can’t help but look back at something that happened at the beginning of the year that really had an effect on me. In April, I got my first eye infection ever. And as dramatic as this is going to sound, it was absolutely traumatic. The pink eye experience still effects me to this day.

A Fun Birthday Trip

Let me take you back to the beginning. This year, I wanted to do something special for my birthday. I decided that I wanted to take a trip and I eventually settled on Upstate New York. I booked the rooms and made an itinerary. I was really excited for this little weekend getaway.

The trip was awesome. We started the trip in the Catskills hiking to Kaaterskill Falls. Then, we made our way to Ithaca, New York. In Ithaca, we checked out a bunch of waterfalls and also saw one of the Finger Lakes! Anyone who knows me I’m happiest by waterfalls or really any body of water.

Kaaterskill Falls in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Very happy because no pink eye…yet.

The Pink Eye

Things were great, until on the last day of the trip, I woke up and realized that I couldn’t open my eye. I’ll spare you the graphic details/pictures, but I essentially had to pry my eye open. I immediately woke up my boyfriend because I just had no idea what to do.

We looked into having me go to a walk-in, but because we were out of state, I decided not to. It wasn’t an emergency. So, we finished off the trip with some more waterfall adventures.

I understandably wasn’t taking pictures of myself because swollen eye and all, but this was one of the waterfalls we saw on the last day. It’s Buttermilk Falls in Ithaca.

I then stubbornly drove the five hours back to Connecticut, despite my eye now being extremely uncomfortable at this point. When we were thirty minutes from home, I finally gave up and had my boyfriend drive. I couldn’t take it anymore.

Finally Dealing With It

When I got home, I went right to the walk-in clinic. The physician quite literally looked at my eyes and was like “yup, pink eye” and then prescribed me some eye drops. At this point it was only in one eye so I was supposed to just use them on that one eye.

The next day was my birthday. It had spread to both eyes. Happy birthday to me, right? What’s better than swollen eyes and discomfort? I woke up not being able to open either of my eyes. My boyfriend had to get me a wet washcloth to ease them open. What a way to start my 26th year of life.

Spent the day at home with the cat. He didn’t care that I had pink eye lol.

Now you’d think the eye infection would go away pretty quickly, right? Wrong. It seemed never ending. I spent weeks waking up unable to open my eyes and needing my boyfriend to get me a washcloth to open my eyes. My eyes hurt so badly, I couldn’t look at screens. I had to blow through my PTO. I even had to cancel a trip with my family to the Jersey Shore. My family went, but I had to stay away because I still had pink eye.

I had so many doctors visits. I went to my primary care just as a follow up to check my eyes. She knew they were irritated, but she couldn’t say whether or not they were still infected so she had me go to an actual eye doctor.

Post Eye Infection

When I finally got in with a new eye doctor since my last one retired, the infection was confirmed gone, but I was still having a lot of issues with my eyes. He did a ton of tests on my eyes and I got them dilated for the first time (which was traumatic in itself). He told me I have dry eyes, but he seemed skeptical that it was from the eye infection (even though my eyes were not like this prior).

The discomfort and pain lasted for weeks, which turned into months. It was actually so bad that I started to have suicidal ideation (I actually found out that this is something other people experience, which you can read more about here). I didn’t want to live the rest of my life having eyes that were ruined from an eye infection. I honestly felt like my eyes would never be the same.

I couldn’t even watch TV with my boyfriend because it hurt my eyes that badly. I was constantly needing to use eye drops and using warm compresses on my eyes. I was waking up with my eyes so dry it was uncomfortable to open them and my vision was blurry. I couldn’t take it anymore, it was effecting my quality of life. I’m lucky that I have a boyfriend I was able to express all of this to who did not judge me for having those extreme thoughts.

What was worse was that my brother and sister-in-law had it a couple of weeks before I got it (I didn’t get it from them), yet they weren’t having any after effects from the infection. Even my boyfriend who ended up with it from me wasn’t dealing with the after effects. It was awful.

Present Day

I still deal with the physical effects, aka dry eyes. They’ve definitely gotten better, but I still wake up with them really dry, making my eyes uncomfortable to open and making my vision blurry in the morning. Looking at the computer screen to clock into work right after rolling out of bed is absolutely horrific and I usually do it with my eyes squinted mostly shut. Otherwise, it’s too intense.

But, here’s the thing. It also scarred me mentally. Getting pink eye is now one of my biggest fears. I’m petrified to touch my eyes now (I really wish this was an exaggeration). If I want to rub my eye, I HAVE to wash my hands or I won’t touch them, even if they’re so itchy that it’s uncomfortable. I also use tissues to rub them a lot because I still lowkey don’t trust my hands even after I’ve washed them.

If my eyes are even a little bit puffy, I begin to panic thinking it’s an eye infection. If my eyes are just a little too itchy, panic over potential eye infection. If my eyes are red from being dry, I still get paranoid it’s an eye infection.

In short, these are things I absolutely need to work through. It’s not as intense as when it first happened, but the fear is definitely still there.

Anyhoo, thanks for coming to my trauma dump about the eye infection that ruined a significant part of my year. Despite this, I really did manage to have a good year!

– Kailey

Being Intentional About Getting Outside

I’ve been trying to be really intentional about getting outside lately. With daylight savings leaving me with just a few hours to get some vitamin D, it’s really pushed me to get outside when I end my work day. I don’t want to waste any of those precious hours of sunlight.

Since daylight savings, I’ve probably gone to see more sunsets in a few weeks span than I have for months. I think as much as I hate how early the sun goes down now, it makes it a lot easier for me to get out to watch the sunset on a week day when I get out of work. Living on the shoreline, there isn’t a shortage of places to watch the sunset close to home. I can get a walk in and see the sunset and be home by like 5pm and have the rest of the night to wind down and do work if I need to.

Some pictures from one of my recent local sunset adventures at Seaside State Park:

I’ve discovered so many local land trusts and parks that I had previously never explored because I am trying to stay close and do shorter walks due to only having a few hours of sunlight.

I’ve also been trying to be really intentional about getting out on the weekends. I try to do longer hikes on the weekends when I have more time and daylight. Recently, I took a day trip by myself where I went to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. I saw two stunning waterfalls and saw a cute lighthouse along the Hudson River.

This weekend, I did a more local hike in Meriden, CT to Castle Craig. This was kind of a kill two birds with one stone adventure. I wanted to do the stunning hike with great views of the reservoir in the park and I timed it so it was dark by the time I finished to see the Festival of Silver Lights going on in Hubbard Park.

Video from my hike to Castle Craig at Hubbard Park:

– Kailey

My Decision To Start Drinking Again

In the past, I wrote a post where I detailed why I chose to be sober. Recently, I’ve started to drink again in extreme moderation, like I’m talking I started with sips while with my boyfriend and I’ve worked up to maybe having a drink. But most times, it’s not even a whole drink.

I think the main reason I’m able to enjoy alcohol while out with friend’s is because my mental health isn’t in a place where I feel the need to become numb to not deal with my feelings. I have coping skills to help with that now where I don’t feel the need to use substances as a crutch.

The song Dear Alcohol sums up pretty nicely how I used to use alcohol as a crutch. Below are some lyrics, and I also embedded the song if you want to take a listen to it:

I got wasted ’cause I didn’t wanna deal with myself tonight
My thoughts get drowned until I feel alright
And I keep drinkin’ ’til I’m someone I don’t recognize
I got wasted
I got wasted ’cause I didn’t wanna deal with myself tonight
My thoughts get drowned until I feel alright
I keep drinkin’ ’til I’m someone I don’t recognize
I got wasted

It’s nice to be able to sip and have a drink here and there for the taste while out to a dinner with friends or even during a relaxing night at home with my boyfriend. I don’t want to drink to feel the effects because frankly, I don’t like the effects that alcohol gives me because I get anxiety when I get past a light buzz. As soon as I feel like I might not be in control of myself, I get anxious so I rarely drink enough to feel anything past a slight buzz.

But I think the important thing to me is that I’m in a place where I truly don’t feel like I need to numb myself anytime I feel negative emotions. I’m not reaching for alcohol when I’m feeling upset. I’m drinking while enjoying spending time with close friends, and it’s really just to taste fun drinks.

This might feel like a step backward to some, but to me it speaks volumes that I have a better grip on my mental health. I’m proud of myself for getting to this point.


Dealing With Massive Debt

Last year, I sat down and talked about struggling financially in a podcast here on TurningPointCT. While I was pretty honest about some of my struggles, I didn’t share how much debt I was in. Honestly, I might not have known back then because I was too anxious to even sit down and deal with it.

Earlier this year as I was preparing to leave my partner of five years, I was forced to sit down and take a look at my finances. I knew I didn’t make much. I knew I had been spending more than I made for quite some time, knowing I was paying for things I could not afford to. But, I was expected to pay for things. In an effort to not be a that person who doesn’t contribute their share, I threw everything on my credit cards. I was so afraid of admitting I was poor to my partner that I ended up with $20k of credit card debt.

I was throwing the minimum payments on my four credit cards every month, never having a late payment. But, the interest caught up to me and I found myself not able to keep my head above water. The interest was shooting me above my credit limit on every single one of my cards. It got to the point where I couldn’t keep up. My entire paychecks were going towards my debt, leaving no money for anything else. I quite literally could not feed myself.

Damage Control

After months of not being able to feed myself, I realized I had no choice but to do something about it. After some researching, I contacted a group that does debt consolidation. I qualified for the program and started my journey towards tackling my debt.

I didn’t tell my family. They knew I was poor. I made jokes about it all the time, but I didn’t want them knowing it was more than just being poor and the absolute mess I made of my finances. I quite literally put myself into financial ruins because I was so embarrassed that I was so poor at 25 years old. Nobody thinks they’ll be 25 and not able to afford to keep themselves alive.

I now put money towards my debt every two weeks when I get paid. I also have a team working to lower my debt with creditors. A part of the process is literally not paying your credit card bills. This obviously results in calls from creditors and debt collectors you’re not supposed to answer, which can be really uncomfortable.

I didn’t care much, until a debt collector contacted my entire family looking for me. Like I’m not just talking my parents and siblings, but my cousins, aunts, and uncles. Not a fun thing to explain when you didn’t tell your parents or even your brother that you were dealing with this. Then having to explain to my cousins and uncles…awful.


The journey has been rough. I hate that I waited so long before I dealt with what was happening. I cannot believe I did not start this process sooner, before I had racked up $20k in debt. But, I think what’s worse is that my shame around not having money and not just being honest with those close to me who could have helped is worse. But, that stems from other issues like not feeling worthy and feeling like a burden. I did not feel worthy and I felt like a failure because I couldn’t afford to contribute to household things.

This is a really vulnerable thing for me to be sharing. But, I know a lot of other young people might be facing similar struggles financially. If you’re struggling with debt or feeling like you just cannot afford to be alive, I see you and I feel you. I’ve lived it. I want you to know that you’re not less than or unworthy of others because you’re not financially well off. I also want you to know that there are programs that can help you with your situation. It sucks, but you’re not trapped and destined to be stuck in the situation you’re in.


I’ve written an update on my debt situation, which you can read here.

Losing My First Grandparent

This year, I lost my first grandparent. I’m very lucky to have made it to 26 years old with all four of my grandparents. Not many people can say that.

But this year, I dealt with what felt like my first major loss. When I was in fifth grade, I lost my aunt to breast cancer, but I was so young then, I’m not really sure I understood what was happening. I knew she was gone, but I don’t remember truly grieving. Sure, I was sad, but I don’t think I understood fully what death meant.

I spent so much time with my grandfather. There was nothing he loved more than his family. And I truly believe he would have done anything for us. He proved it time and time again. So naturally, when I found out he was taken to the hospital, I dropped everything to be there. I was there every single day. I think the hardest part was seeing my dad and his siblings completely heartbroken.

The night before he passed, I stayed with my brother to keep him company as he was on the nightshift (we didn’t want my grandfather being alone when he passed). While he got some shut eye, I spent time watching videos my grandfather took of me playing guitar for him on his guitar he gave me. I was pretty young in the videos, but I kept watching them over and over. When I left at midnight, I even listened to the videos of me playing on my ride home.

Video my grandfather took of me playing in 2010.

Getting Through His Passing

After he passed, I was upset. But at the same time, I was also really numb throughout the whole thing. I was able to keep it together. I have a younger sister who’s 16 years younger than I am so I tried to be a constant for her while both of my parents struggled with the loss – I wanted her to have a bit of normalcy.

When the service happened, I gave a eulogy. Public speaking is tough with my anxiety, but I knew my other family members would not be able to get through a speech like that. It wasn’t hard to write about him because he was such a constant in my life. He taught me to play guitar and my love of music overall came from him. He taught me how to drive and we spent hours on the road together. I spent countless weekends with him.

I held it together through the whole speech. The was well received. My family cried. I had people I didn’t know coming up to me and telling me how nice it was and one man told me he hoped his grandkids would speak about him in that way when he passed.

After he passed, I found myself picking up the guitar again. My guitar is my grandfather’s electric guitar he gave to me when I was around 13. Playing guitar feels like a way to connect with him even though he’s no longer earth-side. Music was one of our strongest connections. I loved playing for him and he loved listening to me play. He was so proud of me and always showing off my playing to his friends and my family.

Video I took of me playing the month my grandfather passed.


It’s been three months since he passed. There are moments when I go to text him about my photography because I’ve gotten back into it lately after being in a funk. He loved my photography. He had one of my prints of Yantic Falls in his room that I had made for him. And when I was really into photographing birds, he was always telling me if he saw a cool bird. He was the reason I got so many great pictures of eagles in Norwich.

Everyone grieves differently. I know a lot of my family members are still having a hard time. I think what’s helped me personally is remembering all the good times I had with him and doing things where I feel connected to him. For some of my family members, that in itself is tough. But when I remember, I remind myself how lucky I was to get all the time and memories I did with him and how he’s no longer in pain.


Getting Back Into Hobbies

Earlier this year, I was in a funk where I just did not feel like myself. My mental health was absolute garbage because I just had a variety of things that life threw my way. The song below pretty much perfectly sums up how I was feeling during that period:

Lyrics to Slipping Away

I’m slipping away
In every way
I can’t stay awake (and I don’t know why)
I’m slipping away (and I don’t know why)

I’m trying to make it through each day
I’m falling apart now in every way
I’m finding it harder to get by
There’s a hole in my heart and I don’t know why

Now I’ve come to realize I’m slipping away…

I spent a lot of time listening to this on repeat and while dissociating. Dissociating is very much my brain’s way of trying to protect me from the negative emotions. I was very much just going through the motions every single day. But the song is quite literally a ballad about depression, so it was very fitting at the time.

Recently, I’ve been making a solid effort to try and get back into things I know help me and bring me joy. Working a full time job, having a house to upkeep, and just having all of my other adulting to do sometimes makes hobbies feel like a very daunting task. It’s almost like things that I like to do are just another thing to check off of my to-do list.

A Cancelled Trip

I was supposed to go to Acadia National Park last month, but Hurricane Lee had Bar Harbor in a tropical storm/hurricane watch zone. So, I unfortunately cancelled my trip. BUT, since I knew I was really struggling to make it through the work days due to anxiety, I decided to keep the two days I took off.

The first day, it rained, but I was so determined to make the most of my day off that I went out and did a local adventure. I went to Middletown, CT to have a waterfall adventure. During the trip, I also got out of my comfort zone to break out my tripod to get some footage of me on my solo adventure for my travel blog. I get weird about doing it in front of other people, so I figured a rainy day was the perfect day for that.

My Middletown Adventure

The second day, I drove by myself to the Poconos to explore waterfalls in Pennsylvania! After loving having videos and such of me and my adventure the day before, I was a lot more comfortable whipping out the tripod and setting it up in a pretty public park. Both days of solo adventures reminded I am capable of doing things on my own.

My Pocono Mountains Waterfall Adventure

Since that time off, I’ve been on plenty of solo adventures. I’ve gotten back into using my camera to get long exposures of waterfalls. Sometimes it does still feel daunting to set time aside to adventure, but I do make sure I get out and connect with myself and nature because I’ve been reminded how healing it can be for me. These adventures are something for me to look forward to.

Recent Photos I’ve Taken On My Adventures


A Long Overdue Update

Howdy, it’s been a while since I’ve written here on my blog. So, here I am with an overdue update after ten months. I’ve had a lot of life changes since my last post here on my blog. There’s been a lot of good that’s happened since, but unfortunately, there’s also been some trauma.

This year, I’ve left relationships that no longer served me well and that were just not great for me. I’ve been better about protecting my own peace and being more mindful about who I surround myself with. Some of the people I removed from my life were people who I had been friends with since childhood. But, I learned that’s not a great reason to stay friends with someone. There were a lot of things these people did to me that I let slide, things that hurt me. I had finally had enough. So, I removed them from my life and I can say I have not regretted my decisions since.

Additionally, I left a romantic relationship I was in for five years, leaving behind five animals that I adored. But, it was what was best for me and my mental health. I left with next to nothing money wise and living situations were shaky for a bit. But, I did make it out on another side and I’m now living somewhere safe.

While I did have a lot of big changes and some traumatic events happen that I won’t get into here because they’re things I haven’t really dealt with yet, I am in a safe place now. I am happy with an absolutely amazing partner who I’m extremely thankful for.

I wish I could say that having a safe place and a great support system is enough to make my mental health great, but when you’ve had as much trauma as I have throughout my life, it can creep back up when you least expect it. Right now, I’m currently going through it. It’s to the point that my anxiety is affecting my day to day life and it can be crippling.

I’m finally to the point where I’m ready to get back into therapy to work through things that I never really processed. I’m ready to deal with things that I’ve shoved down to not deal with. I reached out to some therapists who specialize in anxiety and PTSD. I specifically looked for ones who are in the town I live in because I want to make sure it’s not a stressful thing for me to get myself to and from therapy.

I’m nervous, but also excited to be taking the step to go back to therapy. I know there are things I have to work through with a professional because my anxiety is starting to really affect my quality of life at this point. The traumas that happened earlier this year I really need help working through.

So, that’s what’s new with me. I’m hoping to write again soon as I start the process of going back into therapy, write some more in depth posts about some of the traumas I’m comfortable sharing publicly, and things I’m doing in my day to day life to help in my healing.


Dog Mama x2

Last week, we got a second dog, little Miss Maizey!

When I saw a post from our breeder that she was looking for a home, I immediately asked my boyfriend if we could get her. It was the second time our breeder tried to get a home for her (I remembered seeing the post for her a couple months back).

Thankfully, it didn’t take much convincing and my boyfriend said we could take a look at her. I think it helped that she was older than our dog, Rip. We got Rip as a puppy and he’s fully trained. My boyfriend messaged the breeder that night. She was eager to have us meet with Maizey to see if we would be a good fit.

Long story short, we ended up getting her! She is a little snuggle bug. Her and Rip are absolute besties. They have so much fun running around and playing together. She’s a little peanut compared to Rip who’s a whopping 80lbs.


Maizey is on the Left; Rip is on the Right!

We are so happy to have her as the newest member of our family!

We probably won’t be getting another animal anytime soon because we’re up to 5 animals now LOL, three cats and two dogs. We’re so blessed to have 5 awesome animals to love.


What Do We Do When We’re Sad?

Anyone else fall off the face of the Earth for a bit when they’re feeling sad, or is it just me?😂



New Job Update

I recently left my part-time job for a full-time position because I’m just at that age where I need me some benefits. 😂 I left to proofread audiobooks for 8 hours a day, and while I had a feeling I was going to love the job, I wasn’t prepared for how much it was going to change the horrible mental state I had been in for months.

Before I get into that though, I’m going to give you some background on how I ended up becoming an audiobook proofer. When I was in college, I worked a lot of various jobs, from helping to set up shows in Mohegan Sun’s arena to making Sandwiches at Subway.

Somewhere along the way, I ended up at Tantor Media assembling audiobooks. It wasn’t a job I had ever applied to, a friend who worked there asked me if I wanted to fill in for someone who was going to be out for an extended period of time. I was someone who almost never turned down money (because I was so terrified of not having enough money once I got into the real world) so I of course accepted.

The funny thing is, they ended up liking me so much that I ended up staying. Of course, I also loved the working there because it was an easy job and I also was working with two of my friends. Plus, it was just a great company to work for. They had all kinds of stuff for us throughout the year from therapy dogs, weekly snacks available, two parties during the year, ice cream trucks, and more. Unfortunately, those things were killed off by the pandemic because the job is hybrid now.

I liked the company so much, I planned to work there full-time after college in assembly. My plan was to make my way to being an audio proofer, but unfortunately, it wasn’t in the stars for me. When the pandemic hit in March of 2020, my job didn’t survive as the company went completely digital. Upset was an understatement of how I felt about my job being killed off.

BUT, this year, I made my comeback at Tantor! A position happened to open in the exact department I was looking to get into all those years ago. I applied just like anyone else had to and I went through the whole interview process and thankfully, they offered me the job! I was absolutely ecstatic, because who wouldn’t want to read books all day and get paid with benefits?

I’m halfway through week three of my new journey as a proofer, and I’m seriously loving it. Reading has always been a way I’ve coped with my mental health, so even though I’m working, it doesn’t feel like I’m working. Being able to sit and read all day has honestly completely changed my mental health. I was having a VERY hard time dealing with suicidal ideation and only a select few really knew how bad things were for me.

But now, I really am in disbelief that this job change has improved my mental health so much. I was feeling so hopeless and like things were never going to get better. I never thought I would be okay in my head again. But, here I am, shocked that the cloud of depression that was suffocating me has lifted.

I’ve never been a huge fan of change, but I’m so glad I took the leap to go for something that I really wanted. I really just cannot express enough how I’m really in just utter disbelief that I am still here and genuinely feeling so much better mentally. One of the main reasons I did not do anything to myself was because I had this new job that I was looking forward to. I’m really glad I held on. I really never thought I was going to make it out of that dark period.

I guess things really do get better.

What If I Runaway To Mars?

So, the other day I discovered this song while making Reels for my travel blog, and obsessed is an understatement. I vibe with the music and the lyrics.

Since the clip above only has a part of the chorus, here’s some of the lyrics for context:

I can’t tell which way’s home
I’ve been gone for so long
It’s an empty world up here
I skip stones and wonder
How long ’til I’m discovered?
It’s a quiet life up here

Before my time runs out

What if I run away to Mars?
Would you find me in the stars?
Would you miss me in the end
If I run out of oxygen?
When I run away to Mars

Three, two, one, I miss you
I’m sorry I got issues

What if I run away to Mars?
Would you find me in the stars?
Would you miss me in the end
If I run out of oxygen?
When I run away to Mars

If you saw my last post, you’d know I’m really into trying to run away from my life. So, it should be no surprise that this song speaks to me in the way that it does.

Maybe one day I’ll run away to Mars…


If you want to hear the full song, I’ve got you covered. Check it out below ⬇

Taking A Trip To Run Away From My Problems

Last month, I dropped a grand I didn’t really have on plane tickets to take a trip to Oregon for a week. Why? Because I needed to get away from my responsibilities at home.

As nice as it was to literally escape from work, house work, and taking care of my puppy who is a bit of a maniac, when I came home, it was back to reality. As Eminem would say, snap back to reality, oh, there goes gravity.

Reality really punched me right in the face when I got home. It was back to exactly what I was trying to run away from, except when I got home, I had the added bonus stress of starting a new job AND having COVID. So, I was home and trapped at home with work with no escaping it.

Since taking a trip didn’t fix my life, I guess that means I’m going to have to start trying to face and deal with the issues I have at home. But, that requires therapy, and I don’t have the money for the co-pays right now, but maybe my TWO new jobs will help me pay for that.

Stay tuned.


Another Mountain Attempt

So after hiking Mount Bachelor in Central Oregon and having a panic attack during that, I swore to myself that I would never hike another mountain…well at least not anytime soon.

Welp, this weekend, I took a trip to Vermont and guess what? I hiked another mountain. I hiked Mount Pisgah. I hiked 2 miles up a mountain, gaining a total of 1,650 feet in elevation. If I said it was easy peasy, I would be lying. To be honest, I was dying.

So last time, the thing that caused the pain attack was just the throbbing all over my body from blood pumping through my veins to get me up the mountain. Yesterday I was with my friend who is a nurse and I just decided to ask like hey is it normal that my neck is literally throbbing?

She assured me that it was fine. I was relieved, and then I explained how the throbbing reminded me of being on the verge of a panic attack, which she was like well yes, that’s because when you’re anxious your blood pressure goes up.

After realizing it was normal, I kept going, as draining as it was. After the pain of hiking up and lots of breaks along the way, I made it up. This hike was a lot of almost straight up elevation gain, but I pushed through to the top.

Evidence that I did in fact make it to the top. I had to hold my hair in place because it was so windy.

It might have taken me a while, but that I still made it to the top. That mountain hike taught me that slow and steady wins the race.

You can read about me having a panic attack on a 9,000 foot mountain right here on TurningPointCT 😂

Reasons I Hate Going Out In Public

Don’t you hate when you go out in public and the public has the nerve to be there too?

I’m not going to lie, I’m that person that pretty much avoids things during the regular season. For example, I never, ever go to the beach in the summer because I really cannot stand the crowds.

And when it comes to Mystic, I tend to only go in the off season and in the middle of a cold winter night so I can enjoy places I enjoy in peace.

It’s not really that I don’t like people. The problem is I get overstimulated and uncomfortable when I am in loud, crowded places.

I am so anti-crowds, the one and only time I went to Salem, Massachusetts was in late November after all the Halloween lovers are long gone. I don’t think I’d survive if I went when the streets are so crowded you’re elbow to elbow with people.

I doubt you’d be able to get a picture of this street this empty during peak spooky season…this is literally the main drag and I’ve heard during the season, it’s completely mobbed and hard to make your way down.

I’m way too easily over stimulated to be in crowded places. I still get to experience stuff, I just have to do it on my own terms.


Getting Outside

From a young age, I was always outside. I grew up in Salem on 77 acres of land to hangout on. We had trails, a pond with a small beach, kayaks, a playscape, lots of cool berries to play with…I mean, what more could a kid ask for?

I have so many memories of spending time finding salamanders with my brother, building sand villages with him, and making potions and “food” with plants we found outside. My friends and I used to get these purple berries we called paint berries and mash them up and paint with them.

My brother and I with a salamander and a worm

As I’ve gotten older, my relationship with getting outside has changed. Instead of being creative and playing with plants and dirt, my outdoor time is spent taking photographs, walking my dog, playing with my dog, hiking, or just sitting back and enjoying the peace of the outdoors.

No matter what you decide to do outside, it’s going to have some benefits to your mental health. Be sure to watch my video about the mental health benefits of nature right here on TurningPointCT!


Having A Panic Attack On A 9,000 FT Mountain

I was really on the fence about whether or not I wanted to share this with the world, but I’m sure there’s someone out there who can benefit from me being vulnerable about this.

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I took a trip to Oregon at the end of September. I got back a couple weeks ago, but I’m finally over the embarrassment of having a panic attack and wanting to unalive myself on a mountain in Oregon. Thankfully, no one (except my brother) was around to witness it.

So, my trip was to Central Oregon in the Cascade Mountains. I decided that since I was in the mountains, I was going to hike a mountain. I did absolutely no training and I have never hiked a mountain before, not even the smaller ones over here on the east coast.

So for my first ever mountain hike, I pick Mount Bachelor. I read the AllTrails reviews and there were comments like “easy for a summit hike” and I was like, psh, I can do that. It was only a 6.5 mile hike and I hike that mileage in Connecticut. But, I was in for a rude awakening.

That mountain in the background is Mount Bachelor – I took this picture from the parking lot

The thing I didn’t account for was the elevation and its lack of oxygen as we got higher and higher up the mountain. I literally felt like I could not breathe and it triggered a LOT of anxiety. My brother wanted me to keep going, but I wanted nothing to do with it. My anxiety had taken over my head.

At one point, I made my brother carry my backpack for me because I thought having less weight would help. It did at first, but soon, the anxiety came back and the feeling of breathlessness was bound to bring on a panic attack, I’d dealt with it before when I used to lift.

A trooper carrying my heavy ass backpack on the front of his body😂

I kept pushing, but I started to hyperventilate. Then, the full-blown panic attack came and I begged my brother to go on without me. I told him just go to the summit without me, I knew nobody else was stupid enough to hike this mountain for a sunset besides us so I knew I probably wouldn’t get murdered. As much as he didn’t want to abandon me, I finally convinced him to go.

I made it to 8685 feet before I called it quits. I had just over 300 feet in elevation to go, but I just didn’t want anything to do with it anymore. I wanted to start heading down where there was more oxygen. If it wasn’t so close to getting dark, I would have had more time for breaks instead of hauling ass up a god damn mountain to make it to see the sunset.

I tried to wait for him because he had our floodlight to navigate down the mountain in the dark, but my hands were starting to get numb because it was so cold towards the summit. So, I called my brother (because we were so lucky to have service, it was the only reason he agreed to separate) and told him I was going to head down as much as I could while it was still kind of light.

It ended up getting dark and I was hiking alone in the dark down a mountain with just my crappy phone flashlight to guide me. What a time. Thankfully, my brother caught up to me quickly because he must have been literally sprinting down the mountain.

By the time we were heading down the mountain, my entire body hurt (not even an exaggeration). I quite literally wanted to just lay on the ground in the dark and just be left there to die. I had similar feelings on a MUCH shorter hike in the Berkshires at Bash Bish Falls, but at least then, my entire body wasn’t in pain. I just really do not like steep inclines.

But, I kept going as much as I didn’t want to and we did eventually make it to the bottom of the mountain alive. However, I was in so much pain, I made my brother drive us the 20 minutes back to the resort we were staying at. He suggested I stretch before getting in the car and just moving my limbs around to try and do that was agonizing.

But, I survived to tell the tale. That was on our very first day of the trip and even though my entire body hurt that night, I ended up not being sore the next day and I continued to hike all week. Just, I didn’t do anymore mountain hikes until the last day when I hiked the mile down to the shore of Crater Lake and then the mile back up (which was hell and I wanted to give up, but I had no choice but to go back up to get to the car).

At the bottom of Crater Lake

After that, I learned that I should train next time I want to attempt to climb a mountain and that if I do climb a mountain again, I shouldn’t do a sunset hike where I don’t give myself enough time for breaks. Hopefully those lessons stay with me because I feel like I definitely learned them the hard way.

– Kailey

check out some footage from that hike that completely kicked my ass below⬇

What It’s Like Having COVID When You Have Really Bad Anxiety

At the end of September, I went to Oregon and had the time of my life. But, I came back with COVID.

Towards the end of my trip, I started to get a sore throat. And of course, after having gone through this god damn pandemic, my first thought was lol I probably have COVID. But, I didn’t want to buy a test because I barely had the money to be on vacation.

I hiked miles and miles at Crater Lake National Park with my sore throat because I was on vacation and I was going to experience it as long as I was not bed ridden. I mean, how often am I going to be in Oregon exploring a beautiful National Park?

peep my highlight Reel of my day at Crater Lake National Park below ⬇

Anyhoo, I continued vacationing it up outside where I wouldn’t be putting others at risk (besides my brother, who was in the car and hotel with me). Ended up having to get a mask because I wasn’t trying to infect the whole plane, even though someone had the nerve to infect me on my flights over. I also bought cough drops, so the smell of those probably gave me away as being a carrier of the plague.

I was supposed to go to the 1-Up Event at Post University the day after I got back from Oregon, but due to being sick, I knew I couldn’t chance it. As soon as I got home at like 11:30pm, I took the test.

Well, I guess not immediately, because I spent like 20 minutes trying to read the instructions because I was so nervous about messing it up and I really just had no idea what I was doing. It was my first at home test.

After studying the instructions like I would for an important exam, I finally got the courage to open the swab. I was so stressed out, I dropped it on the floor. Not even kidding. So, I had to open my second, and last test, to use that swab.

I did the thing, timed the 15 minutes while staring at the test the whole time. I was studying the images of “positive” and I knew I had to have it based on what I was seeing with mine. Instantly, I start to panic.

I start to get all weird, asking my boyfriend if I should sleep in the guest room because I didn’t want his gift from Oregon to be COVID, but thankfully he didn’t seem too worried. However, I was very worried.

Despite feeling not too under the weather, I started to panic because you know, we all consumed all of the news for the last couple of years about how it is killing people and how it’s causing all kinds of health problems along with long COVID. So, I start convincing myself I’m going to become a statistic, one of the ones that dies.

I start thinking to myself that as much as I loved my trip to Oregon, it was NOT worth dying over. I start to plan for if I die, what will happen to my things. All the while, I’m not that sick, but I’m terrified it’s going to get worse like when I had it last December (and back then, I really did think I was going to die because I felt that awful).

A couple days goes by, and it never gets any worse. In fact, I started to feel better. But, even though I felt better and was seemingly fine, I ended up with a lingering cough that showed up after I felt better. It took almost nothing to trigger it. And, I went to Google for answers, and then convinced myself I must have permanent lung damage.

It’s been a couple weeks and I’m happy to say I appear to be completely back to normal and that annoying dry cough is gone. So glad my brain had me convinced I was going to be another victim of COVID. The anxiety really just makes me think the worst of the worst is going to happen. Thankfully though, the worst case scenario doesn’t happen. But if it ever does happen, my brain will have prepared me for the worst LOL.


Be sure to read my post I wrote about living with health anxiety to read more about how my anxiety always convinces me I’m going to die 🤣

The End of a Chapter

For those of you that don’t already know, this is my last week as TurningPointCT’s Project Coordinator & Peer Leader! As much as I love this position, I have accepted a full-time position closer to home at a company I used to work for and I also accepted a part-time position being a social media manager for a company out on the West Coast! The second position is of course remote.

For those of you who have been keeping up with our content, you’ve probably heard me talk about how much I have been struggling financially. This is why I have made the tough decision to leave the project and take on two jobs totaling in about 60 hours of work a week. It will be a big adjustment going from my main job being 20 hours a week to working 60 hours a week between two jobs. And, that doesn’t even include my work for my travel blog.

I worked for TurningPointCT for a little over a year and a half, and I have made so many new connections through this job and I’ve really loved getting to help others who have been through similar struggles to me. And, it’s been great getting to work with people who really get me!

While I will miss working on the project, this isn’t goodbye. I will probably come blog and still share content when I have time! I really do enjoy writing these blog posts for all of you to read. So, you can definitely expect to hear more from me in the future!


P.S. – Please keep my sanity in your thoughts and prayers as I make this transition, xoxo

Nature Is Where You Feel Whole…

TurningPointCT Flyers

Advice For High School & College Students!

Therell shares some advice for new high school and college students. Good luck to everyone this school year!

Fairfield Candlelight Vigil For Overdose Awareness Day 2022

Footage from the 5th Annual Fairfield Candlelight Vigil in Observance of Overdose Awareness Day 2022.

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day Post

Happy Ginger Cat Appreciation Day!⁠

Read Kailey’s post about her ginger cat, Moe, here!

Perfect is An Illusion

Here is your reminder for today: Social media is not real life.⁠

Social media is simply a highlight reel. ⁠

But, a lot of it is also an illusion. I know I am guilty of sharing things to make it seem like everything is great.⁠

Perfect is an illusion. You never truly know what someone is going through.⁠

What Is 988 For?

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

Did you know that September 1st is Ginger Cat Appreciation Day?

I’m here to show some love for my ginger cat, Moe! I appreciate him every day, but it’s definitely cool that him and all of his orange friends have a day for them!

Moe brings so much joy to my life. When I first met him, he was pretty anti-social and he liked to do his own thing. If one of us came into the room, he’d be outtie.

However, in the last couple of years, he has really warmed up to me. Before, it used to be a special moment if he let us sit with him, but now I have so many moments with him where I just sit with him and pet him. He likes to be pet on the top of his butt and he even makes cute little chirp noises.

I am so thankful for his acceptance of me and that he really has warmed up to me. Before, he was never much of a purrer, but now I know just how to get him to do his really soft purrs. They’re so quiet, you really have to get close and really listen for them, but they’re there!

Looking at his cute little face is enough to completely change my mood. He really is the sweetest kitty, as most orange kitties are! Moe is really such a blessing!

Making New Adult Friends

In 2019, I moved away from Connecticut. I moved to Washington with my then fiancé, now husband. It was hard moving across the country from my friends in Connecticut. I struggled with making new friends and being away from all of my friends back home. Below are some things I’ve done to make friends in a new place!

Bumble for friends

  • Positives: low effort, can filter based on profiles
  • Disadvantages: no one really wants to meet up, the danger aspect of meeting a stranger, awkward trying to make a friend of the opposite sex 

Military pages / Community pages 

  • Positives: finding a few people you really connect with and aren’t crazy, people that are going through the same hardships, the ability to have friends to travel all over the world to see if you get close 
  • Disadvantages: some military wives are crazy, the short term friendships for hanging out in person, not always finding people that fit into your hobbies, dealing with what you get

Local Events / Classes

I have meet some really awesome people from a local brewery. The owner has become a good friend. I’ve meet many people through her and by being at that brewery for events. I now have people I can invite to my own events. Being a regular is not a bad thing. 

Getting to Know Your Neighbors 

Personally I have had a blessing because my neighbors are very similar and have the same interests. I’ve met more people from their group and we’re able to do things outside my comfort level and try new things.

The Biggest Thing with Making New Adult Friends

I would say setting your expectations is a huge part of making new adult friends. I would say talk about your expectations with a new friend the second time you meet. I am a very go with the flow type person when it comes to girl friends. I don’t care what we do I just want to spend time to talk. But I also enjoy a night out. Understanding if someone might be “flaky” is huge. I never expect someone to go through with plans because then I let myself down for trusting that. Expecting someone to never go through is easier for me personally to go with the flow. I like to invite a lot of people to a bigger event that way if one person bails I’m not left completely alone.

– Janelle, Age 25

Three Things You Need To Know


We All Have Two Lives…

What Happens When I Chat 988?

National Black Cat Appreciation Day

August 17th is National Black Cat Day!

It’s no secret that black cats get a bad rep. Many people avoid them because they think they’re bad luck. However, as someone who has not one, but two black cats, I can tell you that’s not true. My two black kitties bring so much joy and companionship to my life. They deserve to be appreciated!!

Our oldest black cat Voodoo, is a sass master, but also the best snuggler. Out of our three cats, she is the cat I know I can always count on when I just want to hug and kiss and pet a kitty without running away. She has been one of my biggest comforts and supports since I lost my childhood cat at the beginning of the week.

Our youngest, Ash, is the cutest, fluffiest black kitty. He’s only a year old and he has quite the personality. He always has his tongue out, he loves to eat paper, and he is just a funny little kitty. He and I share a birthday so he’s also my little birthday twin. He is currently in his teenage phase where he is too good to snuggle with mom and dad, he’d rather be off doing kitty stuff (aka lounging in the sun in the cat tower by himself).

While today might be National Black Cat Appreciation Day, everyday is Black Cat Appreciation Day in my house. I really wish the stigma that surrounds these sweet kitties would end because they do not deserve to be treated as lesser than other cats.

If you’re looking to know how pets can help your mental health, check out my post Benefits of Pets on my Recovery Journey right here on CTSupportGroup.org.

National Relaxation Day

Did you know that August 15th is National Relaxation Day? Take a break today from that go-go-go lifestyle we are all so used to living these days!

If you’re wondering why it’s so important to take moments to relax, here are a few reasons:

  • it can reduce stress
  • it can improve brain function and memory
  • it can help ease anxiety and depression
  • it can help boost your immune system

If you’re like me and you’re scratching you’re head thinking you don’t have the time to relax, don’t worry! Relaxation doesn’t have to be an all-day affair. Here are some easy and quick ways you can relax almost anywhere:

  • deep breathing – if you’re new to this, there are guided deep breathing exercises you can find on YouTube
  • mediation – there are plenty of guided meditations that you can find on YouTube if you’re new to it
  • progressive (deep) muscle relaxation – you can find a guided one here
  • visualization – close your eyes and use your imagination to create a visual image of a relaxing, soothing or healing place. imagine the sight, the sound, the taste, the motion, and texture to make it as real as possible. typically, I will typically put myself in nature by a waterfall.
  • listen to music – I always keep headphones on me for this. you can find some relaxing reggae music here on our website!

Read what relaxation means to various young people in Connecticut here and here.

Saying Goodbye To My First Pet

On Tuesday, I unexpectedly had to say goodbye to my first and only childhood pet, Treasure.

While it was completely unexpected the day it happened, it unfortunately wasn’t a giant shock because she was 13 and a half and she had definitely been on the decline for some time.

On Tuesday, I went to my parents to scan receipts (because I am a broke 25 year-old). I scanned my receipts and after chatting with my mom a bit, I went to go look for Treasure before I headed back to my house.

When I found her in my parents’ closet, I noticed she was breathing really rapidly. I knew it didn’t look normal and a quick Google search confirmed that. She was struggling to breathe. I immediately made the decision that she needed to go to the emergency vet.

I called the closest ER vet to my parents’ house and that was 50 minutes away. I waited for my dad and my sister to get home so they could say goodbye. I knew before we went that it was probably the end.

The 50 minute ride to Middletown was pretty traumatic for me and the cat. As I drove, she was panting to the point she was drooling from the stress of the car ride. I called my brother on the way because I wanted him to have a chance to say goodbye. He met me there.

When I finally arrived, they took her right away and brought her to the back. I didn’t even get a chance to say anything to her before the vet tech took her because they saw she was in such distress. After what felt like forever, we were called into a room and told that she was in severe heart failure. Ultimately, I made the decision that humanely euthanizing her was the best choice so she wouldn’t have to continue to suffer.

There was more waiting and I had seemed to be holding it together well as I made arrangements for what would happen to her after. I was all business and I’m sure the woman doing the paperwork was probably wondering how I was so calm.

When they finally brought her in, I instantly broke down. It was like the reality finally hit me as soon as I saw her. She was wrapped up in a blanket and still struggling to breathe. I only got a couple minutes to have my final moments with her. The doctor said sooner the better because they had to take her off of oxygen to bring her back to me and she was uncomfortable. She passed in my arms while I pet her.

at the emergency vet.

It was hard, but I was so happy that I was able to be there for her and I was able to get an actual goodbye. When I moved out and made the decision to leave her with my parents because she was an only pet and that was the only house she had ever known, I was heart broken. And, my biggest fear was getting a call saying she’s gone and feeling the guilt of not being there. As much as the way things went down sucked, I’m glad I was there for her because I was always her person.

Treasure was always the star of all of my Snapchats and other social media. I had even made an Instagram for her.

Losing her was hard because growing up, she was my best friend. I was her person and she followed me around much like a dog would. She was there when I went to sleep and there when I woke up. She was always there for me and for many years, she was my reason to live. I loved her more than I loved myself. Any time I was ready to leave this world, I stayed because I couldn’t do that to her. I had friends and family who loved me, but in my mind, she was the only one that mattered. To me, she was my child. She was the cat that made me the cat mom I am today.

I will miss her forever. I will never forget the love she had for me. She might not have known it, but she was my unofficial therapy animal and my best friend. She lived to be a nice old lady, and for that, I’m thankful. Wherever she is, I’m happy she is no longer suffering.

Pete Davidson in Trauma Therapy

So if you’ve been on the internet at all this week, you’ve probably seen all of the articles and posts about how Pete Davison has been in trauma therapy for months due to Kayne West’s repeated harassment. I’ve got a lot of feelings about the whole thing.

So, the first thing I want to acknowledge is how much I hate the fact that it is all over the internet. This poor man has the whole world knowing he’s in trauma therapy because of “news” sites. He didn’t post this himself. It’s all in tabloids and those gossipy websites. That in itself is probably traumatizing that the world now knows he’s been in trauma therapy.He didn’t tell the world on his terms.

Secondly, the harassment from Kayne was absolutely unreal and the worst part was, the whole world was watching the harassment happen. Even worse, people on the internet joined in on the bullying and they were talking about harming Pete and calling him names such as “Skete” as Kayne loves to refer to him as.

The fact that one of Kayne’s videos depicted a character that was obviously Pete getting buried alive was horrible. I don’t care how Kayne felt about Pete, it was wrong and I’m sure it was traumatic for Pete. Between the emotional toll and just fearing that Kayne was going to do something to him or one of Kayne’s followers was going to try and harm him, I’m sure it was a lot. At the end of the day, Pete is a real person with feelings. He’s also got a history of struggling with his mental health and Kayne has also struggled, so it’s unreal that Kayne would do that to someone.

What I do want to highlight is the fact that Pete has been someone who clearly cares about trying to get himself help. I commend him for getting the help he needs, it’s not always easy to get help. And as much as it sucks that him going to trauma therapy is all over the internet, it is an important reminder that celebrities are people too. It’s also showing that therapy is an option.

Although Pete hasn’t spoken about this yet, we might hear about it from his perspective in the future as he’s someone who is pretty open about his mental health.

National Middle Child Day

Did you know that August 12th is National Middle Child Day? How great is it that all of us middle children that get forgotten get a whole day for people to remember we exist!

Typically, middle children feel forgotten and unseen. They are neither the first born, nor the last born. They’re just the inbetween.

When I was 16, I became the middle child. Sure, I spent most of my life as the baby of the family, but I will say even though I was much older, I definitely did end up getting the middle child treatment. This was especially true because my sister was 16 years younger than me. Of course my parents were going to give her more attention. High schoolers aren’t viewed as needing as much attention.

That’s not to say that my parents completely forgot me, but my mom definitely favors my brother because he was her first baby and then my sister obviously needed more attention than I did because she was an actual infant. She also just got all kinds of attention because suddenly there was a cute baby for everyone to obsess over.

Even at 25, I still kind of feel the effects of being a middle child. My brother is married with a baby and my sister is just starting middle school. I live on my own and have four animals, but my parents definitely don’t care as much about my animals and me as they do about my other siblings. But, I’ve had ten years to get used to it after being the baby for 16 years.

I don’t think anyone actually forgets about us middle children, but sometimes it sure does feel like they do. Us middle children do matter and we are loved!

National Spoil Your Dog Day

Did you know that August 10th is spoil your dog day? I’m so excited that I have a dog I get to spoil today!! Although, to be fair, my dog gets spoiled everyday because I love him.

Earlier this week, I wrote about National Cat Day, because my cats have been a huge part of my recovery for years. For those of you that don’t know, I became a first time dog mom at the end of January this year. I had loved dogs before, but I had never had my own. The adjustment from being just a cat mom to a dog mom was pretty hard for me in the beginning, but he is not a crazy baby puppy anymore and he actually just sits and relaxes with me now instead of being a madman 24/7.

Anyhoo, back to National Spoil Your Dog Day! As I said, it doesn’t have to be a national holiday in order for my dog to get spoiled, but I of course made his day a little extra special. We woke up nice and early and took a walk along the shoreline at Bluff Point State Park and he had a blast sniffing around and getting to explore.

Fun on his walk!

After, we went to Starbucks to get him his pup cup. At this point, he knows when we are at Starbucks and he will excitedly whine and bark as I’m trying to order his pup cup for him. The baristas always laugh because sometimes he is so loud with his excitement that they can’t hear me or they’re like ah yes, a pup cup!

Since it’s been pretty muggy and hot lately, when we got home we spent the rest of the day relaxing on the couch together watching TV. When he was a tiny puppy, he had way too much energy to just lay down and snuggle me, but now that he’s a little bit older and way less hyper, we are able to get some snugs in.

He loves being up in my space, thankfully I love it too!

When my boyfriend got home, we then took Rip for a car ride because he LOVES car rides! However, unlike most dogs, he doesn’t love putting his head out of the window.

If you missed this month’s Spoil Your Dog Day, be sure to celebrate next year! Our dogs that love us so unconditionally and that try to lift us up when we are down deserve all of the spoiling. If you can’t wait until next year, I definitely recommend some spoiling days before then!

Rip getting some pets

International Cat Day 2022

Happy International Cat Day!! Today we celebrate our furry friends that help our mental health by decreasing stress, offering companionship, purring the pain away, and serving as a therapy animals!

Growing up, our family cat Treasure was quite literally my lifeline when my mental health was doing really badly. If I was having a bad day or crying, she was always there. She slept with me every night and I was definitely her person. She might not have known it, but she really saved me in so many ways. For years, she was my reason to keep living even when I really didn’t want to.

kailey and treasure
Me and my sweet Treasure Ann.

Today, I have three kitties to lift me up on those days when I’m really struggling. When I’ve having a really hard day where my depression and anxiety is crippling, I will go into bed and just snuggle and pet my cat Voodoo. She is really the one who is the snuggliest and she is super chill with me petting her, kissing her, and sometimes just burying my face into her as she purrs.

Snuggling baby Voodoo on a day where I was struggling to get through the day.

Our orange tabby cat, Moe, likes to stick to himself, but he definitely has a soft spot for me. My boyfriend got him before he even knew me, but I definitely seem to be more of his person. For years, he was not a purrer (unlike Voodoo) so when we heard him purr, we would be so excited. Now, I know how to pet him just right to where he’s purring and he does cute little chirps when I scratch his back! Petting him and even just looking at him is enough to lift my mood.

Sir Moe, how could I not love that cute little face!?

Our youngest kitty, Ash, we’ve had for about a year now. He has the same birthday as me so he’s my little birthday twin. He has such a personality and he always makes me laugh. Since he was a baby, he has ALWAYS had his tongue out and his teethies. It’s so funny and cute. Another bonus is he’s part Maine Coon, so he’s also really fluffy and calming to pet.

If you look closely, you can see his cute little teethies!

I am thankful to all of the cool cats in my life that bring me so much joy. They help my mental health without even trying. I’m so thankful to all of them for always being there to bring a smile on to my face!

If you’re looking to know more about how pets can help your mental health, check out my post Benefits of Pets on my Recovery Journey right here on CTSupportGroup.org.

Also check out my video of me hanging out with kittens at Two Wrasslin’ Cats in East Haddam, CT!

Never Apologize For How You Feel

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Our Go-To Coping Skills

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Hanging Out At A CT Cat Cafe For International Cat Day!

Did you know that August 8 is International Cat Day?

To celebrate, go hang out with some cute kittens at Two Wrasslin’ Cats in East Haddam, CT! 🙂 When I went, I did not want to leave! I was enjoying the kitten snuggles way too much!

Below are some more pictures of the kittens that you can hangout with in the Cat Lounge!

What Makes You Glad You’re Alive?

What Happens When You Call 988?

Dealing With Scary Anxiety Symptoms

I’d like to talk about those physical symptoms of anxiety that convince you that you’re dying. I am someone who really struggles with anxiety. Lately, I’ve had a lot of those physical symptoms that have me on Google searching for answers to see if I’m dying (cue intensified anxiety).

So one of my main symptoms that I personally experience when I’m extremely anxious is shortness of breath. This is one of those anxiety symptoms that is associate with really serious medical issues. Yet, it’s something that I deal with every day.

When I was in college, this anxiety symptom was so bad, I demanded that I get an x-ray of my lungs done. My primary care doctor at the time was nice and he filled out the forms for me to go get one done. Essentially, the x-ray showed that my lungs were perfectly fine. They suggested that I see a therapist.

Despite knowing this fact, the symptom still really gets to me. It’s really hard not to spiral when you have a symptom that leaves you feeling like you cannot breathe. Sometimes I’ll find myself taking big breaths of air in because I feel like I am just not getting enough oxygen. And of course, this symptom obviously causes my anxiety to skyrocket.

If you’re dealing with symptoms like this, I would first recommend getting checked out by a doctor to make sure it is no something medical going on.

If it turns out that it is a symptom of your anxiety and not anything medical, I definitely urge you to get support. If you’re not sure where to start, check out our resources. Also, be sure to take time to practice self-care and breathing exercises.

Lastly, if you’re dealing with some of the more extreme physical symptoms of anxiety, know that you’re not alone.

A Friendly Reminder

Dealing With Burnout

I’ve been dealing with some serious burnout lately and it’s definitely been really affecting me in both my personal and professional life.

For those of you that don’t know, I work three different jobs. I am the Project Coordinator here at CTSupportGroup.org, I work for the blog Low Carb Yum, and I also have my own travel blog. I’ve really been throwing myself into all of my work and it really feels like all I do is work.

I’ve been trying to work extra hours because honestly, I really do need the money. And since my travel blog is so new, I really have to put a lot into it to try and get it off of the ground.

On top of not working, there have been a lot of days that I just haven’t left my house. Part of it is having no will to do anything because I’m so mentally and physically exhausted. The other part has been this heat wave we have been having. And, the other reason is the fact that I really just don’t have the money to even drive at this point.

Unfortunately, that’s just where I’m at right now. We live in this culture where you feel the need to hustle already, but now it has become a necessity. I’m doing all of these things AND keeping up with my responsibilities in my own life. Even though I’m burnt out, I’m cooking home cooked meals since I can’t afford quick and easy takeout, I’m doing the dishes that come along with that, I’m doing laundry, cleaning…ya know, adult stuff that you can’t just not do.

I’ve been trying to do more things for myself, but honestly it’s hard especially when I feel like I can’t leave the house because I don’t want to spend ANY money. At this point, I’m just taking it day by day.

If you’re dealing with burnout, know that you’re not alone. Many of us are also dealing with it right now.

If you’re looking to know more about what burnout is and tips for handling it, check out HelpGuide’s article Burnout Prevention and Treatment.

Life Is Like A Camera

Sometimes What Didn’t Work Out…

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:⁠

👉🏼 Thoughts of suicide⁠

👉🏼 Mental health or substance use crisis⁠

👉🏼 Any other kind of emotion distress⁠

People can call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org for themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.⁠

988 serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live in the United States, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help.

How My Dog Helps Me

When I’m having a bad day, there’s nothing I love more than just relaxing with my dog.

Nothing makes me feel more loved or at peace than when he comes up to me and snuggles and naps right in my lap, even if he’s a bit big to be a lap dog.

Just having him near is a comfort. I try to take him with me everywhere and it’s nice to be able to explore the world with him.

He has definitely saved me in more ways than he’ll ever know.

Taking My Power Back

I’m at a point in my journey where I’m making decisions for my happiness that doesn’t make sense to anybody else.

I’m not asking what anybody thinks about it, but I’m just doing it. I’ve finally learned that I do have a say in my own life and my happiness.

I used to be terrified to do things without someone else’s approval. If there was something I wanted to do, sometimes I would be so anxious about someone telling me I couldn’t do it that I wouldn’t ask. I wouldn’t even try because I was too anxious.

In recent years, I’ve learned that it is up to me whether or not I can do things. My life is not dictated by anyone else. I don’t need anyone’s approval to do something that makes me happy.

One of those things I was too afraid to do for so long was travel. I never felt like I could be one of those people who traveled so I was too afraid to try. Last year, I finally started going to all of the places I had wanted to go, and I’m never going back.

Realizing I had the power to just get into my car and go if I wanted to go was life changing for me. It was exactly what I needed to see that nobody can stop me from doing the things I want to do for myself and my happiness.

A Reminder

You’re not a failure just because you’re not where you thought you’d be by now.

I used to feel this way about myself. But, I’ve really come to terms with the fact that the way I used to view things is not the reality. When I was growing up, I thought being an adult meant having it together and having it all figured out. Now that I’m an adult, I realize that there are a lot of adults who are still trying to figure things out.

We have had a lot thrown at us that have not really helped us. We had a global pandemic happen. This made getting jobs tough and it also isolated us all. A lot of the adults who are nagging you saying you should be further in life because of the “when I was your age” bullshit didn’t have to navigate a global pandemic. I finished up college and graduated during the pandemic in 2020 and I didn’t have anyone to ask now what because the pandemic had still been so new.

Now, we have rising prices that are at record highs. We hit the highest gas price ever recorded in Connecticut this year. This is inevitably affecting our ability to save money. It’s causing many of us to put ourselves into debt just trying to keep our heads afloat. That debt could stay with us for years after this all finally comes to an end.

We’re living in some pretty weird and uncertain times. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You’re not a failure because you’re not where you thought you’d be by now. Give yourself some grace.

Positive Directions Picnic!

You Are Not Your Mistakes

Happiness Is…

One Day…

Getting Real About My Eating Disorder Recovery

** trigger warning – could be triggering to people who are in recovery from an eating disorder

I’m not going to lie, I am having a really hard time with my liking my body right now. For those of you that don’t know, I have a history of disordered eating. I was never really heavy, and I’m not exactly fat now, but I weigh significantly more than I did in my eating disorder days.

For those of you that don’t know, I have recently started a travel blog. With this comes content creation, some of which I am in. It’s summer and hot out, so obviously, I have been wearing shorts because let’s be real, it’s too hot for pants. But every time someone takes a video of me walking away, I hate how my legs look and I will usually end up not using that clip unless it’s super far away.

Like today I went to Fort Shantok to get ready for a post I’m going to be putting together and I had my sister take a video of me walking away from her. I was so back and forth about whether or not I wanted to use it. I really liked the clip itself, but I hated how I looked. I ended up using it anyways, but I used the part of the clip where I was furthest away from the camera.

More triggers came tonight when I was going through my old photos of me at Fort Shantok in the past for the post. The worst part is, I remember when those older images of me were taken, I honestly thought I looked fat in those. I remember not wanting to post any of them because I thought I didn’t look skinny enough. Looking at them now, it’s unbelievable that I thought I looked fat. Body dysmorphia is a bitch.

One of said triggering photos. Dare I call it a cursed image?

It has been so bad, I didn’t even want any pictures taken of me when I was on vacation in Maine at the end of June. This is not like me at all. I have always been that person who wanted their picture taken because I like having them to look back on.

On the trip, I asked my sister-in-law to take a picture of my boyfriend, my puppy, and I in Acadia National Park. When I saw the pictures, I was so disgusted, I didn’t ask for any more pictures to be taken of me during the trip. The only picture I have of me from the park that I like is of the back of me where my body is hidden.

The one picture of me from vacation that I don’t hate.

I also had the same issues and feelings on a recent trip to Vermont and New Hampshire. My new favorite pose in front of the camera is my body and face turned away from the camera and sitting so legs hidden out of view. I pretend that I’m doing them to be artsy, but the reality is, I really just don’t want to look at my body and I don’t want other people looking at it either.

I’ll be honest, I don’t even really love this picture because of my arms.

I think my biggest fear right now is relapsing and falling right back into the eating disorder. If it’s not the eating disorder, I’m worried it’ll be obsessive working out. I’m happy to have the self-awareness of how my mind works and what the risks are, but man it’s still really hard to deal with these feelings.

There is the logical part of me that knows I’m not fat. I’m able to look in the mirror and acknowledge that I look good. It’s just something about having photos taken of me. Like even today before I went to Fort Shantok, I looked in the mirror and I thought I looked awesome. But after videos were taken of me, it was game over. My confidence I had before I left the house was crumbled.

I don’t know what the solution is right now, but my giant bandaid on the problem is just avoiding getting my picture taken. I want to find balance, but I need to be patient with myself. This kind of thing takes years…for some, it’s a life-long journey navigating their eating disorder recovery.

If you’re looking to know more about journey with eating disorder recovery, be sure to listen to the podcast I did with my friend here on CTSupportGroup.org: Eating Disorders Podcast

The Overturning of Roe V Wade

I’m going to just start this post out by saying I cannot believe that this is a reality and that this has really happened.

I’m also going to say that I am very glad that we live in Connecticut, which is one of the safest states when it comes to getting an abortion. We are lucky enough to live in a state that gives us the right to make decisions about our own bodies.

But, other women aren’t as lucky as we are. And that’s a really scary thing. Women across the country are going to be forced to have children they might not want. They’re going to be forced to continue high-risk pregnancies that could ultimately kill them. They’re going to be forced to continue pregnancies with fetuses that are not compatible with life, which means they might have their child die inside of them and give birth to a still born. Or they’ll give birth to a child that won’t survive more than a couple hours outside of the womb.

A lot of people will say that women who don’t want children should go on birth control. What they don’t know, or refuse to acknowledge, is that birth control isn’t 100% effective. I’ve known people who have had their birth control fail, and that was with them taking it exactly as directed because they knew they couldn’t afford a child. I’ve also known people who have gotten pregnant with an IUD, which is the most effective form of birth control. These methods are great preventatives, but they can fail. Oh, and there’s also the issue of accessibility. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to access birth control.

On top of that, there’s the fact that ALL of these birth controls come with undesirable effects. I have a copper IUD, which is non-hormonal and it’s supposed to be the most effective, but it comes with a lot of awful physical and emotional side effects that I have to deal with, one of which is having an extremely heavy flow (because I have a foreign object in my uterus that’s irritating my body). It’s so bad, my doctor actually thinks I should get it taken out because the amount of blood I lose each month is not good for me. But, with everything going on, I’m afraid to get it taken out because I know I am not ready to have a child.

At the end of the day, women should have a choice in what happens to their bodies. Women should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy they don’t want or a pregnancy that can be fatal to the mother or baby. Abortions save lives, in more ways than one. If someone isn’t ready for motherhood, or someone was raped and is forced to have a child, or if someone is forced to watch their child that is not compatible with life die, it’s traumatic. It will have lasting effects on their mental health, which could put them at risk for suicidal ideations.

I could say so much more about this topic, but I think I’ve made my point. It’s scary that we had this right taken away from us. It was bad enough people in the past fought so hard for us to have this right, and now many women across the country have had that right taken away from them.

It shouldn’t be this way, yet it is. I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit worried about what’s next.

Keep Going

You Can’t Change The People Around You

A Part of Healing

Let This One Sink In…

Let this one sink in…

If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.

I used to get extreme anxiety about things I couldn’t control. It used to absolutely consume me.

I’ve learned that it’s best to let go of things that I cannot control. As much as my anxiety makes me want to always be in control of situations, there are so many times in life where I just do not have control. And, I have to be okay with that.

Stressing out about things you can’t control does nothing but hurt you. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t let those things you can’t control take up space in your mind.

Just A Quick Reminder…

You can’t heal from things you don’t acknowledge.

I used to be that person who shoved all of my feelings down. I would pretend that things didn’t hurt me, even when they did.

Shoving them down and not acknowledging my feelings made things so much worse. I wasn’t able to heal because I wasn’t allowing myself to accept that I had been hurt.

For a while I just had accepted that I was depressed and anxious because that’s just who I am as a person.

It took me years to realize that my mental health was awful due to traumas I had shoved down and not dealt with. This realization came when I had to get into those traumas during therapy.

While bringing those past traumas up and facing them wasn’t easy, it made a huge difference in my healing journey. Once I acknowledged that I had been hurt in the past, I was really able to start making some serious progress in my healing. It made me so much more self-aware.

While it might seem easier to just pretend you haven’t been hurt, it’s so much better in the long run to face those wounds. Facing them head on isn’t easy, but it’s a necessary part of healing.

Pride Month 2022



For those of you that don’t know, I have a history of substance use. It was never really a heavy thing, and it didn’t last long, but it did happen.

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and depression. It’s been so bad, I’ve been wanting to turn to substances again. I haven’t really drank alcohol since I became legal to drink, except for a couple sips here and there when someone asked if I wanted to try something.

I chose to stop drinking before age 21 because I was using alcohol to numb myself and self-medicate. I knew if I kept drinking, I was going to go down a pretty bad road. Yet, here I am at 25 wanting nothing more than to drink to just become numb. It’s not something I want to do for social reasons. It’s something I want to do alone in my house.

While I’ve been having these cravings for weeks, I haven’t acted on them. There have been times where the thoughts of stopping at the package store for some wine, or stopping at the gas station for a pack of cigarettes have crossed my mind. The anxiety of going down the route of numbing myself like I used to has been enough to keep me from buying these pretty easily accessible things.

There’s also the aspect of this not being the time to pick up a habit to numb myself. One of the other reasons I had stopped drinking was because I did not want to spend the money on alcohol. In this economy, I can’t afford to go buy alcohol to numb myself.

So instead of turning to the bottle, I’ve been trying to fill my cup. I’ve been trying to get out in nature. I’ve been trying to move and nourish my body. I’ve been spending time with loved ones. I’ve been trying to find the little joys in life and I’ve been trying to enjoy them.

Times are hard. I’m just trying to take things day by day.

Healing Is…

Healing isn’t becoming the best version of yourself.

Healing is letting the worst version of yourself be loved.

Struggling with your mental health does not make you unworthy of your own love or anyone else’s love.

On those days that are hard, try to show yourself some love and compassion. You do not have to be perfect or at your best to be worth of love.

Healing isn’t linear. You’ll have good moments, and you’ll have bad moments. We can’t be the best version of ourselves all the time. As well all know, life happens, and it’s not always kind to us.

Show yourself some love today ❤️

You Live Most of Your Life Inside Your Head…

You live most of your life inside your head…make sure it’s a nice place to be.

I know it can be hard with intrusive thoughts. But when those intrusive thoughts come, challenge them.

Why? Because most of the time there is no truth to those intrusive thoughts. It’s just your anxious brain trying to get to you.

Talk kindly to yourself. Don’t let those thoughts bully you. Show yourself the same love and compassion that you give to others.

One Thing I’ve Learned About Life…

One thing I’ve learned about life is nothing stays the same. So smile big, laugh often, and never take this life for granted.

If you’re feeling hopeless or stuck, remember that what you’re going through right now will not be forever.

There are better things coming, so keep smiling, laughing, and doing the things that bring you joy.

One day you’ll be out of whatever it is you’re going through.

Social Media and Its Effects On Mental Health

It’s no secret that social media is having a serious impact on our mental health. While there is a lot on social media that is good and even educational, there is definitely a lot on our feeds that can impact our mental health.

The thing about social media is it’s essentially just a highlight reel of what people want you to see. People are posting the best of the best in terms of images. Many are highly edited, and there are so many people touching up their bodies and faces. While many of us know that many pictures are not realistic and highly edited, it’s hard to ignore and it’s hard to feel like there’s something wrong with you because you don’t look like that.

On top of looking like perfection, feeds are filled with people sharing things such as vacations, lots of photos with friends, and things that just look exciting. You see people getting engaged, married, and having babies. I don’t know about any of you, but when I see all of these posts, I definitely start to look down on myself and wonder why I’m not out doing cool stuff constantly or why I’m not at the stage of life everyone else is at.

But, then I remind myself that those people going on vacations could be drowning in debt. Those people posting photos with friends could hate everyone in the picture or be having the worst time of their life. People getting engaged, married, and having children could be in toxic or abusive relationships. You really never know the whole story. People just show you what they want you to see and what they want you to believe.

I’m guilty of this too. For example, I post pictures of my puppy constantly showing him being all cute on our adventures. The reality is, he’s still a puppy in training and those adventures are not fun for me. In fact, they’re extremely stressful. He barks at other dogs, he pulls on the leash, and sometimes he decides to attack his leash because he wants to play tug of war right there on the trail. But, I don’t show that on social media. I only show people what I want them to see.

You’d never know he can be naughty by the pictures I post of him!

The other thing I hate seeing on social media is the toxic positivity. I see so many insane quotes and views that are people ~trying~ to be helpful, but the message is kind of like a slap to the face. You know, the ones that tell you stupid things like “choose happiness!” As someone who is mentally ill, I can assure you, I do not go out of my way to be depressed and anxious. If it were as simple as choosing happiness, my life would be a whole lot easier.

Tips For Protecting Your Mental Health On Social Media

  • Unfollow, block, and hide triggering people and things. If there are accounts that share images that make you feel upset, it’s probably best to unfollow them or hide their posts. If it’s a family member you can’t remove because it might cause drama, you can simply unfollow or hide their posts from your feed.
  • Follow accounts that do bring you joy. Not everything on social media is bad. Follow accounts that post things that bring you joy. Follow accounts that post uplifting content. Follow accounts that make you laugh. You do have a say in what your feed is filled with.
  • Limit your time on social media. Social media isn’t real life, even though it might seem like it is (especially with all of the isolation we dealt with the last couple of years). The pictures are all curated to pull you in. Spend some time away from the screens and you’ll see that most of those pictures are not realistic.

You Have A Great Life In Front of You

You have a great life in front of you, but your great life is in FRONT of you, not BEHIND you.

Continue to heal from your past traumas, but leave them in the past.

You have so many great things coming. Keep striving towards that better life, you have a great life waiting for you!

Financial Hardships

It’s no secret we are dealing with severe inflation, and it’s definitely having an impact. I live with my boyfriend. And yet, even though I have someone (with a great paying job) to split bills with, right now, it’s still not enough. Neither of our incomes have gone up with inflation, so even with the team work, we are both barely keeping our heads above water as we are quickly hurdling towards an inevitable recession.

I’m now at that point where I’m like welp, I can’t afford to put gas in my car, so I can’t really drive anywhere. Going for a drive used to be a form of self-care for me as well as taking small day trips out of state to escape the mundane life of working from home day in and day out. So between having some of my self-care practices now impossible and the fact that I can barely afford to keep myself alive, it’s understandably having a pretty negative impact on my mental health.

It’s not uncommon these days to get an email or a text saying my card was declined for a bill that’s due. It’s not uncommon to get notifications that I’m getting close to exceeding my credit card limit, or that I have in fact exceeded it.

Before this inflation thing happened, I always had a fear that I would not have enough money to make it on my own. Because of that, I always forced myself to work work work multiple jobs and side hustles to try and ensure I had enough. Hell, my family has been saving bottles for me for years and I redeem them for cash. I did all that work and now my worst fear of not having enough money is my reality.

For a while, I stopped all the side hustles simply because I didn’t have the time or the energy. I got tired of running myself into the ground. But, now I’m at a point where it’s not an option to not hustle to try and just make ends meet. The problem is, my side hustles have always been selling clothing and nobody really has the money to buy things that aren’t necessities right now.

Yesterday when I went grocery shopping at Aldi, there was a cart in the parking lot that someone had left, and I actually brought it back not because I was being nice, but it was because I wanted the free quarter that was in the cart. It’s scary that I am feeling that desperate.

As much as it embarrasses me to share all of this, I’m sharing it because I know I’m not alone. I know there are others dealing with this. These are scary and stressful times. It’s having a huge impact on us all both financially and mentally. We can’t save. We’re gaining debt. Being a young adult trying to survive on their own was hard enough before the inflation happened. I’m just hoping we’ll all be able to recover from this.

Things That Will Help Bring You Peace

Things that will help bring you peace:

  • just let things be
  • let people go
  • don’t fight for closure
  • don’t chase answers
  • don’t expect an explanation

I used to always fight for closure and chase answers and explanations that I was never going to get. It did more harm than it did good.

It might seem hard to move on without closure from certain situations, but I promise you, you will be much more at peace if you just let things be and let people go.

Having anxiety, I know how hard it is to just let things be. It’s extremely hard for me to not be in control of situations, but unfortunately, we cannot control other people’s actions towards us.

There were a lot of situations where I was waiting for closure for months or years, and it was awful. Eventually, I accepted that I was never going to get the answers or closure I thought I needed. I moved on with my life.

Letting it go is much easier said than done, but it is possible. And it will make you feel so much better when you let go of the need for closure. You can give yourself the closure you need to move on.

PTSD Awareness Month: PTSD and Me

For those of you that don’t know, I have been diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). I was diagnosed while I was in college. I remember sitting with one of my therapists and she actually took out a book and she read off all of the symptoms of PTSD. When she asked if I was experiencing each symptom, I answered truthfully. By the end of the list, it was determined that I met the criteria.

The diagnosis broke me. While part of me was relieved to have an explanation for some of the symptoms I was having, another part of me felt like I was broken beyond compare. I felt like damaged goods. I had already known I had all the symptoms, but getting the diagnosis made it that much more real. I had such a hard time with it, I actually stopped going to therapy shortly after, it was just way too much for me to handle.

When people think of PTSD, they typically think of veterans. They don’t typically think of a 20 year old girl (I’m sure I had it way before 20, that was just when I finally got diagnosed). So, when you tell people “I have PTSD” typically they won’t believe you or they’ll say something like “how can that be?” It makes you not want to tell anyone.

I never had one big tragic event happen to me. My PTSD stems from years of just repeated trauma. A lot of the situations, I feel like I put myself in and I think about that a lot. When I was in my “rebellious” stage where I just really didn’t care what happened to me, I put myself into a lot of situations that were traumatic and they left their mark. A lot of these traumas scarred me and left their mark on me.

This repeated trauma over long periods of time is the cause of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or CPTSD (which is not yet an official diagnosis). This is the reason why my official diagnosis is PTSD. CTPSD is still something that they’re working to understand more clearly.

I think the hardest part about living with this is it’s completely invisible to those on the outside. The symptoms I deal with can’t be seen by those around me, but the effect they have on me is unreal.

Lately, I have been getting triggered a lot more than usual. I have lived in the part of Connecticut my entire life. So naturally, there are a lot of places that I frequent that have trauma attached to them for me. Just yesterday, I texted my best friend that I would do anything to move far away from Connecticut because I’m tired of just driving around and getting triggered to the point where I feel physically sick. And it’s the truth, as much as I love Connecticut and my friends and family here, I want to run away because I frequently drive by places that are triggering just by living my day to day life. I want to go somewhere where I’m not reliving trauma just by driving around.

Today, it was a phrase that triggered me. I was sitting in the parking lot with my boyfriend eating a bagel and something he said just immediately sent me back to the past and I felt unsafe. My stomach suddenly was in knots and it was hard to act normal and just keep eating my bagel. After all, we were just enjoying breakfast having a normal conversation. It’s not easy to say “hey that string of words you just said in normal, casual conversation just caused an anxiety attack.”

I live with this invisible beast, always waiting to consume me and throw me back into the past. Sure, it’s in the past and it’s in my head, but physically, it feels like I’m right back in the burning fire that is the past trauma. But, because it’s invisible, nobody really takes it seriously. It’s especially hard to get people to take my diagnosis seriously because I have never been to war and people are convinced it’s just veterans who deal with it.

If you’re someone who is also affected by this, I see and feel you. While PTSD Awareness Month was started because of war veterans, the narrative is starting to change to show that they are by no means the only people who can be affected by PTSD. It can affect anyone.

Sharing this part of me sucks. It’s hard. But, I share this with the hope to raise awareness that this can in fact happen to anyone. I hope that more people understand what it is like for people to live with it and I want those who deal with it are not alone. There are others who deal with it.

She Survived

She survived because the fire inside her burned brighter than the fire around her…

There were so many times in my life where it felt like my world was literally crumbling around me. A lot of those times, I was ready to give up. But, I didn’t because I had a strong desire to make it out on the other side.

It was by no means easy to pull myself out of those dark places. It took a lot of work and it took a lot of patience with myself. I kept pushing forward because that fire inside of me burned brighter than the chaotic fire around me that was trying to bring me down.


Check out Dominique’s post Practicing Self-Love on a Bad Day for tips on how to love yourself even on those days when you feel unworthy of love.

National Hug Your Cat Day

June 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day! To celebrate, Ally and Kailey put together a video of them hugging their cats!

Check out our post Benefits of Pets on my Recovery Journey to see how Kailey’s pets have helped her!

Mental Health Books To Check Out

Listen, we’d never force you to read a book, BUT…we’ve read some books that have really helped us with our healing!

Ally chose to share these books with you all today because each one has had a profound impact on her perspective of her own trauma and behavior. It has helped her heal and helped support others in their recovery and healing.

What are some books that you’ve read that have helped you with your mental health?📚🧠

Links to the books:

Shoutout To Everyone Making Progress

I don’t know who needs to hear this but shoutout to everyone out there who’s making progress that goes unrecognized because you don’t show your darkest moments.

You’re winning battles that no one knows anything about, so keep going❤️

There were so many times in my recovery journey where I was ready to give up, but on the outside I acted like nothing was wrong. Nobody knew I was trying to claw my way out of a dark place. Nobody knew I was in survival mode. There were even times that my friends had no idea how bad things were because I didn’t want to bother them with my issues.

Your progress matters, even if you’re not sharing it with the world. Keep doing you and keep pushing forward.

You Are Enough

Just in case nobody’s told you lately, but you ARE enough.

You’ve always been good enough. Sometimes we don’t realize that because we have been giving parts of ourselves to the wrong people.

There are people out there who will accept you, flaws and all. Those are the people you should keep close, the ones who love you unconditionally.

I used to constantly feel like I wasn’t good enough. In fact, I thought people hated me so much, I would bend over backwards for people who really wouldn’t do the same for me. I would drop everything to go help someone. I was giving people money I didn’t really have to give. I was giving the best parts of myself, my caring and compassion, to the wrong people who didn’t appreciate it. It wasn’t that I wasn’t good enough, I was just giving my all to the wrong people.

I have cut off and distanced myself from those people who have made me feel not good enough. I’ve learned that I shouldn’t have to desperately try to get people to accept me by giving my all and then some to them. Your worth shouldn’t come from whether or not people like you. There are so many people out there who know your worth.

The Problem Seems To Have Resolved Itself

There’s nothing more calming than a waterfall, am I right!?

I am someone who has struggled with my mental health a lot. Going out into nature has always been something that has helped ground me when I’m struggling.

Out of all things nature that have helped me, the sound of running water has such a calming effect on me. Whether it be the sound of waves crashing on the shore, a running stream, or a waterfall much like this one.

Be sure to check out our video about the Mental Health Benefits of Nature!

Generational Trauma


Celebrating AAPIH Month As Someone Who’s A Quarter Filipino

my hair is covering the shirt, but me wearing my Philippines shirt

For those of you that don’t know, I am a quarter Filipino. From the time I was a child, it has always been one of my favorite things to tell people. I have always loved being mixed-race, even though a lot of people find it hard to believe that I am anything but white. (See my post Being Mixed But White-Presenting for more on that).

While I might not LOOK Asian, I am an entire quarter Asian. It’s not some minuscule percentage or far away in my bloodline. My mom is half Filipino, and her father (my grandfather) is 100% Filipino. He born and raised there. This has always been something that has been so cool to me because I’ve heard so much about my family in the Philippines and their heritage growing up. I was so interested in it, that I even did a life history on my grandfather in high school for my Human Development class.

me with my mom’s parents

I grew up with a lot of Filipino influence. I grew up eating Filipino Chicken Adobo and to this day, it is still one of my favorite meals. My grandfather has always loved to cook, and he brought pancit (a traditional Filipino noodle dish) to EVERY family gathering we have ever had. I love lumpia (Filipino egg rolls) and it’s something I’ve made with my family before.

In addition to growing up with Filipino food, my mom has always tried to immerse us into the culture in various ways. For those of you that don’t know, many people in the Philippines speak Spanish because the Spanish colonized there. For this reason, my mom was tried to teach me Spanish when I was a little kid. She taught me how to count in Spanish and she also taught me how to say “hello my friends” and “goodbye my friends.”

me with my mom

She’s also taught me other words. One day when I was calling cows “moo moos” she got all confused and said “ghosts?” because Filipinos call ghosts “mumus.” Mumu is short for ‘multo’ which means ghost or apparition of the dead and it was derived from the Spanish word muerto which means “dead.” It’s also because of her that I call McDonald’s “McDo” (pronounced “mac-doh”) because she told me that is what the Filipinos refer to it as back in the Philippines.

In addition to learning some Spanish and cultural things like that, I’ve also had lots of Filipino things over the years from a Filipino Barbie doll to traditional clothing and shoes from the Philippines. I loved having all of these little pieces of my heritage as I was growing up. I still have all of these things to this day and they’re things I still cherish.

my “Modern Filipina” Barbie and my dress from the Philippines that was once my mom’s

At the end of the day, I love being Filipino. I’m proud of it, and it’s a huge part of my identity. While people might look at me and just view me solely as a white person, they cannot take my Filipino heritage away from me – it’s in my blood.

Other people might not see it when they look at me, but when I look at myself, I see all of the subtle ways my Asian genetics influenced my physical appearance. I have my grandfather’s very Asian eyebrows that are shaped like straight up triangle mountains (although, nobody would know because I pluck the bottom, but the beautiful arch is still there). I have a darker complexion, darker hair, and brown eyes. Others might not associate these things with me being mixed race, but I do.

I can’t imagine not having the Filipino part of me not being in the mix. I might not be 100% Filipino, but as I said, it is still a huge part of my personal identity. I am proud to be a Filipina.

Better Sleep Month

Did you know that May is Better Sleep Month?

You’re probably wondering why I’m talking about Better Sleep Month on a mental health website. The answer is, getting a good nights sleep is extremely important for maintaining your mental wellness.

As someone who has struggled with getting enough sleep over the years, I know the consequences not getting enough sleep has had on me. In fact, recently, I have been not getting enough sleep and it has definitely made me much more irritable and it has made my anxiety a lot worse.

With the hectic lives we lead, it can feel impossible to get enough sleep. I know I constantly find myself thinking “there just isn’t enough time in the day” and I end up staying up ridiculously late just to try and get everything done. The problem is, then I lose sleep, and it just really isn’t worth it.

More recently, I’ve tried to just prioritize the things that I need to do. If all of the things don’t get done by the time I need to be getting to bed, I have decided they can wait until tomorrow. I am giving myself some grace to get the sleep I so desperately need. The world won’t end if I don’t get EVERYTHING done (as much as it sometimes feels like that is the case).

So now that I’ve told you about how being sleep deprived has negatively impacted me, let me give you some tips to help you get the rest that you need for both your physical AND mental health. If you’re having some issues getting good sleep, here are some ways to try and get some better rest:

  • Stick to a sleep schedule. This is something I have started to implement to help with my own sleep issues. I now try to make sure I am in bed by a certain time and the routine has helped a lot. Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle.
  • Create a restful environment. It’s hard to fall asleep in an environment with a lot going on. I always try to make sure my room is completely dark, a comfortable temperature, and my phone is always on do not disturb to ensure I don’t get woken up.
  • Include physical activity into your daily routine. This can help promote better sleep. I know if I was very active during the day, I have a much better chance of falling asleep with no issue because my body is tired enough to fall asleep when I get into bed.
  • Try and manage your worries. This is absolutely easier said than done. As someone with anxiety, I used to have a really hard time getting my intrusive thoughts to leave me alone as I was trying to sleep. In fact, they used to keep me up all night and some worries were so bad, I was actually afraid to sleep. To try and help combat this, try writing in a journal before bed to get those worries out and to set them aside until tomorrow. You can also try meditation.

If you’ve been struggling with sleep, I hope some of these tips might be able to help you! You deserve to get the rest you need!

What are some things that help you get a good night of sleep?

Mental Health Awareness Month

How Reading Has Helped Me With My Mental Health

From a young age, reading has been something that has really helped me with my mental health. Not only is reading a relaxing activity, but to me, it’s so much more than that. When I was really struggling with my mental health and I really just couldn’t deal, reading was my escape.

I would get lost in novels and immerse myself in the stories to escape my own reality. It was easier to put myself in someone else’s shoes in a fictional world than it was to deal with my own issues. Even if I was reading stories that were filled with drama, twists, and turns, it was still better than dealing with those things in my own life.

I did a lot of reading when I was younger. I had a kindle fire tablet that I used to read. It was great because I could just download books for free without having to find space to store them all. I would carry it around with me and do my chores while reading my book. It was also great being able to read in the dark in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep.

Aside from reading being an escape, it was also a way for me to see that I wasn’t alone in a lot of the things I was feeling. A lot of books I read were written from the first-person point of view (the person is telling their own story from their perspective) so you really get an insight into their thoughts and feelings as well as things they’re struggling with. It was nice to be able to connect and relate with the characters in my books, even if they weren’t real.

I’ve been having a really hard time mentally lately, just generally having a pretty rough go. I’ve started to read again and it has been the escape that I so desperately needed. Sitting down in a cozy spot with a good book is just such a nice mental reset for me. I love getting lost in my books and forgetting what’s been bothering me, even if it’s only temporary. I also just love having reading to look forward to.

It wasn’t easy for me to get started reading again. I kept making all of these excuses saying I can’t read, I need to do this or I need to do that. The thing is, I was really ignoring my needs and I was not practicing any kind of self-care. In fact, I haven’t really been doing anything for myself lately and it’s part of the reason why my mental health has crumbled. That’s why I made the time to read because I desperately needed it and I deserve to do things I enjoy that aren’t related to work or caring for others.

One Day You’re Going To Meet The Happiest Version Of Yourself…

Here’s the thing…

One day you’re going to be the happiest version of yourself, and it’s all going to be so damn worth it.

Recovery is HARD. Healing takes time. Even on the days you want to give up, remind yourself that one day you’ll be the happiest version of yourself. You’ll look back and be so glad that you kept pushing through the hard parts of healing. And I hope you’ll be proud of yourself, because recovery isn’t easy.

Women’s Health Week: Why It’s Important To Take Care of Your Physical Health

I have always been very good about going to every doctors appointment. If I’ve been really sick and not sure if it was serious or not, I’ve always played it safe and gone to see a medical professional. I have been seeing VARIOUS specialists for years now.

I have my primary care doctor. I have my OBGY. I go to the dentist twice a year. I have a GI doctor (for IBS-related issues that stem from my anxiety). I have a podiatrist because I found out I have very flat feet with absolutely no arch my junior year of high school. I regularly see a dermatologist because one of my biggest fears is getting skin cancer. Most recently, I started seeing an endocrinologist because last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, which was no surprise to me because of a family history of thyroid disease. I’ve also seen various naturopathic doctors in the past to try and help with balancing my hormones.

While a lot of people might read that list and think, wow, you’re too young to have so many doctors…shit happens. I spent years treating my body like absolute shit. I struggled with disordered eating for most of my life (kinda still do), and that causes SO MANY health issues that nobody ever tells you about. On top of that, I smoked cigarettes with the actual intention of doing harm to my body. Thankfully, that was just a short stint.

I’ve also just had health issues. I had mono and a Lyme disease diagnosis back to back and it was after that that I started having significant GI issues between the month-long round of antibiotics and the mono causing insane inflammation. My very first pap smear, I had came back with abnormal cells so instead of not having to have another one for three years, I had to keep going back because cervical cancer was a concern. THANKFULLY, my last one finally came back with no abnormal cells. It was something that was a stressor for years (especially when the pandemic hit and closed everything down making me unable to get into the doctors on time for my yearly pap smear).

The reason I try to stay so on top of my health and regular blood work is because I know I have not been kind to my body, I’ve had some things in the past that have wrecked havoc on my body, and I just have a family history of certain things so I try to look out for those. As I mentioned earlier, thyroid disease is super common on both sides of my family so I started getting regular thyroid panels done when I was in college

Last year, I was officially diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, which is an autoimmune disorder. Essentially, this means my body is slowly attacking my thyroid and eventually it won’t be able to function on its own and I’ll need to go on medication. There’s no predicting when that might be, but given my family history, it’s likely that it will happen. My endocrinologist has also told me pretty much at every appointment I’ve had with him that I’m more likely to miscarry because of my diagnosis.

The thyroid controls a lot in the body hormone wise and it’s not uncommon for thyroid diseases to cause mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Anxiety is typically associated with hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid), while depression is typically associated with hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid). This is one of the main reasons why I have been getting blood work for my thyroid for years. My mental health at one point was so bad, I was looking for answers and explanations everywhere.

If you’re trying to focus on your mental health, it’s important to also take care of your physical health. It might not seem like they’re connected, but they are. I’m not saying it’s easy, because I have been that person who neglected their physical AND mental health because I just didn’t want to be alive. But, you deserve to be mentally and physically healthy.

I also do want to acknowledge that I am VERY lucky to have insurance and my mom’s help to be able to see all of these doctors to try and maintain my health. If not having insurance is a barrier to getting regular check-ups, I would recommend looking into getting Husky through Access Health CT. Below is some information about them:

Access Health CT  is Connecticut’s official health insurance marketplace, where you can shop, compare and enroll in quality healthcare plans; and it is the only place where you can qualify for financial help to lower your costs, and if eligible, enroll in free or low-cost coverage through HUSKY Health Program (Medicaid/CHIP) or the Covered Connecticut Program.

Adventuring Alone

I really feel like I hate the world sometimes… but then I realize, the world is beautiful. What I really hate is people (I don’t really hate people, I’m just very anti-social because of my social anxiety).

I spend a lot of time exploring and adventuring alone because I get super anxious that people might not want to go and do things I want to do. I like to stop at all the random parks and things that catch my interest along the way without feeling like I’m dragging people to places they don’t want to go. Honestly if I could, I would pull off at every sign I saw if there was enough time in a day LOL.

As much as I love having company when I go exploring new places, my anxiety stops me from asking anyone because of the fear they might not want to do all the random things I want to do. I have one friend who is always down to do the random stuff I want to do, but it’s tough to find times we are both free because of ~adulting~ and work.

Honestly, this is part of the reason why I got a dog, so I would have an adventure buddy who I knew would always be happy just to be with me, no matter where we were.

Do you

Always Remember…

Always remember that the life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.

The things that happened in your past don’t define you. Keep your head up and keep moving forward ❤️

Healing Doesn’t Mean The Damage Never Existed

The truth is…healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed.

I wish I could tell you when you heal, all of your trauma and the memories of those traumas goes away, but the trauma is something that sticks with you for the rest of your life.

Healing is finding ways to cope with the traumas and the damage those traumas caused. Learning to cope and healing doesn’t mean that the damage never happened. It just means you’ve managed to move past the damage to create a fresh start for yourself.

I’m Proud of You

“I don’t think people realize h